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Landgrab - Strouden - Spinward Marches 2327


This is obviously currently a work in progress - comments are welcome!


Crowded in the cities, and unbearably hot outside the northern temperate areas.

Home to Ling Standard Products Naval Construction Yards, the 21st Imperial Fleet, and, oh yes, one of the most complex, convoluted, and frankly impenetrable bureaucracies known to the Third Imperium.

And you want to live here?!
Strategic Overview:

The Lunion subsector is the Imperial jumping-off point for the Five Sisters subsector, as well as the major trade connection with the Sword Worlds. As a result, trade is the be-all and end all of most worlds' economies; all manner of trade goods - legal and illegal alike - thrive in trade throughout not only the subsector, but the Spinward marches sector as a whole. Key to Stroudens' success as a major trade hub is not only it's commercially strategic position in the region, but it's militarily strategic position and ship construction yards, run by Ling Standard products.

The Ling Standard Products shipyards on Strouden are one of the two major shipbuilding points within the entire Spinward Marches (the other is the LSP yard on Lunion itself). The excellent workmanship, combined with level 13 technology, makes LSP products highly sought after.

Ling Standard Products, originally a mining firm (and still very active in that field), is currently engaged in a wide spectrum of activities including the manufacture of electronic equipment of all sorts, ground and air vehicles, starships and starship armaments, drive systems, power systems, computers and software, small arms, and a variety of consumer goods. Concerned to a small degree with banking, insurance, and stock brokerage, LSP maintains mining and manufacturing facilities throughout the Imperium and beyond. On Strouden, whilst concentrating on the construction of both civil and military shipping, LSP also has weapons fabrication, ship systems, and some of it's banking concerns, on-world.

All of the above makes LSP the worlds' prime commercial concern: Everything else is, frankly, small-fry in comparison.

Strategically, the system is the hub for more than six major high-profit trade routes, and three x-boat routes. It's also home to the Imperial 21st Fleet, the 504th Imperial Lift Marines (an included element of the 21st Fleet), and Stroudens' own Military Defence Services.

The SMDS (Strouden Military Defence Services) incorporates both space, land, and air units, maintaining 150 System Defence Boat Squadrons of eight Dragon-class SDBs each, and 3 Starship Squadrons, managed as a system defence and pirate interdiction fleet. Ground forces comprise a Field Army-strength force, primarily intended for use as a key point guard force in time of war, and a general security army in times of peace, complementing the Civil Security Service (Police) in times of civil unrest. Eight squadrons of 15 fighter/interceptor COACC units are maintained for starport and military site defence.

System Overview:

Strouden System is relatively unusual, comprising a binary star system. These tend to be uninhabitable, since planetary formation can be hampered by the stellar tides which prevent planets forming or, as happens in the vast majority of cases, normally results in planets that are uninhabitable due to formation in regions other than a stars' habitable zone. In Stroudens' case, however, a planet formed in the so-called habitable zone. So-called, as the planet is exceedingly hot all year round in all but the most polar regions - for example, average temperatures on the equator measure 64 degrees centigrade - far too hot for unsupported human life to last. Additionally, UV radiation from the primary star is hideously high - unprotected human skin normally develops lesions within an hour, with massive epidermal burning well before that.

Strouden possesses a small, relatively unremarkable moon, whose only notable feature is that it is home to the Strouden Military Defence Services System Early Warning Network Hub and C3 Relay Centre, codenamed SKYWARN.

The star system also possesses two asteroid belts, which have been extensively surveyed for mining opportunities, but which have yet to be exploited for such, the costs and risks involved for the potential returns being judged to be uneconomic and too high a risk.

Planetary Overview - Strouden:


While Strouden was a relatively normal world following formation, with the usual run of tectonic activity and associated geographical feature formations, the solar tidal forces due to the binary star system have had its' effects. Strouden is unusually volcanically active, with 20 active, and 15 dormant, volcanos. over the last 200 years, 8 of the active volcanos have been erupting constantly, spewing low-levels of magma flow: No explosive eruptions have occurred in this time. An unfortunate by-product of all the volcanic activity is that the atmosphere is permanently tainted with sulphur, and (until recently much unexplained) particulate matter, requiring citizens to use full-face filter/compressor masks when outside. Given the average outside temperatures as well, these have to be specially made for the planet, and contain a chiller unit to keep the oxygen supply tanks from bursting due to heat-induced pressure. this requires that all filter/compression mask units on-world utilise back-pack support systems; currently, a planetary terraforming effort is carrying on, to attempt to remove the atmospheric taint, but results are not expected for at least 200 years - the work has been greatly hampered by the continues volcanic activity world-wide. In addition, all waters on-world are similarly tainted with sulphur. Accordingly, all water must be filtered in order to render it potable.

