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KgL 24 Animikeeg ( Little Thunder)



I decided to let you guys get a look at a fighter I have worked up, for my next project. I'm hoping some feedback will be productive.

KgL 24 Animikeeg ( little Thunder)

The KgL 24 was originally built as a multi role fighter for escort and ground support roles. It has a well streamlined body and Aerofins for in atmosphere manoeuvring, and heavy armour for it's size to protect it from enemy fire while operating close to hostile forces. The addition of an ejection/escape pod integrated into the cockpit makes it a favourite with pilots although it's light weight, and limited armament do tend to make it a secondary fighter when larger better armed fighters are available.

The design itself is decades old, modern electronics and power systems have replaced the older less advanced systems on production models, but dozens of older tech variants still exist in the hands of private groups, collectors, and racing teams around. Older models are largely similar to newer versions in performance and weaponry but are highly demanding in terms of maintenance, with many displaying various "quirks" due to their age and outdated technology.

The Animikeeg is a direct descendant of older designs by the Ojihb Design house making it easy to maintain with spares, and technical support common in frontier regions, or around large starports. Now removed from most naval forces, and used almost exclusively by mercenaries, planetary squadron, and in the hands of several Noble houses and Corporations. The Animikeeg has continued to be produced and sold in large numbers in regions where armed escort, and rapid response is a concern. In several cases large numbers of Animikeeg were purchased as surplus and are stockpiled for parts, and emergency deployment by Forces operating in the border sectors of the empire. At several locations Hundreds of Animikeeg set in bone yard needing only reinstallation of computers and weapons, and re ignition of their fusion plants to become fully operational.

10 ton Fighter
Armour.................4/7 vs laser
Endurance:..........1 day
Crew Pilot

Firecontrol 1 2mcr

Ammunition: 1 ton Smart Missiles 0.03 Mcr

hull 10 tons 1mcr
Reflect Sheathing...............................................1 Mcr
Armour: Crystaliron 4 pts........................0.5.........0.2Mcr
Drive: sE..............................................2.5.........4 Mcr
power plant sE.....................................2.4.........5 Mcr
cockpit...............................................1.5.........0.1 Mcr
escape pod:........................................0.5.........0.1 Mcr
electronics: standard.............................0............0
computer: Model 1 Rating 15.............................. 0.03Mcr
Fuel: 0.1 one day.................................0.1
Single turret fixed, fire control...............1...........0.1Mcr
Missile launcher: one ton ammo............1...........0.75Mcr
Total Cost 14.91Mcr
With Standard design discount.13.419 Mcr
Surplus Model: 30 year old Craft 9.3933Mcr:
Increased Maintenance required. Roll 3 times on Older ship table pg 136 Core rules.results that render a ship inoperable must be repaired before fighter can be used.

Game use suggestion: These small lightly armed fighters are excellent for private pilots, conversion into high speed racing vessels, or as fighters for mercenary or second line fighter squadrons in military campaigns. The lack the hull and structure to stand up to anything heavier than a missile or beam laser but they can absorb more punishment than their size suggests.

Plot Seed
Digging up Bones.

A private salvage company has found a small depot filled with decommissioned Animikeeg fighters. They have also discovered that a criminal cartel has began to rearm and refit the fighters to support piracy operations, and for sell to various criminal and revolutionary groups.

The Salvager has negotiated a letter of Marque to undertake a rather risky plan to drive off the pirates, and recover valuable spares and serviceable fighters for a Local Minor noble. He has arranged for a small mercenary company to assault the main pirate stronghold set up near the bone yard, and needs volunteers to fly out operational fighters and then support ground forces to drive out the criminals and their ground teams.

A mixed team of combat personnel, technicians, and pilots will be needed for the operation and the players will be joined by NPCs to fill in any vital gaps in the groups skills.

Once dropped off by an armed shuttle the players must fight past ground forces, and refuel and power up the fighters waiting for pickup...a total of 10-15 fighters are waiting to be recovered by a Smuggler who will arrive in the middle of the operation in a well armed 400 ton Vessel. The Smuggler captain will engage any fighter that approaches him, and attempt to land and deal with anyone near the depot to prevent them from stealing "HIS" fighters. He will have a few thugs and pirates with one or two former marines along as hired muscle.

refueling and rearming the fighters will be risky since they will be under fire at times, and at any moment a well armed hostile star ship could appear over the horizon. Ground crews and combat personal in the group will be picked up by another shuttle, unless the air group loses the fight with the smuggler ship, or flee,at which point they will have to arrange their own transport.

The Players are told that if they can not recover operational fighters they are to demolish them with explosives, or detonate one of the fighters fusion core, to destroy the facility.

if they are unable to recover or destroy the fighters and secure the depot, the Navy will dispatch a squadron of gunboats and destroy the sight rather than allow it to be looted. However the negotiated fees for their services will be reduced dramatically in the event of a mission failure.

If they wish after the operation is successful they are allowed to search the boneyard for parts, or junked out fighters to rebuild their own fighter from spares. This however may require the technical people of the group to work out how they want to reassemble parts from dozens of fighters into a single craft.
I like it a lot.

