I'm not expert on the K'Kree (though I did want to run a campaign with a crazy loner K'Kree char) but I believe they don't share the same range of spacecraft that other races have, simply because of who/what they are.
They wouldn't have single-crew fighters, or even vehicles. I doubt they'd have vehicles with less than, say, 4 peeps, because of their herd mentality. Their society is constructed about the herd and those separating form the herd are crazy. I don't see why they'd expect 1 peep to go into battle, or exploring, or down to the shops, with this mentality, if they could help it.
Their cities, spacecraft, buildings and everything else would be designed with this in mind. So the equivalent of a small fighting vessel might actually be very large by human standards and actually classified as a frigate or something.
If they were building a "fighter", it might be robotic or a drone, controlled remotely.
With regards to furnishings and staterooms, they would probably share much larger rooms and not have the same attitude toward partitioning space as humans do. A single stateroom seems ridiculous for K'Kree, but a large "Stable" like room, housing ten or twenty might not be.
You have most of that right.
CT Alien Module 2: K'Kree, notes K'Kree fighters and combat vehicles. K'Kree combat vehicle crews and fighter crews require the "enclosure" skill to be able to endure long periods in enclosed environments (including vac suits!) with so few comrades around them. K'Kree capable of living that life are valued soldiers - and considered dangerously eccentric by their peers (and often are).
"The cavalry service is regarded with a mixture of scorn and awe; vehicle crewmen are generally thought of as lunatics and permitted eccentricities of all sorts that would be grounds for censure in any other arm of the service. The same is true of fighter pilots in the Navy; both breeds are extremely rare, and therefore valued even though their mental stability is considered suspect by most."
By comparison, the more typical K'Kree minimum unit size is the 50-man "infantry" platoon - except for the specially trained eccentrics, K'Kree don't like fighting in groups smaller than that.
The K'Kree have no equivalent of the 10 dT fighter, but they do have the other types of small craft, and pilots who can fly them, althought - even with Enclosure skill - they can't handle more than a few hours in them. Alien Module 2 offers modification to ship design rules that give a glimpse into K'Kree needs: a "stateroom" is 48 dT (and private staterooms are unheard of - several staterooms join into one communal living space), a small craft stateroom is 24 dT (the smallest volume of space that an Enclosure-trained K'Kree can endure for more than 10 hours or so), and a small craft couch is 4 dT (and, "
usually at least two are required").
(Why am I thinking that K'Kree interior decorating for ships would lean heavily on mirrors?

Given that, it is remotely possible to design a 20dT fighter, but the fighter will be a short-range, short-duration fighter. Something able to patrol for long duration would probably be in the 80-95 dT range. Armored vehicles, probably the smallest is no smaller than that 20 dT fighter - which itself is twice the size of an Imperial tank - and that would be a 2-"person" scout-car design. Full-fledged tanks would run to twice that.
The smallest K'Kree ship is 1000 dT - they won't build smaller than that for interstellar travel. It's one thing to be shooting through space with only you, your bud, and 56 dT of volume to live in; it's quite another to be cut off from the universe in jump space with only the two of you and that tiny bit of space.
Per CT Book 8: Robots, K'Kree robotic tech at TL13 is primitive by Imperial standards - and Imperial standards aren't world-shaking. K'Kree robots tend to be used for menial tasks and lack the AI to handle combat roles independently. K'Kree drone fighters don't exist. They do have pretty sophisticated remote-control weapons systems but, given the distances involved in space warfare, remote control fighters are not practical. For example, K'Kree use remote control technology for some ship's boats, freeing merchants from the need to find and train K'Kree who can handle that nerve-wracking job, but per CT Alien Module 2, the boats are "clumsier than a vessel under direct control," and are piloted with a -2 penalty to skill.