The local year on Strouden is a shade over 31 days; this makes roughly 11.77 local years to the Imperial Standard year. As a result of the combination of local season rapidity and the average world temperature, no terran-style plants thrive anywhere except in specially insulated hydroponics 'greenhouses'.

The rotational period of 26.55 standard hours is close enough as to make little difference to the Imperial standard ways of doing things on a daily basis; visitors may find themselves a little fatigued after a few days, but that's the extent, normally. For those with a sensitive circadian rhythm to maintain, doctors are available 26 and a half hours a day, seven days a week, at all major cities state health centres, for immediate and free consultations (provided that the optional and reasonably cheap "visitor limited state health plan insurance policy" is taken out on entry to Strouden. Port Customs and Immigration officials always recommend it (Rumours that they receive a small commission if they sell it have regularly been denied by the government). If a visitor does not have the insurance policy, then costs skyrocket - the cost for medial care of offworlders is high, and the government wishes to discourage 'medical tourism' as a strain on resources).

Recent Geological Developments:

Until very recently, the primary goal of the geosciences on Strouden was the early detection and warning for all forms of volcanic event. However, it was noticed two hundred years ago that the only places where volcanic activity did not occur were on Maiz, the main landmass; this lead to some rather heated speculation on the reasons for the lack of activity, which went on until very recently.

The University of Miaz decided to investigate what was hitherto considered to be a super volcano site in the Great Lake on Miaz. Magnetometer, gravitic, and other surveys found nothing untoward, until new equipment was developed by, and donated for field testing, by LSP. These raised the levels of detection for magnetometers and remote gravitic sensing to a higher level than had previously been available to the University, and lo and behold, a super volcano the lake was not.

It was instead a massive impact crater.

Polar Ice Core surveys have dated the impact back some 3,000 years, to a semi-solid-cored HVI (High Velocity Impactor) object (probably a rogue meteorite or comet), that possibly measured some 800 metres across, massed somewhere in the region of 600 metric tonnes, and impacted with an estimated velocity of perhaps 35,000 kph).

Even after 3,000 years post-impact, all the particulate matter spewn up into the atmosphere has yet to return to ground, and scientists estimate that this may take another few hundred years yet - re-examined particulate matter pollution records from the last 300 years have shown that the matter is slowly returning to ground, but at such a slow rate that no-one had noticed until the records re-examination.

Arrival and Departure Protocols:

Strouden maintains a high-quality system, orbital, and suborbital traffic control service. The one orbital port, Strouden Highport, is maintained for vessels which are unable to enter an atmosphere. Given that most commercial ships are streamlined, it goes without much mention that only the larger commercial vessels use the highport. All other traffic is routed to one of the two commercial downports, located either side of the Cadogan Sea, a nearly six and a half thousand kilometre stretch of open ocean. All commercial starship traffic entering the atmosphere is vectored to approach and depart over the Cadogan Sea, and is vectored to either of the downports from insertion, or merged to the outgoing stream on departure.

Since the Strouden system has no gas giant, wilderness refuelling is not possible away from Strouden; given the extensive development of the world, the extensive ocean resources, and the amount of interstellar traffic using the facilities on Strouden, many ships prefer to use ocean refuelling as a means to cut costs (even given the sulphur taint of the oceans), rather than use the refined fuel available at the high post and down ports.

As a result, until a policy on ocean refuelling was instituted close to a hundred years ago, all manner of accidents (many total losses), near misses, and other frankly antisocial refuelling practices were to be found. The new policy of dedicated, controlled ocean refuelling was implemented, on grounds of Airspace control, safety, planetary defence and ecological maintenance.

Five areas were set aside for oceanic refuelling by starships; One is exclusively for the use of military vessels, located near the southern icecap, close to the LSP shipyard; the other four are for civilian ships. All civilian refuelling is conducted in the region of the Cadogan Sea, and consist 1000 km long by 500 km wide 'strips', subdivided to 50km square 'blocks'.

