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Lack of Sonar in the Rules


SOC-14 5K
I had this request made of me in another thread, but thought that it might be more visible here. I had noted that there was no mention of sonar anywhere in the rules.

If the adaptation of DeepRadar as a Sonar substitute in the rules doesn't suit due to the volume requirement being too low, can I invite you to submit a Sonar sensor written in the T5 Sensor format found on p.299.

The problem with Sonar is that there is not one single sonar system for all uses, which is the problem with the "one size fits all" of the design sequence. Sonar also developed extremely fast under the pressure of World War 2 and then the view of the US Navy of the potential threat posed by large number of high underwater speed submarines of the Soviet Union, using WW2 German technology. What was standard in 1940 was not standard in 1945, and there was a new standard in 1950 and a new standard in the 1960s, with all of the previous systems still in use, and all still having some capability. Then you had the question of Active verse Passive Sonar for military use, which is still a major issue today.

As for current systems, you have a pretty wide range, depending on what you are using it for. The cost and size ranges widely too.

1. High-end fish finding systems: Your high end fish finding systems are pretty compact, easy to learn, and run about $3000. They are good for sidescan bottom search down to 125 feet, plus considerably deeper under the bottom depth profiling and 3D imaging, aside from doing nicely at locating fish. They are good for a quick bottom target survey for wrecks and underwater logs, will do very nicely to train personnel on sidescan sonar screen monitoring and use techniques, and could readily double as shallow-water bottom mine detection.

2. Dedicated wreck and underwater object location systems. Basically, those start with a sonar fish and a laptop computer, running about $30,000 for civilian models up to the $500,000 Echo that we used in the Solomon Islands when looking for PT-109. However, that it just the start. There is this thing called "fiber-optic cable" that connected the laptop to the fish that is underwater. That, and the winch to deploy it, can start at $75,000 and go up rapidly from there. As you need to be about 75 to 100 feet from the bottom for good sidescan work, if you are in 5000 meters of water, you need 7500 meters of cable that can handle the pressure. These are ultra-high frequency sets, so the range is not that great. For direct coverage of the area beneath the fish, you need a second bottom scanning sonar on the fish.

3. High-frequency directional beam ASW systems: This basically was the standard for WW2, and it still used for attack and accurate ranging work. Typically, the sonar will be extended from a compartment in the bottom of the ship, and mechanically trained in the desired search direction. Some are basic single beam, and some are monopulse beam for greater accuracy. The range is out to 1500 to 3000 yards reliably, if lucky, to 5000 yards. Unless capable of being tilted down, it does leave a dead zone under the ship.

2. High-frequency scanning sonar ASW systems: Basically a 360 degree scanning version of the high-frequency set covered above. Basically a cylinder formed of transducers that is electronically scanned for 360 degree continuous coverage, rather than needing to be trained about to get a wider area of scanning. Again, range limited by the high-frequency.

3. Medium Frequency directional and scanning ASW systems: Going to a lower frequency means going to a larger transducer array. It can still be deployed by lowering the transducer from the bottom of the ship, but takes up a lot more room. Range is out to roughly 6000 yards or so.

4. Low frequency scanning systems: The transducer is sufficiently larger as to not allow for mechanical training, so these are are pretty much straight scanning systems. Prior to being moved to the bow of surface ships, they were described a lowering or having a small boat underneath your ship, and did increase water resistance. Range of about 12,000 yards.

5. Very Low frequency scanning sets capable of directional beams from the transducer array: The array takes up about a 10 meter or so in diameter dome at the bow of the ASW ship, or the entire bow of the submarine. It has a direct range, under the right conditions of about 20,000 yards in the surface layer, but by using directional beams, can make use of the "Bottom Bounce" for "Convergence Zone" operations. The latest systems with a deep bottom below the ship, can reportedly reach about 75 nautical miles. The scanning rate at the range is pretty low, and a large part of the ocean can hear it.

6. Variable Depth Arrays: Because of problems with the sonar beam being trapped in the warmer surface layer, the variable depth sonar was developed to get below the layer with a towed sonar fish. This was good for high- and medium-frequency sonars, and still in use by some navies. The sonar fish was sometimes also used to tow a passive sonar array.

7. Passive sonar arrays: These can range from the WW1 directional hydrophone to complex towed arrays capable of not just bearing data, but also range.

