Someplace else this discussion of Jump Tech Level in the Cepheus Engine System Reference Document by Jason "Flynn" Kemp came up, and I thought it might be good for reference here: In the CE SRD, Jump software is 9+, and the TL's of computers is that you could do J3 at TL 9 with a 2/bis; the rest track higher, ie TL11 for J4 with a 3/bis, TL12 for J5 with a 4/bis, and TL13 with a 5/bis.
Mysely, I am partial to the old way it was done with Book 2 & Book 3/The Traveller Book, where the drives were on the Tech Level chart.
Mysely, I am partial to the old way it was done with Book 2 & Book 3/The Traveller Book, where the drives were on the Tech Level chart.