Allocation of these blocks is performed by the Strouden Suborbital Traffic Control Centre, on a 'first come, first served' basis, and is part of the landing/docking fee all civilian ships pay to dock at Strouden. Violation of the control system is grounds for the Strouden Military Defence Services COACC units to intercept, escort, and potentially impound violating ships.

Customs Control and Immigration:

To Follow


To Follow

Social and local customs overview:

To Follow

Adventure Hooks:

To Follow

Created the world map in Fractal Terrains, ported the result over to CC2. And blow me down if I can't remember how the heck I did it - I'm desperately trying to find out so I can replicate it for the climate, rainfall, and temperature maps! Aaagh! :confused: ;)

Oh yeah - and I used Paint Shop Pro to add the three starports and the myriad cities, until I actually get down to doing that in CC2 ;)
Updated pages now online; site directory structure now enabled, making updates a darn sight easier to perform; maps added for rainfall, climate, etc (see "Maps" page, more commentary added, main page slightly edited for content. More updates on the way.

Comments welcome
aditional material - not uploaded yet, so you all get a sneak peak


Strouden was initially a colony of Lunion; as such, and well over 300 years ago, the government was a civil service Bureaucracy, administered by senior civil servants from Lunion. As the colony grew, the requirement for supervision of the Bureaucracy that had been established lessened, and by some 300 years ago, the colony was so well established that Lunion withdrew it's supervising Civil Servants, and allowed the colony independence. Strouden was on her own legs.

Over time, however, the initial steps had taken root, and the Bureaucracy was pretty-much the be-all and end-all of orgnising what happened on Strouden. red tape had to be completed, in quintriplicate, submitted to at least eight different depatments (each with their own form formats, of course), rejected, thrown bback, resubmitted, analysed, reanalysed, sent to comittee for review and amaendments, etc etc etc... you get the idea. It's like mating Carlethouras-beast (a Strouden analogue to Elephants). Lots of noise, then nothing for ages. Your typical Bureaucracy gone mad. Yet, the population accept this as the norm, and carry on regardless. Small wonder then, that the 3rd Imperium makes a massive profit of bypassing all local red tape with it's Imperial-Standard procedures for the docking and undocking of ships!

Another problem with this bureaucracy is that it posesses one of the most productive public relations departments in known space: It's ability to 'spin' Government policy is quite literally legendary; one of its' madates is to present the government as apporachable and freindly. The upshot? Every department and agency tends to rename itself every few years, with amalgamations, splits, abolitions, and creations, being the rule and norm, rather than the exception. As a result, tracking what goes on in the Political life on Strouden is a full-time occupation of one entire Agency of Government: The Planetary Records Agency (Name as at 1115, previously called "The Ministry of Historical Affairs" - oddly enough an Executive Department with its' own Minister at Cabinet Committee level, and quite possibly the most powerful department on government on Strouden. Coming to their negative attention is not, it must be said, the wisest thing to do).

The Committees...

Strouden is ruled (well, governed would be a better phrase, really) by departments operating to the policies put into ewffect by committees. Quite literally, their word is law. The following are the major Committees:

(To follow)

Leaving the Starport...

However, when you want to leave the extrality area of the two civil starports, and enter the Stouden territory, things get, shall we say... tedious.

Customs Control and Immigration:

Passport control is exacly that. Efficient, ruthless, and often painful in the depth at which they check ones' identity papers and medical history.

Immigration, on the other hand, requires that an Entry Visa (you DID check with the Travellers Aid Society before attempting entry, right?) has first been issued by the following Executive Agencies (Names as at 1115):

  • Department of Immigration and Nationalisation
    (Checks for previous entries to Strouden, checks agains list of conduct records if previous legal entry found)</font>
  • Committee for Planetary Safety
    (a.k.a. Homeworld Security - Checks for outstanding criminal/intelligence interest files)</font>
  • Department of Defence
    (Checks against known outstanding hostile intelligence agency personnel files)</font>
  • Department of Health
    (Examines provided health records for known complaints and problems)</font>
  • Social Welfare Agency
    (Checks against previous entries, risk, and claims records)</font>
  • Trade Relations Agency
    (Examines if a file regarding trading exists - may determine if a business or personal visa is warranted; business visas contain myriad restrictions on travel destinations on Strouden)</font>
  • Tourism Agency
    (Checks if potential visitor is required to partake in compulsory open-air survival courses as a requirement of visa grant)</font>
If a visa is actually granted, it normally contains a time limitation, and, following the Fifth Frontier War, and the discovered Zhodani infiltrations prior to and during the war by Zhodani Intelligence Agency operatives, requires that all off-world visitors wear non-removable (legally, anyhow) tracking wrist-bands. These contain a GPS transponder system, which is monitored by the DIN, CPS, and DoD. Removal of the bands is a felony, punishable by up to five years incarceration, and immediate deportation after completion of sentence.