8. Helicopter and Lighter-than-Air Flyer deployed systems: These can be either high-frequency active scanning systems or passive systems or active-passive systems. First deployed in early WW2, and are still in use.

9. Not sure if it is covered, but you also have airborne magnetic detectors. The Japanese fielded one in World War 2 that was quite comparable to the one used by the US Navy. It would still be useful if converted from vacuum tube to transistor operation.

One problem with any sonar, unless you are using an extremely high-frequency one and get lucky, you still have to identify the target. In the Solomons, once we sorted out which of the targets picked up by Echo looked possible, we then still have to visually inspect them. We had some nice views of what Bob called "geology", a couple of sunken Japanese landing barges, one Japanese destroyer is serious disrepair from having both its bow and stern magazines set off by hitting US naval mines, and the PT-109. All that took time to lower the Argus camera sled and attach the "Little Herc" tethered ROV to it. Five hundred meters means about 600 meters of cable out, and you do not lower or retrieve it fast.

One other thing, the first sonars were pretty cheap to build and use. The recent ones will run around a $100 Million dollars or so to installed with the bow-mounted transducer and an very large amount of signal-processing gear, along with the sonar controls. Basically, the sonar started very cheap and very light, and rapidly got very large and very expensive. So the Tech Level Stage Effects chart really does not apply. The transducer with generate the sound waves have not changed that much at all, the big difference between the early sets and now is the switch from vacuum tubes to transistors and printed circuits, and the use of computers with screens. Essentially, Tech Levels 5, 6, and 7 cover the entire period.
Isn't it just a matter of time before image processing software takes most of the work out of the analysis end of things? I am thinking along the lines of recent advances in medical imaging where a scan generated hard to read thin slices viewed sequentially, followed very quickly (in TL terms) by software that now assembles a 3D image/model that can be easily rotated and 'cut away'. If I have followed development correctly, different types of imaging (x-ray, MRI, Ultrasound) can now be combined into a composite image to provide even more data.

Is it plausible that TL 8, TL 9 and TL 10+ Sonar will follow a similar progression?

With respect to the 1940s to 1950s to 1970s sonar progression, would that be handled by FLUX (or whatever the quality attributes rule was called) in T5? Or the rules on Prototype and Early and Standard tech development?

The goal (it seems to me) is to find a simple 'close enough' approximation without getting into FF&S. [Personally, I sort of like FF&S ... I just recognize that T5 is not built like FF&S ... different design philosophy]. The goal is to find something that plays to what T5 is, rather than attempting to force it to be something that it is not.

So the question is "How can you use the rules available to achieve what you want?"
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. . . FLUX (or whatever the quality attributes rule was called) in T5? Or the rules on Prototype and Early and Standard tech development?
. . .

The quality attributes are known as QREBS:

From T5.09, p.150ff:

Quality (QUA) = 2D-2 [Quality is a measure of the consistency of workmanship, merit, value, or worth of an object. It directly reflects the time period between reliability downgrades.]

Reliability (REL) = Flux [Reliability measures the dependability of an object.]

Ease-Of-Use (EOU) = Flux [Ease of Use measures the facility with which a piece of equipment can be put into operation.]

Burden (BUR) = Flux [Burden measures the difficulty of carrying or transporting using a piece of equipment. It expresses ergonomic fitness for transport or manipulation. Alternatively, it measures the bulk or unwieldiness of an object.]

Safety (SAF) = Flux [Safety measures the inherent safety or danger presented by an object when in use. Safety expresses the possibility, even probability, that the use of a piece of equipment will inflict pain, injury, or even death.]
The problem with Sonar is that there is not one single sonar system for all uses

there doesn't need to be. just go with effects - "the target is/not seen" - and build your own rules for that.
Isn't it just a matter of time before image processing software takes most of the work out of the analysis end of things? I am thinking along the lines of recent advances in medical imaging where a scan generated hard to read thin slices viewed sequentially, followed very quickly (in TL terms) by software that now assembles a 3D image/model that can be easily rotated and 'cut away'. If I have followed development correctly, different types of imaging (x-ray, MRI, Ultrasound) can now be combined into a composite image to provide even more data.

Is it plausible that TL 8, TL 9 and TL 10+ Sonar will follow a similar progression?

