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Jovian Chronicles/2300AD crossover

So this is the closest I can come to a 2300AD feeling game that is currently out there. The combat is vector based and designed to be on the hard end of sci fi. The system is very well developed and the back-story and artwork is all top notch.
They now also have a d20 adaptation, which is tempting so that designs that appeal can be ported over to T20.
There is also a fan base that could be corrupted...er...swayed to 2300 as a possible expansion of the universe
Wow, Jovian Chronicles sure has come a long way since it was introduced as a Mekton campaign setting (which is the version I have).
NecroNoise waves his Wand of Resurrection....

I can see a number of intriguing possibilities here, depending on who develops stutterwarp first and which direction they go.

The Jovians seem to be the most technologically advanced. Presumably, they would develop it first. Would they travel down the Chinese Arm? Would they intervene at BD+4°123? Would there be a Slaver War?

What if CEGA develops stutterwarp first? I can see them conquering the Sung and using them as cannon fodder against the Jovians.

Governments would undoubtedly nationalize stutterwarp. That would pretty much put the Merchant's Guild out of a job. I suppose to retain the flavor of JC, you'd have to let the Guild discover stutterwarp first.

And what about those pesky Pentapods? I never trusted those little squirts. Which faction would they support?
I've loved many parts about the Jovian Chronicles (JC) setting. To be honest, one of the greatest charms of the JC setting for me is that there is no FTL drive - I think introducing FTL would ruin the setting. There's other settings like that in gaming, but I like JC's the best:

* Eclipse Phase has too much horror and tries too hard to be grimdark. Also the gatecrashers thing kinda took it out of the solar system. There's parts I love about EP, but the trying too hard to be grimdark and nanotech being too "magic" are the big parts that bug me.

* GURPS Transhuman Space is also a FTL-less setting. I find the setting to feel a bit dated and not in a good way. Also, again, nanotech is entirely too strong for my taste (similar to EP) I find the technology is really unevenly distributed in ways I find to be unbelievable.

I like JC because there isn't this overwhelming emphasis on how magical nanotechnology is (it's not that I'm against nanotech completely, but the idea of these smart clouds that can reduce people to their constituent elements in a few seconds is just 'yeah, the laws of physics would like to have a talk with you - I only want one violation of the laws of physics FTL.'). The setting isn't as "gritty" as Transhuman Space but in the case of JC, I think that means it has aged better.

Now for 2300 vs. JC:

* When I was 12, I loved the 2300 alien races. The older I got the more mixed my feelings got about the aliens in 2300. At this point in my life, I actually am not a big fan of them. They feel one-dimensional to me - they're better than the ones in vanilla Traveller, but they still feel lacking to me, especially the "big two" alien races - the setting important Kafers and the playerbase favorites the Pentapods both feel really sort of bleh to me. (EDIT: Actually the AGRA are still awesome. I thought they were awesome then, I still think they're awesome - they're true aliens to me.)

* Despite how I feel about Transhuman Space, I still like the idea that there's Earth nations that are recognizable out in space, which is my favorite thing about 2300.

* Again, neither setting has too big of an emphasis on "nanotechnology as an obvious replacement for D&D magic", which I like.

* I like how both feel sort of near-futurish. No reactionless thrusters. No anti-gravity. Plasma guns in 2300 are a bit 'eh' but you know I can remove them or keep them in the game without damaging the setting at all.

I've often flirted with making a universe that feels like 2300 and JC fused together.

- Due to increasingly safe, powerful, and cheap methods of getting to orbit, the solar system has been extensively settled.

- The cutting edge of propulsion is anti-matter due its efficiency. However, it's difficult to use, expensive to manufacture, and tricky to store. All this means that the ships that use them are limited.

- Humans have colonized all the way out to the Scattered Disc. Some expeditions have been made so far out it's more in the realm of the Oort Cloud than the Scattered Disc. Such expeditions to the extreme edges of the solar system literally take decades, but the will is there because with life extension, safe cold sleep, and increasing reliability of starships, people are seriously discussing making an FTL trip to Alpha Centauri, not in a single trip, but by leapfrogging out from Earth to the Kuiper Belt then the Scattered Disc then to the Oort Cloud where ships can refuel and so on, then mapping their way in using Alpha Centauri's Oort Cloud, then to its presumed Scattered Disc and so on.

