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Jump Drives in the Solar Neighborhood


Being a fan of astronomy I took data I have on stars near the Sun, compared it to the Jump Drives used in Traveller, and found the following:

A. Jump-1 engines would be useless in near-Solar space. They could not even reach Proxima Centauri, the nearest star, which lies 1.31 parsecs away.

B. Jump-2 engines could only reach Alpha Centauri (1.35 parsecs from the Sun) or Barnard's Star (1.81 parsecs distant). Furthermore, they could not reach anywhere beyond Alpha Centauri and only very limited destinations beyond Barnard's Star.

C. Jump-3 engines could not reach Tau Ceti (3.61 parsecs), Epsilon Eridani (3.31 parsecs), Procyon (3.51 parsecs), 61 Cygni (3.38 parsecs), or Epsilon Indi (3.44 parsecs) in one jump, and could only reach 5 star systems from the Sun (Gliese 65A and B [2.72 parsecs], Wolf 359 [2.35 parsecs], Lalande 21185 [2.52 parsecs], Sirius A and B [2.65 parsecs], and Ross 154 [2.9 parsecs]).

Merchant ships travelling from Earth would need at least Jump-3 engines before they could be useful. These figures are based on standard Traveller rules and assume that a ship is carrying enough fuel for only one jump. The impracticality of fuelling stations in deep space is discussed in the T20 Traveller's Handbook. FYI, here is a partial list of the potential destinations achievable by the two lowest power Jump Drives:

Jump 1: Nowhere

Jump 2: Alpha Centauri and Barnard's Star
From Alpha Centauri--Nowhere

From Barnard's Star--Ross 154
From Ross 154--Gliese 628 and Epsilon Indi
From Gliese 628--36 Ophiuchi
From 36 Ophiuchi--Gliese 664 (essentially a companion star of 36 Ophiuchi A and B), Gliese 667, Gliese 674, and Gliese 682.

From Gliese 667--Gliese 618, Gliese 666
From Gliese 674--Luyten 205-128

From Epsilon Indi--Lacaille 9352, Lacaille 8760, Gliese 832

As is clearly evident, the area of space traversable with a Jump-2 drive in the Solar Neighborhood is rather limited. With each jump taking a week (more or less), the worlds a far trader could visit would be equally limited. Incidentally, only four of these systems (Alpha Centauri, 36 Ophiuchi, Gliese 666 and Gliese 667) have stars that could be suitable for life as we know it.
That's why it makes a great locale for a pocket empire circa 1200 TNE. Except ofcourse for it's close location to the terminus of the Vampire Hiway.

According to the apparently inaccurate Traveller Hex maps of "our" region unless you head out through Dingir there are only about 8 to 12 systems you can take befor you hit a jump 3 required barrier.(I don't remember ofhand exact numbers)

For an example of one of these check out Harold Hale's "Children of the Earth" in "The Traveller Chronicle"
Quantization is not necessarily truncation. J-1 might be able to reach 1.35 pc to Alpha Cen, and J-2 might reach 2.35 pc to Wolf 359. Really generous rounding (adjust the grid to put Sol off-center in the hex) might get 2.52 pc to Lalande 21185.

You can't tell just by looking at distances, you have to apply a grid and see how the hex boundaries fall.
EntilZha, if you haven't yet, be sure to check out Malenfant's Near Star Maps at his site.

BTW, nice nick you have! (Hey, that sounds like Yoda-speak! e.g. "Found him you have."
) I was pondering "Zathras" for awhile when I registered here, but decided to go with my initials (how boring! ;) ).
TJP has already pointed out my mapping site, which should help you out here.

You're right though. Either we have to assume that jump drives increase in increments of more than 1.00 pc, or we have to change canon.

I raised this on JTAS in discussions about the IW era, because as you point out Terrans shouldn't be able to make it to Barnard's Star to start the First Interstellar War. The solution, it seems, is that they make Deep Space Jumps using J1 to an intermediate point to get there. After the first IW, they develop J2 so that makes Barnard more accessible.
Malenfant: Perhaps the answer is in fact, rounding of the other end down...

J0 drive 0.0 - 0.5 Pc (hypothetical a-canonical interp of the JDrive formulae)
J1 drive 0.5-1.5 Pc
J2 Drive 1.5-2.5 Pc

7.7 is just a hare more than the 2pc line... <G>

Or we assume J-space is actually 2D, and not directly related to N-space.
That's pretty much how I figured it on my mapping page, actually.

Personally, I don't have a problem with Terrans first leaving the solar system with J2 drives, and just using J1 to travel within the solar system. It makes bugger all difference to canon whether they have J2 or J1 in the first IW.
Well, if you figure that a star may be off by .5 parsecs, both stars may be off by that much.

Which means that your actual jump distance may be a whole parsec low. Jump 2 may be able to reach 3 parsecs.
Wow, Malenfant, I must say I'm impressed with your map site! I've been doing my own near-Solar maps for a number of years and I find your maps and data unquestionably accurate. If your numbers for jump drive distance are used, the Solar Neighborhood becomes more accessible to the common Human free trader.

TJP, thanks for the compliment. Perhaps you should have "Gone with Zathras" :D

I was also thinking the other day that our humble star system lies at the edge of a spiral arm, while many Traveller campaigns seem to take place in areas where the star distribution is a little more dense, such as within a spiral arm, making canon jump drives a little more feasible. Any thoughts on this, I'm just speculating here.
I don't really see the problem. Make your ship bigger than you otherwise need, and make 60% to 80% fuel. Now your Jump-1 ship can get to anything within 3-4 Parsecs and back, or within 6-8 Parsecs if you're confident you can find free Hydrogen at the destination.

a 6000 Ton ship Built this way would still give you 2400 tons of usable space for crew, facilities, landing craft, etc...