The problem is the behavior and speed of sound in water. Water of different temperature and salinity can do some interesting things to sound waves, like bend them or act as a sound channel and allow the detection of objects at extremely long ranges, that the sonar may read as being extremely close. Sound travels through sea water at a speed of about 1500 meters per second. If you are trying to detect an object 6000 meters away, the sound pulse takes 4 seconds to get there, and the return bounce takes four seconds to reach you. So either your microphone sensor has to stay trained on the same bearing for 8 seconds, or your scanning microphone has to be able to sort out the 6000 meter pulse and not read it as something either closer or further away. If you are doing very low frequency convergence zone detection, you may have up to a minute between pulse and return.

With respect to the 1940s to 1950s to 1970s sonar progression, would that be handled by FLUX (or whatever the quality attributes rule was called) in T5? Or the rules on Prototype and Early and Standard tech development?

A lot of WW2 sonar was still in use in the 1980s, because it was still standard for the frequency at which it was operating.

The goal (it seems to me) is to find a simple 'close enough' approximation without getting into FF&S. [Personally, I sort of like FF&S ... I just recognize that T5 is not built like FF&S ... different design philosophy]. The goal is to find something that plays to what T5 is, rather than attempting to force it to be something that it is not.

So the question is "How can you use the rules available to achieve what you want?"

A better question is "do I want to spend the time to try and make the rules get to what I want"? Or take the data that I have on sonar systems, and try to put them into T5 format, and forget the whole Technology progress thing. Simply say, here are a range of sonars, the longer the range the bigger the ship needed (which is an issue all to itself), and by the way, remember that some are for surface ships, some are for subs, and some are for Lighter-Than-Air craft and helicopters.

And since there does not appear to be any rules for Sensors on ships or aircraft in Vehicle Maker, do I want to write those rules too.
Maybe it doesn't need realistic levels of detail. Alternate already designates an unusual or technically different but functionally equivalent approach.

Alternate Radar perhaps?
Your design needs to be a combination of these options:

3. High-frequency directional beam ASW systems: This basically was the standard for WW2, and it still used for attack and accurate ranging work. Typically, the sonar will be extended from a compartment in the bottom of the ship, and mechanically trained in the desired search direction. Some are basic single beam, and some are monopulse beam for greater accuracy. The range is out to 1500 to 3000 yards reliably, if lucky, to 5000 yards. Unless capable of being tilted down, it does leave a dead zone under the ship.

2. High-frequency scanning sonar ASW systems: Basically a 360 degree scanning version of the high-frequency set covered above. Basically a cylinder formed of transducers that is electronically scanned for 360 degree continuous coverage, rather than needing to be trained about to get a wider area of scanning. Again, range limited by the high-frequency.

3. Medium Frequency directional and scanning ASW systems: Going to a lower frequency means going to a larger transducer array. It can still be deployed by lowering the transducer from the bottom of the ship, but takes up a lot more room. Range is out to roughly 6000 yards or so.

4. Low frequency scanning systems: The transducer is sufficiently larger as to not allow for mechanical training, so these are are pretty much straight scanning systems. Prior to being moved to the bow of surface ships, they were described a lowering or having a small boat underneath your ship, and did increase water resistance. Range of about 12,000 yards.

5. Very Low frequency scanning sets capable of directional beams from the transducer array: The array takes up about a 10 meter or so in diameter dome at the bow of the ASW ship, or the entire bow of the submarine. It has a direct range, under the right conditions of about 20,000 yards in the surface layer, but by using directional beams, can make use of the "Bottom Bounce" for "Convergence Zone" operations. The latest systems with a deep bottom below the ship, can reportedly reach about 75 nautical miles. The scanning rate at the range is pretty low, and a large part of the ocean can hear it.

See the Depths p. to modify the operation of the sonar at different depths or optimizations.

Variable depth and air deployed sonars can be handled by using the Deployable option or by constructing a drone or case for a sonar sensor with a comm unit. p.357

7. Passive sonar arrays: These can range from the WW1 directional hydrophone to complex towed arrays capable of not just bearing data, but also range.

You could handle these as a Sound Sensor p.359.

9. Not sure if it is covered, but you also have airborne magnetic detectors. The Japanese fielded one in World War 2 that was quite comparable to the one used by the US Navy. It would still be useful if converted from vacuum tube to transistor operation.
For magnetic and MAD type sensors see Field sensor p. 259 and p.174 for Magnetic Field Awareness.