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Killiecrankie Intruder Scout for MgT2300AD


SOC-14 5K
Admin Award
Peer of the Realm
Some time ago, just to try how could conversions from classic 2300AD ships to MgT 2300AD, I tried to describe the Killiecankie intruder scout (appearing in the Callenge issue #37, in the module Three Blind Mice, by David Nilsen).

Hull..TonnageCost (MLv)
600 dton hullHull12.24
StreamliningHybrid lifting body.66
.STOL capable.122.4
Heat Shielding...6
StutterwarpWarp efficiency3.633.7411.21
New MIlitary QTactical7..
Reaction DriveAir Breathing Thruster C1 G614.4
Power PlantFission Q.21032
RadiatorsRadiators Q.211.05
BridgeHolographic controls.203
ComputerModel 5Rating 25.10
SoftwareStutterwarp Control CRating 15.0.04
.Fire Control/2Rating 10.4
.Enhanced Signals Processing.28
.Grav Sensors.44
FuelThrusters4 hours36.
SubcraftHD 10 'Scout' Sensor Drone.104
Spin HabitatExtendable Spin Capsules 15 m radius.61.26.12
Other fixturesAutodoc210.05
.Fuel Prodcessor1 (10 tons/day)10.01
Weapon mount 1.Big Clip20.75
Fire ControlTTA.50.5
Weapon mount 2.Big Clip20.75
Fire ControlTTA.50.5
Weapon mount 3.Big Clip20.75
Fire ControlTTA.50.5
Weapon mount 4.Grape Shot62.5
Missile Bay4 x SIM
Missile controllers3.0.751.5

Comfort is -1. Crew is:
  • Bridge: 15
  • Engineering: 13
  • Gunners: 7
  • Missiles: 3
  • Stewards: 3
  • Troops: 27
Captain, Marine officer and two other officers have individual staterooms, all the rest have shared ones.

Albeit being a military ship, not being a combat one (its main mission is covert operations and stealthy reccon) it has only civilian size gunnery crew.

The extendable spin habitats each holds 19 staterooms and one autodoc.
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Needless to say, the conversion met with unforeseen problems. My main goal was to keep the features given as critical by the designers:
  • independent landing capability
  • high warp efficiency (original was 3.58)
  • long endurance (as in original, that meant fission plant)
  • good sensors (after all, it's one of its main missions) plus sensor drone
  • same weaponry as original
  • a platoon of marines (27)
  • in original they told about "significant cargo capacity for priority caroes", and it had 100 m3 of it

The landing capacity put its maximum at 600 tons. The original ship used the nuclear plant doubling as thruster, in what I guess would be a Nuclear thruster in MgT2300 AD, but in MgT it has a minimum letter of J and irradiate the landing zone, so I discarded them in favor of the air-breathing thruster.

Another change is that in the original design it had a hamster cage (in fact two of them countering each other rotation) in the aft part of the ship. In MgT 2300 AD the only spin habitat allowed in hybrid lifting body ships is the extendable spin capsule, so I had to use it.
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What are the arcs for the four turrets and three TTAs?

See submunitons description:

Submunitions have no facing and may fire into any aspect

In fact, in the original module they were told to be placed far from the ship and detonated (sometimes using the drone for detection) from distance to ambush enemy ships.
Edited it somewhat:

  • deleted the standard turrets. They are not needed for the subminitions dispensers
  • fixed missile tonnages. Reduced cargo space to compensate
  • added dots in the empty cells for better readability (the table function does not always take well empty cells).

Another change I've made form the classic design is to add the fuel procesor. As the main misison of the Killiecrankies is deep scouting and reccon behind enemy lines, I guess they would be useful...
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New Edit: adding stealth (I forgot about it, and it's basic for its mision).