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Judges Guild: Spearhead-class Corvette


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Built with Traveller5.

Corvette EB-DL42 Spearhead MCr202.4

image (6).png

Using a 400-ton, TL13 hull, the Spearhead-class Corvette mounts jump drive-D, maneuver drive-H, and power plant-H, giving a performance of jump-2 and 4G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 4 parsec jump, at 40t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/5. There is one captain's suite, six crew staterooms, three drive tech niches, a gunner barracks, and four emergency low berths. Installed weaponry include 1 T3 Missile, 1 T3 Pulse Laser, 1 T3 Sandcaster, and 1 T3 Beam Laser. Cargo capacity is 35 tons. The ship has a lift body hull, with scoops, intakes, and bins for frontier refueling.

The ship has a crew of 12: two pilots, one astrogator, one medic, a chief engineer, three drive techs, and four gunners.

Crew comfort: +0
Passenger demand: -5

   Tons     Component                                MCr    Notes
-------     -----------------------------------    -----    --------------------
    400     Lift body Hull, lifters, 4 a/l free       52    L, lifters, 4 a/l free
      4     Landing legs with pads                     4   
      8     Submergence hull                           8   
     16     AV=56. 2 Kinetic Charged                   0   
      0     AV=0. c Reflec                             0   
    160     Jump Fuel (4  parsecs)                     0    4 parsec jump, at 40t per parsec
     16     Plant Fuel (one month)                     0    one month
     25     Jump Drive-2 (D)                          25    J 2
     25     PowerPlant-4 (H)                          25    P 4
      2     Fuel Scoops with Purifier                1.1    100 t/hr
      2     Fuel Intakes with Purifier               1.1    40 t/hr
      2     Fuel Bins with Purifier                  1.1    20 t/hr
     15     Maneuver Drive-4 (H)                      30    4 G
      0     AR Surf Communicator                       2   
      0     AR Surf Jammer                             2   
      0     AR Surf Neutrino Detector                  2   
      0     AR Surf EMS                                2   
      0     AR Surf Stealth Mask                       2   
      0     AR Surf Scope                              2   
      1     AR T3 Missile                            1.2   
      1     Vd T3 Pulse Laser                        1.3   
      1     Vd T3 Sandcaster                         1.1   
      1     Vd T3 Beam Laser                         1.5   
      1     Magazine                                   0    50 x Size-5
      5     Computer Model/5 std                      27   
      2     Life Support Long Term                     2    40 person-months
      1     Life Support Adaptable                     1    10 sophonts
      2     Clinic                                     1   
      2     Counsellor                               0.2   
      4     Gunner Barracks                          0.2    (5) R1 R1 R2 R2 R3
      4     4x Emergency Low Berth                     2    #4 4 individuals
     16     Spacious Bridge                            1    2cc 6op 0ws
      1     Crew Common Fresher                        1    10 crew
      6     Captain's Suite                          0.4    fresher + safe
      3     3x Drive Tech Niche                      0.3    #3 1 crew
     12     6x Crew Stateroom                        0.6    #6 1 crew
     24     6x Crew Commons                            0    #6
      1     Mail Vault                                 1    for express contracts
      2     Cargo Lock                               0.4   
     35     Cargo Hold Basic                           0


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