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MGT Only: James MacDonald Ex Navy Ship's Engineer

As I mentioned in posting details of Jack Garrett (Adventurers March 12th 2015), James MacDonald, along with Jack Garrett (Ship's Navigator), Federico Olivares (Captain and Pilot) and Shunshi Fujimara (Ship's Steward) form the crew of a Far Trader, in a campaign I set just after the Fourth Frontier War in the Third Imperium setting.

James MacDonald Human Male, age 38 planet of birth: New Glasgow/District Red 26 Subsector.
Navy five terms total (two terms Imperial Navy, three terms subsector Navies (various), Engineering division, final rank: Lieutenant.

Characteristics: Strength 6 Dexterity 7 Endurance 6 Intellect 8 education 8, social standing 6

Carouse- 0, Computer -1, Engineering (Jump drives)- 2, Engineering ( m-drives)-1, Engineering (Life Support)-1, Engineering (Power Plant)-1, Gunnery (turrets)-1, Gun combat -0, Leadership-1, Mechanic-2, Melee (blade)-1, Pilot -0, Physical Sciences -0, Sensors-1, stealth-1, Vacc Suit-0, Zero-G -0

Possessions: Cash 41,000 credits, three ship shares, Annual Pension; 10,000 credits. TAS member

James MacDonald is 1.9 metres tall, slightly built, red haired and green eyed, speaks Galanglic with a strong New Glasgow accent, and is firmly convinced her is the best engineer the Imperial and various subsector navies have ever produced. When asked why he left the Navy, after only reaching Lieutenant, her mutters darkly about favoritism towards people “who had no talent except to be born into Navy or Noble families”.

Although he was born outside the Third Imperium on a mid Technology, highly polluted borders world called New Glasgow; James MacDonald is a fervent Imperial patriot. The Imperium, or to be exact its Navy, gave him the chance to leave his planet and a life spent working on a production line to see the Galaxy. His chance came when he was eighteen, and a group of Imperial Armed Forces recruiters arrived on New Glasgow, as part of the Imperium’s long term attempt to rebuild its armed forces after, the civil war of the Solomani Rim War.

During his first term of basic training with the Imperial Navy’s Trojan Reach Sector Fleet, James was aboard the Haritti class Battle Cruiser “ Dingir” as an Apprentice space hand doing everything from learning how to use a laser turret to changing engine parts, and must painful and dangerous of all. – how to move around in zero gravity. James must have done something right as he was promoted to Able Space hand, and at the end of his first term transferred to the .Brighton class Battleship “Nusku”

It was during his second term that James MacDonald began to specialise in Engineering, learning how to operate the M-drives and improving his general Mechanic’s skill. He also had an active social life partying every chance he got, on a variety of systems’ all over the areas of the Trojan Reach Sector, that were not under Aslan control. Despite his hectic social life he gained another promotion to Petty Officer Third Class (Engineering) with sole charge of one of the ship’s M-drives.

James’s engineering talent must have been noticed in the right places, as during his Third term he was approached by Conrad Mainz an Imperial Intelligence Service Agent (contact). Mainz wanted James to be part of an undercover mission to the Aslan system of Tyokh in the Tlaoiwaha subsector of the Trojan Reach. The mission involved James manipulating the m-drives of a covert insertion small craft, so it could get past the Aslan sensor systems, and insert something/someone (James was not told who), on to the planet.

James MacDonald Navy Career Third to Fifth Terms (continued)

The mission must have been a success, as James was commissioned as a junior officer, Ensign. Unfortunately as he had not attended a Navy Officer’s Engineering College, he had to transfer from the prestigious Imperial Sector Fleet in the Trojan Fleet, to the 193rd Subsector Fleet in the Villis subsector of the Spinward Marches. It was as if the Navy wanted him as far away from the Trojan Reach and the Aslan, as possible.

He was initially assigned as Second Engineer on the Antares class Destroyer Escort (Patrol type) “Sisir Mitra” patrolling the borders with the Sword World and the Federation of Arden. The job mainly involved hunting down Pirates and “showing the flag” in various border and neutral systems. James learnt a lot about Jump drives and life support systems. He was given specialist training in programming the computer systems linking engineering to the bridge
It was during James’s fourth term that the Fourth Frontier War broke out with James’s ship right in the front line. His ship was involved in the bloody but successful assault on the Sword Worlder system of Margesi. The battle so damaged his ship and many others that James was transferred to the Navy base on Lanth to help repair many of the numerous ships damaged in the fighting.
It was on Lanth that James meets Federico Olivares (player character or contact), an officer of the Frontier Transport “Sagittarius”, Federico “persuaded” James to prioritise repairs to the Sagittarius and other Oberlindes Lines merchant ships. A few month later James meet and worked with Jack Garrett (player character or contact) a Scout whose Gishiash class Stealth Scout “Nathan Hale” had been badly damaged while spying on the Zhondani., this repair job was order by James’s “old friend” Conrad Mainz of the Imperial Intelligence Service. James’s hard working service during the war was rewarded with promotion to Sub-Lieutenant, and transfer to the 208th Subsector Fleet guarding the Five Sister’s subsector, nearly on the edge of the Imperium.

At the start of his Fifth Term James was assigned to the Escort Carrier “Hubei” as Chief Engineer. He decided to continue his profitable relationship with Oberlindes Lines by arranging for certain spare parts usable on both civilian and navy ships, to be “prematurely” written off as obsolete. However perhaps because it was peace time or he was not working with his old contact Federico Olivares, word got out and a Navy Internal Audit team launched an investigation.

The investigation cleared him, but he found himself transferred to the 219th Subsector Fleet in the District Red 27 subsector, and a job as Chief Engineer on a much smaller ship the T class Patrol Ship “Junidy”. Deciding the Navy had ceased to trust him, James MacDonald decided to muster out at the end of his fifth term. The help he had given Oberlindes Lines over the years was not however unrewarded. He gained three ship shares in a Free Trader run by his old friend Federico Olivares, and membership of the prestigious Traveller’s Aid Society