Well, at this point it's as much learning what I can do as it is having a finished product. As I noted above, this little side foray has expanded my list of tools considerably - just tinkering today has taught me about composite textures and how to get only a portion of them to glow (among other things), which leads to doing effective jump grids. Andrews shot of a ship jumping in one of his videos is something I've been trying to figure out how to do for some time, and now I know. Whether or not I can do it well remains to be seen, but it's a start.
It's part of my learning curve - have an idea (black ship! COOL!), realize you've screwed the pooch (man, that's hard to light), ask a silly question (wonder if I can make the lightning glow), then figure out how to do it. Realize that black ships are a less than great idea, then take what I learned in the process and apply it to something else (jump grids).
That said, the pirate version will most likely be used (eventually) in a pbp game, and since I'm already doing renders testing things, I might as well make the most of them. But, I'm still working on the civillian version as well, and you'll be seeing more of that in the next couple of days.
The most important thing I've learned from this project is - black ships suck in several ways, and I'm going to need a damn good reason to do another one.
Hope that make sense.