Originally posted by daryen:
The important thing to remember is that Bk2 and Bk5 are completely different design systems, with different goals and underlying assumptions. While the rules do allow components to be used back and forth, they are very different in regards to the drives.
Not only different design systems, but they create different game universes.
LBB2 is a small ship univers, where PC scale ships have some roll to play.
HG switches things to a big ship universe where a PC scale ship is a blip compared to the smallest true warship - by the latter I mean the multi kiloton stuff, not the sub-1000t escorts.
The two major assumption differences are:
1) As mentioned above, in Bk2 the jump drive component is the biggie; in Bk5 the maneuver drive component is the biggie. Unlike Sigg, I think they intentionally made the change and would have changed Bk2 if they thought they could.
They produces revised or second edition CT, The Traveller Book, and the Starter set all after printing and then revising High Guard.
The opportunity to bring one or the other game into line was there.
It's a conspiracy I tell yah
2) TL requirements. In Bk2, TL limits the available modules regardless of capability. In Bk5 the actual capabilities are limited. So, in Bk2 you can build a J2 ship built at TL9 (the scout) and a J3 ship built at TL10 (the patrol cruiser); the J4 X-boat is only TL9. In Bk5, that is not possible. You need TL13 to build a J4 ship, regardless of size.
Again, totally different univers paradigm.
Trying to reconcile the Bk2 and Bk5 design systems will only lead to frustration. Don't bother; just pick a system and use it.
Except there are canon designs that do mix the two
This is true for all of the systems. TNE is especially true in this regard. The TNE design system changed lots of things, not just jump fuel requirements. Quite frankly, the GT design system is closer to CT than is the TNE design system.
Yep, I agree.
Although TNE ships are easier to translate to GT using GT Starships and GURPS vehicles than they are to CT/HG/T20.
All jump drives may burn unrefined fuel. You just run an increased risk of misjump. To eliminate that risk, you need a fuel purifier (provided in Bk5 and later systems) or learn to buy refined fuel (in Bk2). Increased TL has no influence on this operation.
In LBB2 military and scout jump drives can use unrefinrd fuel with no penalty.
Increased TL has no affect on jump drive operation in any way. Drives never get any better. Sure, they can jump farther, but they don't operate any better or more effeciently. A TL9 J1 drive is in all ways identical to a TL15 J1 drive.
Unless you bring in the rules from MT where very high TL drives become more fuel efficient.
Jump fuel is also inconsistent across design systems. In Bk2, Bk5, T20, and GT it takes 10% of the hull volume in fuel. In MT and TNE it takes 5% plus another 5% per jump number. (This was done to compensate for the much higher power planet fuel requirements.) (I have no idea what T4 did.) Again, the fuel requirements don't change regardless of TL. So, (in CT or T20) a 200 dton ship needs 40 dtons of fuel for a 2 parsec jump. This is constant regardless of TL and regardless of what the actual jump rating of the drive is (as long as it is at least J2).
T4 used 10% per jump number too.
And as I said earlier, the jump fuel required is reduced at very high TLs in MT - but since MT is the only ruleset to ever detail the tech up to the games TL boundaries there is nothing to contradict it
This is all OTU. Obviously, many people change things to suit them better. But the above is for the OTU.
It can't all be for the OTU because it contradicts itself. You thus have an AOTU situation for each change of ship paradigm.
LBB2 1st edition OTU is different to LBB2 2nd edition is different to HG 1st edition OTU is different to HG 2nd edition OTU is different to MT OTU is different to TNE OTU is different from GT ATU is different from the T20 OTU.
It gives you a lot of choice I suppose
I agree with daryen earlier - pick the one you like and stick with it. You can always borrow bits from elsewhere if you can make them fit, and you can change anything you like in YTU