Naturally, if a visa application is rejected, the potential visitor is denied legal entry at any time in the future, and a permenant bar file is created with all the above agencies - even for Diplomatic Visits!

Should a barred visitor use illegal methods of enrtry, the penalty is the same as for tracking band removal on conviction; however, events leading up to arrest by DHS officers are more often than not made under the assumption of hostile intelligence agency infiltration, and arrest techniques are thus that much more likely to utilise maximum force, rather than reasonable force.


Strouden is a net exporter of the following goods:

Natural Resources: Agriculture, Ores, Radioactives
Processed Resources: Agroproducts, Metals, Non-Metals
Manufactured Resources: Durables, Consumables
Information Resources: Software (primarily highly detailed database and indexing systems), Documents

As a result, very little is imported, bar certain luxury goods, and materials pertaining to starship construction and fittings, primarily by LSP, which posesses an unlimited End User Certificate from the Department of Trade.

Social and local customs overview: (Local Customs/Practicing Group)

Certain coloured food taboo/All population.
During the Ffith Frontier War, a rumour circulated that black food colouring (a component colour of the Zhodani Flag is black) had been tampered with, in order to aid in flushing out Zhodani Sympathisers. In actual fact, this was a rumour initiated by the DHS and MoT, due food rationing shortages through supply line problems during the middle of the war, but it circulated so widely that no-one wanted to be seen to be a sympathiser; the habit persisted after the war, and that, as they say, was that!

Communal polygamy practiced/All population:

To follow

Dowery paid by outsider/All population.

A facet of the Church of Sophontology requires that all offworlders ("unbelievers") pay a dowry, paid to the family of the Stroudenite being marries, against insurance bonds for behavioural compliance in all matters while married..

Unusual headgear/All population.

Given the very high UV output of "The Cooker" (the main star of Strouden System), histprically, all p[ersopns on the surface have had to wear all-encompassing headgear. over time, with the domed and subterranian habitations, this has evolved into sometjing of a fashion theme, more than a practicality. It is highly frowned upon, for this historical reason, to go anywhere on-world without this 'protection' on ones' head.


There y'go - spelling errors and all (I'm using my partner's PC, so there!) - comments and thoughts welcome, as usual

Bear in mind it's gonna be updated fairly frequently over the next month or two, then semi-frequently as ideas and graphics come to mind thereafter
OK, major update time (already), lol...

nav system fully updated, using javascript roll-overs... additional, material added, new place holders installed for material that's on the way...

More to come over the next few weeks

Originally posted by Redcap:

Strouden was initially a colony of Lunion;
Let me start by emphasizing that the following is merely my opinion.

In 100, Strouden was a Human-prime world lying on the trade route between the Sword Worlds and the Imperium. It is extremely unlikely that it would remain empty until a settlement on Lunion grew big enough to send out colonies of its own. Much more likely that Lunion and Strouden were both settled quite early in the history of the Spinward Marches and grew side by side.

The settlement map of the Marches shows that both Lunion and Strouden were members of the Imperium by 300 (Personally I think they both became members much earlier -- early 2nd Century would be my guess). The Imperium frown on multi-world members. It does accept them from time to time, but not if it can avoid it. It's certainly not impossible that the Imperium would allow Lunion to keep Strouden as a colony (assuming for purposes of argument that Lunion had somehow actually managed to colonize and hold on to Strouden in the first place), but it would be an anomaly.

Originally posted by Jame:
Any plans to utilize GT:Star Mercs's Strouden Snipers?
Er... no, since I don't have a copy of GT: Star Mercs! I'm cutting off the date on the material to 1115, if that helps?
Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Redcap:

Strouden was initially a colony of Lunion;
Let me start by emphasizing that the following is merely my opinion.</font>[/QUOTE]ok, np

In 100, Strouden was a Human-prime world lying on the trade route between the Sword Worlds and the Imperium. It is extremely unlikely that it would remain empty until a settlement on Lunion grew big enough to send out colonies of its own. Much more likely that Lunion and Strouden were both settled quite early in the history of the Spinward Marches and grew side by side.
Interesting. It may well change a few things, mostly in the length of time the civil service has been in power, and how entrenched things are. I'll look into that. Thanks.

