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Irklan Duel

Sir Brad

Got an Irklan I've bean playing off and on since '91 (mostly on till around Y2K, mostly off since), now she is less than Orthodox with her fighting style, she's traveled to Answerin/Parsi/Vland to study Bio-feedback & Auto-Hypnosis and to Daryen and the Trojan Reaches to study with Fteirle Sai-iysa (Aslan Assassins) and before that she was an Army Commando & Intel Officer, she has worked as a Big Game Hunter and a Bounty Hunter. she hasn't pulled a trigger off a firing range in over a decade game time, so she is all about Unarmed & Pre-Industrial weapons.

anyway earlier tonight our party went up against an other Irklan, after playing cat and mouse across an entire city (not knowing who was the cat or the mouse at any moment). come the final showdown my Recon & Tactics (along with the military training of other party members) overcame the other Irklan's Stealth and prevented him getting a surprise attack on us, but he was still able to blowgun two of the other characters, one stroking out strait away an other when in to shock from the poison and the last party member had to render medical aid after failing to mow our attacker down with their Machine Pistol.

so the fight was between a couple of Space Ninja. my Irklan opened defensively trying to gauge my opponent and figure out if the fight was going down for real or if we could Cut & Run with our poisoned comrade after dodging a couple of Blade attacks I landed a Push Kick that opened our range back out from infighting allowing me to use my Fierah as a Whip to disarm him, since although we where evenly matched unarmed he was better with blades than I was with any weapon I had on myself. After an exchange of Strikes, Kicks & Blocks that all failed to land he went to the Knives trading precision for damage potential should he get past my Jack (my Jack had saved me many times since the blowgun attacks in this fight, don't let anyone tell you it's worthless, true it may not be worth much, but sometimes it's just enough), in response I pulled my Ayloi not wanting to give up a Damage edge. the fight went on for somewhere over 40 rounds with Blocks' Evasions Weakened blows and full strength blows my enemy ran out of End first and I was able to land a proper blow with my Blade/Claw that Ko'ed him right away. After I'd stumbled off a few steps to throw up the cops roiled in with Tasers & Beanbags.

the other characters are up on Firearms charges (along with others) my character is up on Common Assault, Affray, Disturbing the Peace and Concealed Weapons (none of my weapons where Illegal, but the Concealment was), my DoJ Bounty-hunters License may make my charges go away since we'd made local & 3I authorities aware of the threat days ago game time, and my opponent has given the cops a lot of paperwork over his Cell-death, I warned them taking away his shoelaces wasn't going to be enough.
A common concept in terrestrial law is the right to defend one's self using force not disproportionate that used against you.

In this instance the results of the poisoned blowgun attack and the use of blades against your character should be enough to be able to cite self-defence. Especially if there's evidence that the blowgun attack precipitated the incident.

Add in the prior notification of the threat and the licence that your character has, and any half-decent solicitor with crim law experience should be able to sort it out. PLUS, that is if any charges are actually laid, as no decent law-enforcer likes to lay spurious charges in a legal environment where a failed case is likely to lead to legal costs being awarded against the state for bringing the matter to court in the first place without sufficient evidence to prove the charges.
when the first body dropped the first Cop was "Riiight "Space Ninja's"" and the detective was "Undetectable Poison, and Space Ninjas".

the guy at the desk of the Imperial building said he was going to send off the forms we knew better than him, but we never heard back from DoJ or any Intel folks.
Your weapons may not be illegal, but attempting to stab someone to death with them is - attempted murder charge right there.

A group of you attack a lone person and claim self-defence. Nope. Pre-meditated attempted murder.

What is the law level of the world this took place on, what is its government type, and is your adversary wealthy enough to get a decent barrister?
If so I can se them getting off scot free while you lot run a few sessions of Prison Planet.
Weapons Law is equal to a 6, most non-military firearms permitted but heavily regulated, no concealed weapons of any type without a License and individual permit per weapon, Body Armor requires Permit (but no license or individual permit).

Normally Gov 5, ATM Gov 6 officially, unofficially back to Gov 5 with formal handover weeks away.

the Dead PC is a Sector Peer, as is the one getting his but pumped full of off-world Counter-toxins at the IN Hospital.

Our Attacker committed suicide alone in his "Safety" cell before he could be integrated.
What, you mean the authorities fell for the 'toxin that mimics death so you can get out of jail trick'?
Oh, dear, things could be even worse than I thought.

You are all off to a prison and there is still an assassin after you...
first body to drop (that we know of) turns out to be a UC DoJ agent, his safe-house burnt down wile we where still bean interviewed by the cops at his murder seen.

the assassin snapped his own neck in his cell wile awaiting interrogation, we don't know who his target was or if their are other Hitters but the Poisson he used on the DoJ agent was on him when he was arrested.

Imagine being the first cop we talked to at the start of all this when IAD gets their hands on him.

"you're at the seen of an unexplained death, between four people you have in all kinds of lovely combinations of, two Peers, a couple of ex-Spooks, an Army Martial Arts Instructor, a Cultural Anthropologist with a focus in Martial Societies, a Navy O5, a 3I DoJ licensed bounty hunter, all kinds of Service & Valor Decorations, at least one Commando Vet. When they inform you and I'll read from the transcript of the recording of your interview, that they offered you a copy of by the way "We may have a possible Tier 3+ with Special Circumstances Threat" and go on to explain the nature of it and you wright in your Day Book "Space Ninjas", in under a week have you see what that turns in to?"