Ball Games
Ball games of various sorts. Including variations on balls such as pucks and shuttlecocks.
Ball games come in several basic varieties...
Put the ball through the goal (Aussie Rules Footie, Soccer-Football, Hockey, Basketball, polo/waterpolo, croquet, pool)
move the ball across the end (Rugby Football, Gridiron Football)
Keep the ball away from the defenders (Baseball/Softball, kickball)
Hit the other guy with the ball (baseball, red rover)
Hit targets with the ball (bowling, pool)
Accuracy of putting the ball on a target (bocce, curling, rock, snooker)
keep the ball in motion (slop, tennis, pingpong, badminton, hot potato, hackey sack)
Modes of ball handling:
- 1 hand carry
- 2 hand carry
- 1 hand dribble
- 2 hand dribble
- kick
- foot dribble
- paddle/racket (big flat thing)
- stick/crook/mallet
- Scoop (jai alai, Lacrosse)
Method of motion
- foot
- swim
- ride animal
- ride another player
- ride a vehicle
- bounce on a trampoline
- balance on a beam or platform
Combat Sports
- Duels
- small unit teams
- open melees
- course runs
- private wars
- Unarmed
- primative weapons only
- weapon simulators (including MILES gear, Holosims, etc)
- reduced lethality weapons (rebated fencing blades, paintball, wax bullet...)
- live modern weapons