The settlement map of the Marches shows that both Lunion and Strouden were members of the Imperium by 300 (Personally I think they both became members much earlier -- early 2nd Century would be my guess). The Imperium frown on multi-world members. It does accept them from time to time, but not if it can avoid it. It's certainly not impossible that the Imperium would allow Lunion to keep Strouden as a colony (assuming for purposes of argument that Lunion had somehow actually managed to colonize and hold on to Strouden in the first place), but it would be an anomaly.

Again, interesting. Don't expect any rewrites too quickly - I need to get time to read over the material (again, looks like I missed something), and re-work a couple of drafts until it reads right.

Again, thanks for the input

Robject -

Thanks, but not quite ;)

The system map was generated initially with H&E, which, while being an excellent piece of system generation software, I found it to be wanting somewhat in the imagery department, lol

So, I used the DGP (remember them?
) system map format as a guide, and reworked it from the ground up in Fireworks
OK, follow-up references questions...

Originally posted by rancke:
The settlement map of the Marches shows that both Lunion and Strouden were members of the Imperium by 300 (Personally I think they both became members much earlier -- early 2nd Century would be my guess).
Hans, I've scoured my Traveller material (both CT and MT), and cannot seem to find the settlement maps you mention. References, please?

Cheers in advance,

Originally posted by Redcap:
OK, follow-up references questions...

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rancke:
The settlement map of the Marches shows that both Lunion and Strouden were members of the Imperium by 300 (Personally I think they both became members much earlier -- early 2nd Century would be my guess).
Hans, I've scoured my Traveller material (both CT and MT), and cannot seem to find the settlement maps you mention. References, please?</font>[/QUOTE]They're in an essay about the settlement of the Spinward Marches that was first published in Library Data (N-Z) and reprinted in The Traveller Adventure. It includes three maps showing the marches in 300, 400, and 500.

I had a lot of fun working out the politics of the Sword Worlds during that period.

The Spinward Marches Campaign also have maps showing major political borders before and after the first four frontier wars.

Not much information for Lunion subsector to be dug out of them, I'm afraid, although the border with the Sword Worlds does change a bit.

Apart from the border, however, Lunion just shows as Imperial territory on all the maps.

Ah. That may be why I missed it - I hadn't thought of going through the The Traveller Adventure!

OK on Library Data (N-Z) - I've read that, and found the references there, but had a sudden horrifying mental image of someone having written the definitive colonisation history of the Marches :eek:

OK, now I know where to look, expect a rewrite in the next week (or two)

Thanks again

Originally posted by Redcap:
Ah. That may be why I missed it - I hadn't thought of going through the The Traveller Adventure!

OK on Library Data (N-Z) - I've read that, and found the references there, but had a sudden horrifying mental image of someone having written the definitive colonisation history of the Marches :eek:
I've been working on that for ten years on and off (it's sort of a hobby) but I'm nowhere near there. Do you know Jim Vassiliakos' Galactic program? I set out to make a Galactic map of the Spinward Marches for roughly every century from Year 0 to the Classic Era. I'm more or less finished (you never really finish something like that) with Year 55 and Year 125, and I've started on Year 200 and Year 300.

I don't think I'm going to finish the project any time soon. For one thing, it's a really big job. For another, I keep getting sidetracked from the big picture with excursions into this and that fascinating detail. I've done a lot of work on the history of Regina and hope eventually to turn out a couple of historical campaign setting based on it; for the last year or so I've worked on backdating Leviathan to Year 400, which turned into a 20,000 word campaign setting about Glisten, District 268, Egyrn, and Pax Rulin (that one I may actually finish and submit to JTAS Online in the not too distant future); I have an idea for a free trader campaign set in Mora in Year 462 involving the struggle of the Fornice Freightereers to break the economic stranglehold of the Mora Merchants that's barely more than a few notes. I have an adventure set on Vanejen in Year 100 that has been almost finished for five years -- I just can't get the last bits to jell.

And with all that, I've really just scratched the surface. I've done very little work in Lunion, for instance. Just a few dates of first settlements and some work on when the various duchies were established.

Well, what can I say? It's a hobby ;) .
