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KITBAG 1: Universal Weapon Systems


Super Moderator
Peer of the Realm
Shhh, it's a secret ...
... but MJD wrote something new for Traveller (that I got the chance to illustrate) that definitely belongs in any Ship's Locker worthy of calling itself a Ship's Locker. He will need to give you the details (so don't tell anyone that I told you), but you might want to peek over HERE:
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OK, so Kitbag 1 has been available on DTRPG for over 20 days now and nobody has reviewed it ... even just clicking the rating stars.

So has anyone here at COTI bought it?
What did you think? Like? Dislike?

I loved it when I read it [that MJD can sure write].
I enjoyed drawing the artwork for it and am very happy with how the cover illustration came out ...
... but I can't really review it in good conscience.

So I would really appreciate SOME feedback from somebody.
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OK, so Kitbag 1 has been available on DTRPG for over 20 days now and nobody has reviewed it ... even just clicking the rating stars.

So has anyone here at COTI bought it?
What did you think? Like? Dislike?

I loved it when I read it [that MJD can sure write].
I enjoyed drawing the artwork for it and am very happy with how the cover illustration came out ...
... but I can't really review it in good conscience.

So I would really appreciate SOME feedback from somebody.

It was OK, I guess, but there wasn't anything new about it. Just some simple weapons designed to be used by all races where possible. I was hoping for something higher tech and more fun.
It was OK, I guess, but there wasn't anything new about it. Just some simple weapons designed to be used by all races where possible. I was hoping for something higher tech and more fun.

The preview was too small to actually read. But having just bought the CSC, it didn't seem to offer anything new.
It was OK, I guess, but there wasn't anything new about it. Just some simple weapons designed to be used by all races where possible. I was hoping for something higher tech and more fun.
I will yield the point on high tech weapons. KITBAG 1 is strictly slug throwers from TL 5 to TL 10. Lasers and some other higher TL goodies will appear in future KITBAGS (I’ve seen drafts), but no books dedicated to very high TL stuff has yet appeared, so the KITBAGS will be hit and miss for you if this is your number 1 priority.

However, “Just some simple weapons designed to be used by all races where possible” deserves some comment.

From the introduction:
“There are two ways to approach the concept of a universal weapon system. One is to try to create a single weapon that can be used by anyone; the other is a modular approach which attempts to cover all eventualities by allowing the user to put together a range of weapons suited to many different applications.”

So the first two weapons are indeed a pistol and carbine “designed to be used by all races”. The rest of the guns explore the “many different applications” side of the equation. Overall, these are intended as the ‘ubiquitous’ weapons of Traveller … found everywhere without being completely boring.

For example, my personal favorite is the Heavy Hunting Weapon.
A group of intrepid adventurers arrives on a TL 5 backwater confidently superior in their cloth armor and gauss rifles and generally contemptuous of the backwoods militiamen. Until they see the heavy armor-piercing local rounds punch through the hide of the local fauna (and suddenly feel less safe in their vacc suit ‘armor’). And for up close and personal, these TL 5 ‘bumpkins’ have the use of any special shotgun shell from any Traveller book or TL that can be fired from the same ‘common’ hunting arm.

An all-purpose SMG/shotgun is available. Nothing extraordinary but it has some nice color text, a picture and is generally useful – something one might find in a typical ship’s locker.

A Modular Weapon System with lots of interchangeable parts that can create a range of weapons for a variety of situations.

Your “wasn't anything new about it” is an opinion which some will agree with and some will disagree with so that’s fair, but “Just some simple weapons designed to be used by all races” is a bit too general and, IMO not completely accurate.

Thank You for taking time to comment, it really is appreciated.
But having just bought the CSC, it didn't seem to offer anything new.
Since both were written by MJD, the technical quality is similar. Anyone with the vast choices of CSC probably doesn't NEED any of the Kitbag series, however the Kitbags are intended to expand on the CSC with some new choices and some familiar items provided with more color text to flesh them out as unique models of familiar equipment.

If you really like CSC, you might want to check out one of the Kitbags if you have a couple of spare dollars (or spare euros). That's a personal decision.
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Since both were written by MJD, the technical quality is similar. Anyone with the vast choices of CSC probably doesn't NEED any of the Kitbag series, however the Kitbags are intended to expand on the CSC with some new choices and some familiar items provided with more color text to flesh them out as unique models of familiar equipment.

