OK, I wrote a little program to generate subsectors according to T20. However, Flynn and others have pointed out that there appears to be an overabundance of mainworld asteroid belts. Checking my code versus the rules, I didn't find anything programmed wrong, but checking the rules and running some statistical numbers showed that the T20 system generation/world generation rules WILL create a lot of asteroid belts. The full description can be found at the following forum link, post #5:
I need comments and, if possible, a fix for this issue (preferable an "official" fix). People are of the mind that there is either a problem with the star size distribution, the habitable zone assignment, or both.
I need comments and, if possible, a fix for this issue (preferable an "official" fix). People are of the mind that there is either a problem with the star size distribution, the habitable zone assignment, or both.