- You honestly wouldn't need aliens in this setting, though I'd have them. Taking a nod from the Nyotekundu supplement, I'd actually make the alien long dead (like 250,000,000+ years dead) and there'd be something like a the wreckage of a large but heavily damaged starship in the extreme edges of the Scatterd Disc, where it was probably caught passing through interstellar space by Sol's gravity. However, since it's out in deep space where conditions are pretty uniform, the wreckage is in remarkably good shape. Humans may have found it but nobody's lived to bring news of it back. Despite it being dead, it's still dangerous.
First, I would HIGHLY recommend the JC/HG mechanics (Silhouette) for running 2300AD. The system fits it far better than Mongoose. Integrated vehicle combat, especially in that your walkers are finally bad-ass.

I've been waiting for the new 2300 Aurore book so that I can get back to work on a campaign there with Silhouette mechanics.

Yep, no way I'm running 2300 in anything else!

Second, in working through the above, I decided to run with my own setting. I set it down in the fall because I was burning out. But it was tied in with the "Great Game" thought... it's a VBAM solo campaign.

If you're interested...

Story Log

I've made it up to year 41 but stopped posting them since it took work to edit the stuff.
Agreed. They epitomize "squicky" to me. I can't imagine using some of their tech... sure it does cool stuff but ewwwwww.
Before I went off on an original setting, I did do a meshed JC/2300 timeline that brought it forwards to around 2350. It was mainly to take into consideration a growing role for combat walkers (ie. Heavy Gears) and establishing some independent stellar states.

As for Eclipse Phase...

I really, really liked the idea of Eclipse Phase with FTL ala 2300. I worked on an idea for FTL to have emerged similar to 2300AD. It drove me nuts that EP gave all those wonderful toys and nowhere to actually play with them. Think of the mercenary unit actions, the planetary invasions/explorations and all the other fun stuff you could do with EP tech. It drove me nuts that you could drop into a combat morph and carry a smart SMG but you couldn’t do an actual jungle assault or airborne insertion because there was no planet with an atmosphere. Imagine if you put

In my envisioning, the Fall happened the same general way but it may have been something we contacted out at the edge of space. It multiplied and followed the routes home to Earth. I looked at the TITANS as like the Virus of TNE with varying behaviors that affected different planets. In some cases, the TITANS did nothing and in others, all life was atomized. There was no rhyme or reason to their madness and destruction.

In fact, I originally thought it up as a neat TNE variant … since the map/setting was already established. But I decided to stick with the EP base setting of Sol.

The system colonies were all in place already. The colonization of planets was driven by all the usual reasons and was aided by the ability to survive in less-favorable environments.

The rise of the TITANS was somehow due to the FTL network. I was toying with the original FTL being the construction of Gates used to transport vessels to various system. Somewhere out there, we gave birth to whatever spawned the TITANS. The resulting backlash took colony after colony, planet after planet. When it arrived here, it decimated the Earth and comprised the Fall. Humanity all over the galaxy shut down their Gates for protection or due to the TITANs. In the Sol System, we destroyed it but it was too late. Earth was gone.

Just prior to the Fall, we had invented a portable Gate that could be mounted on ships. That technology was never lost… but it was discouraged as humanity retreated from the frontier we had created and from our homeworld.

It is now XX AF and the yearning to get out there and rediscover what was left is overpowering. There are laws against it but they are continually broken. Recontacting a quarantined system is dangerous as no one knows how invasive the TITAN taint is elsewhere. Missions are either illegal or sanctioned at the highest level by hypercorps, governments and other organizations. A dozen or more systems have been contacted and contact/trade reestablished. These systems have gone their own way and hypercorps seek to reclaim their assets that were free for so long. Amongst those planets that have been recontacted, the small actions of mercenary units seek to protect/capture assets that have claimed independence from their founders.

But there remain dozens of planets out there that remain lost. The Gatecrashers of this day and age risk everything to recontact them. Such missions are fraught with peril as the remnants of TITAN apocalypse and… other experiments… remain hazards.

The minds eye image I had was pretty cool. Imagine ships and merc/explorers in this type of setting. The crew would not need staterooms as the ship could house the equipment necessary to drop them into morphs. So the crew would literally be the ship in some places, the others would spend the time in VR environments. Jumping into a new system, the team would meet in VR, make their plans, select their morphs and then drop into the atmosphere in pods or re-entry craft.

Characters could fork into vehicles, drones, and even the ship itself. All the fun guns and equipment available in EP but let loose on a multi-system scale… with the TITANS lurking at the end of every Jump.

Eventually, I couldn’t quite figure out how to meld the two settings. The Gates bring their own FTL-mystery and taking them out would affect the overall setting. Coming up with the short FTL-emergence led to problems about colonization and such. In addition, the isolation of mankind in SOL was really part and parcel of the main setting. It drove home the paranoia of “not knowing what was out there…” But, man, I really thought it was a cool idea.