If you really like CSC, you might want to check out one of the Kitbags if you have a couple of spare dollars (or a spare euro). That's a personal decision.

I like MJD and his stuff, though as a GM I am more interested in high tech or different goodies that the players can find or equip aliens with.
Sorry, but what is the CSC?

Mongoose Traveller's Central Supply Catalog.
(See why people like to just call it CSC?) ;)

For anyone unfamiliar with it, it is a huge collection of stuff ... weapons, armor, equipment ... a Traveller Mail Order Catalog.
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'Dats me! Once I got over the shock of the first system, the rest were decent. I'm still not convinced that a weapon designed to be anything from a pistol to a sniper rifle will ever be very good at *any* of them, but I accept that some of my players might be interested in them. And I like the graphics.

The second one is much better, IMNSHO. Of course, it could be because I'm more interested in the writeups of pistols rather than universal systems.
'Dats me! Once I got over the shock of the first system, the rest were decent.
First, thank you for the review ... I really wanted to see some feedback one way or the other.
So you couldn't wrap your tentacles around the 'staple gun' pistol/carbine?
Or did you mean that Universal Weapons didn't scratch your firearms itch, but Sidearms did?
As an aside, MJD came up with the idea for the squeeze-handle firearm, and while I was searching for images to inspire the artwork, I found a video for converting a real staple gun into a shotgun!

I'm still not convinced that a weapon designed to be anything from a pistol to a sniper rifle will ever be very good at *any* of them, but I accept that some of my players might be interested in them. And I like the graphics.
IIRC, Martin agreed with you in the introductory text at the beginning of Kitbag 1. Weapons that try to do everything are usually only 'fair' at anything (as compared to a specialized weapon that is 'good' at at least one thing.)

The second one is much better, IMNSHO. Of course, it could be because I'm more interested in the writeups of pistols rather than universal systems.

Since you were kind enough to write a review and seem to have liked both Kitbag 1 and Kitbag 2, I'll share a secret that some High-Tech blade weapons are coming up for Kitbag 3 (some old favorites with a flair and some new surprises).
The major problem with a universal weapon system is that while it can be many types of weapon it does none of them well. As evidenced by the Stoner Weapons System that was tried during the Vietnam War.

Just for the record, a modular family of weapons, like the Stoner, is only one of three definitions for 'Universal Weapon System' given in Kitbag 1 ... usable by any species is another and useful in a wide range of circumstances (like the AK-47) is a third. The book includes all three types.

The point still stands that no universal system will out shoot a sniper rifle, be more 'handy' than a pistol, or pour out more suppression fire than a SMG ... but having a good weapon at hand beats having a great weapon someplace else.
The major problem with a universal weapon system is that while it can be many types of weapon it does none of them well. As evidenced by the Stoner Weapons System that was tried during the Vietnam War.


There was also an interesting article in the latest Marine Corps Times on this being the jack of all trades fire team assault and sharpshooter weapon.

I personally do not agree with this being the replacement for the M60/240B and M249 at the fire team level, but the thought is not only out there but being fielded as such. I could be very wrong--either those who know much more are pushing this because it is the solution to these needs, or those who know much more are selling out the Corps for better post-retirement jobs.

Anyhow, the idea is that this is a heavier duty version of the M16 family set up for suppressive fire bursts--taking the M16 mag feature of the M249 one step further and making the mag well the only option. Given a choice between 30 rounds in the rifle, and 200 in the MG, option B for me. However, given the requirements of burst and cooling time, maybe having to change mags every 4-5 bursts could be a good thing. (The 249 never really fed right from the mags)

The idea is also the same weapon lets the firer shoot more accurately at long distances than the rifleman. I will let this lay here without further comment.
Just in case anyone was interested, Kitbag 4: Hand Weapons is also available and here is a larger version of the cover so you can admire the pretty weapons. ;)

click this for a BIGGER cover image ...
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I like MJD and his stuff, though as a GM I am more interested in high tech or different goodies that the players can find or equip aliens with.
Kitbag 3 and Kitbag 4 contain some higher TL weapons that I promised way back when we were discussing Kitbag 1 & 2.
Shaped charges and exploding heads ... they are in there.
Vibro and chainsaw blades ... they are in there.
Electric, Laser and Plasma weapons ... they are in there.
Stealth and Assassin weapons ... (shhh!) they are in there.
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