Some thoughts (since you asked for them) ...
  • I would look at aligning and combining the loop wing and 'X' wing. From the front/rear it might look like crossed parabolas that penetrate the ship. It could look better, or it could look like crap. It is one of those things that you can only tell by drawing it and seeing how it looks.
  • From the top, it looks like there should be some sort of forward intakes to the left and right of the pilot (where the hull projects forward), but the front view appears to show more of a rounded closed form. I'd like to see the inlets.
  • I love the weapon pod on the bottom ... that and the silhouette from the top are its most iconic features.
  • Purely gaming the rules, but would an Airframe Body be cheaper than adding Aerofins? (IIRC Airframes include wings and a lifting body).

I hope to see it in 3D ... I suspect that it will look great.
I like it a lot.

Some thoughts (since you asked for them) ...
  • I would look at aligning and combining the loop wing and 'X' wing. From the front/rear it might look like crossed parabolas that penetrate the ship. It could look better, or it could look like crap. It is one of those things that you can only tell by drawing it and seeing how it looks.
  • From the top, it looks like there should be some sort of forward intakes to the left and right of the pilot (where the hull projects forward), but the front view appears to show more of a rounded closed form. I'd like to see the inlets.
  • I love the weapon pod on the bottom ... that and the silhouette from the top are its most iconic features.
  • Purely gaming the rules, but would an Airframe Body be cheaper than adding Aerofins? (IIRC Airframes include wings and a lifting body).

I hope to see it in 3D ... I suspect that it will look great.

Thanks, I was hoping for some constructive critique.

There are intakes at the forward end, unfortunately I didn't make them clear enough it seems....No worries..I can work on that.

And I will definitely work on the combination foil, ring wing look... I had played around with mounting the fins on the ring but that stuck e as being to flimsy...having them pass through the ring and support it would be fine I think.

As for Air-frame body,I'm currently using MgT HighGuard rules to build my ships, with very few extras from other rules sources...so people can quickly rebuild them, or check my numbers if they like. High Guard only has streamlined, standard..etc...with no Airframe option...although I'd love to incorporate the varying degrees of streamlining from the vehicle rules.

I used Streamlining to give it the lifting body form and better in atmosphere flight, The Aerofins add an extra edge by negating the penalties for in atmo maneuvers spacecraft suffer without them.

Mmm looks more like the P-39, metaphorically speaking.

I was going for P-40/p-39/A-4, in my head.... a simple design that lacks the bells and whistles of a front line fighter. But it's fairly agile, fast, and gets the job done.
the port/stbd pylons extend into the pilot's lower field of view, i.e. he can't look down to port or starboard. no fighter pilot who relies on eyes will like this design.
the port/stbd pylons extend into the pilot's lower field of view, i.e. he can't look down to port or starboard. no fighter pilot who relies on eyes will like this design.

An excellent point... I should put more detail into how pilots sense the world around them in fighters for sure.

I love the old turn and burn sci-fi starfighter sequences but I am also aware that starfighters armed with missiles would never get close enough to engage in dogfights...so I am moving away from visable cockpits more toward enclosed fully sealed pilot pods/coffins

The canopy is a hold over for purely secondary purposes, and as an emergency feature if the craft loses sensors or electronics in flight. My take on how a sufficiently advanced craft would work is that most of the optics are fed into a helmet display that allows the pilot to see full field of view using cameras and sensors rather than direct observation.

at the speeds and distances most combat would occur at pilots would be using sensor data only. Only when they drop into atmo, or engage in close in fights would optical sighting even be a possibility..and sense missiles are useless at ranges where visual sighting would be effective.....the fighter isn't dependent on optical/visual observation.

but since people are sort of hardwired to look for a cockpit/windows on a vehicle I still include a basic canopy....well unless It's one like this where the cockpit is a fully enclosed armored pod with no windows or canopy....and yeah I'll be re-statting these for Travller use and inclusion at some point.

And by the way THIS is the P-51/F-18/Mig-29 of the fleet :D...
A private salvage company has found a small depot filled with decommissioned Animikeeg fighters. They have also discovered that a criminal cartel has began to rearm and refit the fighters to support piracy operations, and for sell to various criminal and revolutionary groups.

The Salvager has negotiated a letter of Marque to undertake a rather risky plan to drive off the pirates, and recover valuable spares and serviceable fighters for a Local Minor noble.

Cool idea and fighter.
Seems like the salvage company doesn't have a fast timeline to act. By the time they did it the pirates would be operational. Just a suggestion but a member of the salvage team might have bailed on the operation to help pirates take control collect a big payday. Dr Smith-like characters show up from time to time, right?
So, it just seems like the pirates have all the time in the world and the Salvager is fighting the clock. Clearly the noble would want the entire depot.
Cool idea and fighter.
Seems like the salvage company doesn't have a fast timeline to act. By the time they did it the pirates would be operational. Just a suggestion but a member of the salvage team might have bailed on the operation to help pirates take control collect a big payday. Dr Smith-like characters show up from time to time, right?
So, it just seems like the pirates have all the time in the world and the Salvager is fighting the clock. Clearly the noble would want the entire depot.


Yes, the entire idea is to give the players a very narrow window to work in..then raise the pressure, with waves of opposition and plot twists inserted by the Referee....

It's supposed to be a situation where a lot of risk, danger, and white knuckled adventure could lead to a big payday...or a really ugly fiasco....

Oooh, what's the specs for that guy?

I'll put those up soon..or maybe save them for published work. :D

I'll let you know this,as a teaser( for now) it's a 20 ton TL 12-14, design, with the Traveller version of a Rolls Royce Merlin under the hood.