Ok, parameters for a raider trap at our large GG (90,000 km radius).
The bait is the merchant approaching the GG to refuel. Shadowing the merchant is a large escort MD-6, perhaps a destroyer, sitting say 1LS (300,000 km) behind & waiting to see if anything bites at the bait.
The goal is to see if the escort can catch the raider before the raider hides in the GG. Does the raider get to shoot at the merchant before he runs or must he break off immediaely he spots the escort.
The raiders priority is escape over damaging the merchant. Preferably by jump otherwise by hiding. The Escorts priority is to damage or destroy the raider.
When the raider hides in the GG, the distance between the raider & the Escort at that point, will be of use in a future thread.
*** step 1. raiders vs merchant
The raider (or the ships boats on the other side) spots the merchant at 150,000 km's at right angles to the raider relative to the GG. The merchant is 150,000 km away from the GG (GG radius 90,000 km). The raider is 150,000 km from the GG in orbit (GG radius 90,000 km). For the purposes of keeping this simple & reletively generic tho' we will say the raider is stationary (MD-4).
The merchant (MD-2) when spotted is on the final phase of its approach to the GG. It is decelerating at 2g aiming to stop on the GG 150,000 km away.
So the merchant is decelerating at a constant 2g. Raider is covering the same distance point to point at 4g. The raider (for simplicities sake) will aim to reach the GG first & move to intercept the merchant before the merchant gets to the GG.
The merchant will be able to spot the raider at 75,000 km & broadcast for help, that will be at some point before the raider gets into a blocking position.
Q. How much time does the raider get to shoot the merchant, before the merchant reaches the top of the GG atmosphere?
Q. How long before combat starts is the raider is spotted by the merchant at 75,000 km away?
*** Step 2. large escort vs raider
The escort starts 300,000 km behind the merchant and is decelerating at 2g toward the GG (mirroring the merchants movement) when it gets the SOS call. The raider at this point is 75,000 km away from the merchant and converging on it.
The raider is intent on getting the merchant and we will assume the large escort does not respond to the merchant until the raider spots it, in other words the escort will run silent. At 300,000 km the raider will spot the escort.
Q. In relation to the raider vs merchant intercept, at what point (in time) does the raider know of the escort?
Q. At that point, how far away is the GG for the raider?
Q. Can the raider risk a turn of combat (20 min & 1 turn vs a merchant should be quite nasty) and still escape into the GG before the escort intercepts?
The bait is the merchant approaching the GG to refuel. Shadowing the merchant is a large escort MD-6, perhaps a destroyer, sitting say 1LS (300,000 km) behind & waiting to see if anything bites at the bait.
The goal is to see if the escort can catch the raider before the raider hides in the GG. Does the raider get to shoot at the merchant before he runs or must he break off immediaely he spots the escort.
The raiders priority is escape over damaging the merchant. Preferably by jump otherwise by hiding. The Escorts priority is to damage or destroy the raider.
When the raider hides in the GG, the distance between the raider & the Escort at that point, will be of use in a future thread.
*** step 1. raiders vs merchant
The raider (or the ships boats on the other side) spots the merchant at 150,000 km's at right angles to the raider relative to the GG. The merchant is 150,000 km away from the GG (GG radius 90,000 km). The raider is 150,000 km from the GG in orbit (GG radius 90,000 km). For the purposes of keeping this simple & reletively generic tho' we will say the raider is stationary (MD-4).
The merchant (MD-2) when spotted is on the final phase of its approach to the GG. It is decelerating at 2g aiming to stop on the GG 150,000 km away.
So the merchant is decelerating at a constant 2g. Raider is covering the same distance point to point at 4g. The raider (for simplicities sake) will aim to reach the GG first & move to intercept the merchant before the merchant gets to the GG.
The merchant will be able to spot the raider at 75,000 km & broadcast for help, that will be at some point before the raider gets into a blocking position.
Q. How much time does the raider get to shoot the merchant, before the merchant reaches the top of the GG atmosphere?
Q. How long before combat starts is the raider is spotted by the merchant at 75,000 km away?
*** Step 2. large escort vs raider
The escort starts 300,000 km behind the merchant and is decelerating at 2g toward the GG (mirroring the merchants movement) when it gets the SOS call. The raider at this point is 75,000 km away from the merchant and converging on it.
The raider is intent on getting the merchant and we will assume the large escort does not respond to the merchant until the raider spots it, in other words the escort will run silent. At 300,000 km the raider will spot the escort.
Q. In relation to the raider vs merchant intercept, at what point (in time) does the raider know of the escort?
Q. At that point, how far away is the GG for the raider?
Q. Can the raider risk a turn of combat (20 min & 1 turn vs a merchant should be quite nasty) and still escape into the GG before the escort intercepts?