I keep coming back to this thread -- it's one of the few that I feel like commenting about
The good baron's work is excellent, as always, but -- if I might suggest -- consider swapping the "History" section with the "Government" section.
The layout strategy is this...
History gives us an "overview" of details of the planet -- how it came to be what it is.
Government then focusses in, giving information on specific elements of the planet/culture that might be of concern to Travellers. In fact, you might even consider putting together a paragraph titled "Culture" to go before Government -- just mention something about the locals having little contact with outsiders, their mild xenophobia, their agrarian attitudes, etc. Just a few sentences.
Then put down all that info about the flowers and the fruits, as well as other possible resources -- all of which are REASONS for Travellers to go there.
Dang, guys, this is a pretty darn useful format, here. Short, simple, but with lots of useful gimmicks (like the maps and the Export Goods Cards -- an idea I have stol--uh--USED in my own game). It might be kinda fun to keep running with this idea -- starting with Jaen, next we move on to one of Jaen's nearby neighbors, then to the next, etc, until we've got a whole cluster done up in short -- 3-4 pages -- LBB style PDFs.
Ah, pipedreams....