Eclipse Phase has no support for spaceships… or didn’t at the time I was looking at it so I shelved it. But it’s still something that really, really interests me. A lot more room for different themes (crime, mercenaries, Firewall, simple exploration…) and the chance to utilize all those cool gadgets and options on planets that actually have normal gravity and atmospheres.

I even started writing a “pitch” for the setting.


Okay, bring it up.
[Forming conference room, sir.]
A white light that receded quickly suffused his mind’s eye and Bailiff found himself sitting in the virtual conference room of the vessel. He was seated at the head of the table as mission chief and saw that the others were already present. The room was utilitarian as he rarely wasted time on semantic images when the others were likely seeing their own version of it. He preferred to have no clutter or distractions when going over the last details. He could not guarantee that everyone was paying attention but he would ensure that there was nothing else to attract their attention.

“Morning, Boss.” His attention flickered over to the glowing diamond icon that Cortez habitually adopted in these virtual meetings. At the moment, she was a softly luminescent silver and he detected a slight pulse; almost the rhythm of a heartbeat. Ironic of her, as the pilot of the SHIP, Cortez spent little time ‘in the flesh’. She manned their other vehicles and occasionally fielded a synthmorph or two but he had never seen her in a meat body that would have required a heartbeat.

The greetings from the others ranged from surly, that was Stoner, to cheerful and disinterested from the others. He scanned the room to ensure that they were all there…

“All right, skins, we are currently approaching the target, PLANET, and expect a stealthed orbit in approximately 847.3 minutes. The orbital entry will coincide with our departure from the SHIP. Cortez will be running the Dominator down with us in it as usual,” he gestured at the table and pixels began forming in response. In a flicker, the table was covered by a three-dimensional depiction of the actual target location. Bailiff leaned forward as one of the centimeter tall trees rustled in response to some stimuli. The feeds from the stealth satellites they already had in place were real-time and continually updated.

“The terrain is as you see it here. A remote location approximately 308.2 kilometers from the Zansa colony is the site of the complex. As you can see,” he gestured and the diorama spun and zoomed in to illustrate a pair of small drone towers outside a cleft in the rock face, “ we have some opposition approaching the main entrance prior to actually entering the facility.”

The two towers were likely remote AP turrets from their configuration. At the moment, their orb-like termini were sealed so no analysis was available on the contents. But Bailiff knew that as soon as they got within detection range, those orbs would spawn lethal hardware for defensive and offensive applications.

"Stoner, I'm gonna need you in heavy form. Take the Lasher, load with AP/HE combos. We know they have some chrome down there. It's likely in the form of autonomous bots or response guns but some firepower will be helpful." Bailiff looked over at the two small angelic figures perched on the edge of the table. The twins were disconcerting no matter how you interacted with them and the cherubic faces almost trigged an actual shiver. "You two are going ghost. We land and cover all angles, you make the entry. Canticorp doesn't want a war... just the return of their prototype. We think it's being held here." The map shifted again. "We make some noise, engage the response, you skirt us and do the infil. Cortez will fork out the Slip to make exfil for you."

I imagined the table looking something like this…

After experiencing “grokking” difficulties with where I wanted to go with it, I stopped working on it though. Also the prospect of hacking out complete ship rules was daunting.
Before I went off on an original setting, I did do a meshed JC/2300 timeline that brought it forwards to around 2350. It was mainly to take into consideration a growing role for combat walkers (ie. Heavy Gears) and establishing some independent stellar states.

Probably be a lot of fun. I just don't care much for Silhouette rules.

As for Eclipse Phase...

I really, really liked the idea of Eclipse Phase with FTL ala 2300. I worked on an idea for FTL to have emerged similar to 2300AD.

Mindjammer 2300?

Also the prospect of hacking out complete ship rules was daunting.

That's always been my biggest problem with trying to use Transhuman Space or Jovian Chronicles with 2300.
Mindjammer and 2300 ? Ummm? No. How would you do that?
Ummm. What? How would you do that?

While both settings have a frontier and exploration, the Core Worlds of the Commonality in Mindjammer are running at around TL 19-21 (pg 15 Mj) with make-points (nano-fabricators) and some people are around 700 years old (safe anagathics). Earth 2300 is running TL12 (pg 14 2300AD). Mindjammer feels like the JJ Abrams iPhone Store Enterprise and 2300 like Serenity or what I saw of Dark Matter's Raza.
Some of us hate the Pods more than we hate the French ;)

They still sadly remain the big 2300 MacGuffin; as hackneyed as Hivers in Traveller. Most idea threads for 2300 is a "countdown to Pentapods" - you basically count the number of posts before someone suggests "the Pentapods are doing it using some sort of biotech."

