Back in the days just before the Iron Curtain came down, Traveller and then MegaTraveller were the first role-playing games I discovered after having played ‘Das Schwarze Auge’ (Germany’s D&D equivalent at the time) for a couple of years. In fact, until then I had assumed there were no other role-playing games, because my local game store did not carry any other titles.
Anyway, all of a sudden the boy who had learned English from his Dad’s library of classic 60s to 80s SciFi paperbacks, dropped into the Traveller universe. A mind was blown.
That went on for a while, mostly with my school mates. Then I diverged into other genres, and the MegaTraveller box sat on the bookshelf, collecting dust and biding its time.
Fast forward to last year, with a gaming mate and me having had a couple of drinks too many at our local RPG community’s monthly pub night.
“Y’know? Like, playing Firefly would be fun.”
“Yeah, a shady independent trader crew… see what you’re driving at. But but but… the Firefly setting is kinda… thin, y’know? Feels sorta flimsy, when you move away from the main storyline.”
“Hmhm, I hear ya. Shame, really. If only there was a setting…”
(double cartoon lightbulb effect)
“Traveller?” “Traveller…” “Traveller!”
First thing I did was google around, on the off chance that there might be any Traveller-related material on teh interwebs… so my mind got blown again.
We got a group together. Went back to ye olde schoole, chucked the narrative stuff we’d been playing recently overboard, and diced our way through character career progression. We came up with four ex-military types of various hues. Exit the shady trader crew, enter the Alpha Team (special ops) of the Boldt and Daering Company (Ltd.). You guessed it, they do refer to themselves as the ‘BaD company’. This is an off-the-books mercenary joint venture of Stonehaven’s two major pharmacons, in the Nightrim subsector of Reaver’s Deep.
So I will be dropping into these forums to discuss ideas and look for advice, and submit this by way of introduction.
Anyway, all of a sudden the boy who had learned English from his Dad’s library of classic 60s to 80s SciFi paperbacks, dropped into the Traveller universe. A mind was blown.
That went on for a while, mostly with my school mates. Then I diverged into other genres, and the MegaTraveller box sat on the bookshelf, collecting dust and biding its time.
Fast forward to last year, with a gaming mate and me having had a couple of drinks too many at our local RPG community’s monthly pub night.
“Y’know? Like, playing Firefly would be fun.”
“Yeah, a shady independent trader crew… see what you’re driving at. But but but… the Firefly setting is kinda… thin, y’know? Feels sorta flimsy, when you move away from the main storyline.”
“Hmhm, I hear ya. Shame, really. If only there was a setting…”
(double cartoon lightbulb effect)
“Traveller?” “Traveller…” “Traveller!”
First thing I did was google around, on the off chance that there might be any Traveller-related material on teh interwebs… so my mind got blown again.
We got a group together. Went back to ye olde schoole, chucked the narrative stuff we’d been playing recently overboard, and diced our way through character career progression. We came up with four ex-military types of various hues. Exit the shady trader crew, enter the Alpha Team (special ops) of the Boldt and Daering Company (Ltd.). You guessed it, they do refer to themselves as the ‘BaD company’. This is an off-the-books mercenary joint venture of Stonehaven’s two major pharmacons, in the Nightrim subsector of Reaver’s Deep.
So I will be dropping into these forums to discuss ideas and look for advice, and submit this by way of introduction.