That the Pentapods are basically fantasy elves/dwarves in the later versions of 2300 bug me even more. Somehow, despite the fact we have brains and science, the elve-- er the Pentapods can smith their own Rings without Sauron's he-- I mean I they can biotech far better than humans and everything biotech related is trivial to them and anything mechanical technology can do, Pentapod biotech can do cheaper, better, and longer-lasting except you have to bargain your soul away to devi-- creepy aliens to get it. I just find tropes like that to belong in fantasy.
JC is a pretty nicely developed setting, the system works easily and has some nifty elements to it (degrees of success!) which my lot used in both a straight-up JC game, as well as a short Star Wars campaign some years ago.

But when you think about it, the JC setting lends itself to epic struggles for domination of the Sol system. But if over the passage of time and over a lengthy campaign some of the most rapacious elements of CEGA were tamed, the Jovian Confederation might be reconciled with the UN and joined as a counterpoint to CEGA. The Venusians may be checked, and eventually a series of discoveries leads to a Jump Drive. Exploration outwards may continue until they ran into an inexplicably alien race of humans calling themselves the Vilani...

It could all fit very neatly together.
is it thread necromancy to ask if any one's ever considered trying to stat the JC Mecha in mongoose traveller ? and also to mention i love the concept of JC but it felt small to me....i never considered 'just add FTL' hmm maybe blend JC with Earth and Beyond for that ultimate nostalgia (for me) feel.
is it thread necromancy to ask if any one's ever considered trying to stat the JC Mecha in mongoose traveller ? and also to mention i love the concept of JC but it felt small to me....i never considered 'just add FTL' hmm maybe blend JC with Earth and Beyond for that ultimate nostalgia (for me) feel.

May be, but [m;]we specifically do not prohibit thread resurrection[/m;]

There's a big problem with doing so - at least the way I wanted to - they use fundamentally different approaches to craft of all kinds.

Traveller and 2300 both take a "spreadsheet of space, price, and function"...
while JC simply says, "assign stats and figure out the cost from there."

JC, the price is more a measure of combat capability.
MgT2e Vehicles allows you to build light and heavy walkers. With a bit of creativity you could fudge them into mecha construction rules.
is it thread necromancy to ask if any one's ever considered trying to stat the JC Mecha in mongoose traveller ? and also to mention i love the concept of JC but it felt small to me....i never considered 'just add FTL' hmm maybe blend JC with Earth and Beyond for that ultimate nostalgia (for me) feel.

If it feels small then you may not be seeing all the detail, may be looking at it from too far off.

If you plan to play a scenario or campaign across a subsector, how much do you detail each system? Do you generate a Worldgen Inner and Outer System Fillform for each system, or just run with some details of one and the UWPs of the other mainworlds across the subsector? Do you have detailed writeups of the governments, power brokers, militaries and interstellar relationships of what's going on inside each system?

You may do, and if so then more power to you. I only ask because there's been a fair bit of detail go into the JC setting. If the whole thing looks a bit small then it may be because you haven't looked at the detail, which would be sufficient to run a looooong campaign. Really, it's the same argument I heard many years ago from another player who preferred another game (Space Opera) because the ships went faster and the sectors were bigger and its chartered space was enormous. I still think that at that time he just wasn't looking at the detail in Traveller.
I cant really explain why it felt small to me other then going from a traveller feel of 'i want to go to.....that subsector' to 'i want to go to the jovian system'. in retrospect compared to say D&D, JC or even something just set in the sol system should feel enormous especially after the half dozen times i was told a game was sandbox and then the GM went and walled us into a tiny cat feces filled corner of a hug sandbox (and did it with like glass walls, we know theres a big galaxy out there but we're stuck in a system as spies working for a merc contracting agency.....a system that lacks FTL and is three tech levels below the character creation base).
I cant really explain why it felt small to me other then going from a traveller feel of 'i want to go to.....that subsector' to 'i want to go to the jovian system'. in retrospect compared to say D&D, JC or even something just set in the sol system should feel enormous especially after the half dozen times i was told a game was sandbox and then the GM went and walled us into a tiny cat feces filled corner of a hug sandbox (and did it with like glass walls, we know theres a big galaxy out there but we're stuck in a system as spies working for a merc contracting agency.....a system that lacks FTL and is three tech levels below the character creation base).

Yeah, having the door out blocked by a duck with a machine gun is a great way to kill interest in a game.

I suppose one of the issues is making sure, during the start of a campaign and character creation process, that the players and ref are all singing off the same sheet of music in what the game is. I think of it as being like a scoping and framing exercise, where constraints and limitations are discussed so that if it doesn't go any further than that initial environment the players can still enjoy where they're at.

Hell, a game doesn't even have to go out as far as a system, or even an entire planet. Shadowrun showed how to do that.