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Large Lot of 2300AD stuff for sale

This is an auction that I have placed on ebay. You can find the auction itself here:


The lot includes 1 copy of the boxed set of Star Cruiser (near-mint), 1 copy of the boxed set of 2300AD (good-box slightly damaged, books are near-mint), 3 copies of Traveller: 2300 (all near-mint), 2 copies of the Equipment Guide (near-mint), 2 copies of the Ground Vehicle Guide (near-mint), 1 copy of the Kafer Sourcebook (near-mint), 1 copy of the Colonial Atlas (near-mint), 1 copy of Bayern (good, minor spine damage), 1 copy of Ships of the French Arm (good, very minor corner damage), 1 copy of the Nyotekundu Sourcebook (near-mint), 1 copy of Energy Curve (near-mint), and 1 copy of Kafer Dawn (near mint). This is everything you need to play the game and much more.
yea and look who bid on it.... I'm not gonna touch that
Hm. $35 for all that is a bit low considering what's on offer. Don't you think it's a little unfair to Jeff for nobody else to bid on it and raise the price just because Marc wants it?
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
There's eight days to go. I doubt that the bid of $35 will be the winning bid. But you never can tell with ebay... ;)
There have been Traveller things on eBay that I have seen go for over US$100, and then another of that same thing a few weeks later go for about US$20. In these instances I have kicked myself for not at least bidding something. On the other hand, I have bid what I think are ridiculously low amounts on occaision and won the bid.
- Joseph
onlooker1 is Marc Miller? Can we get a confirmation on that? If so, and if he's interested, I might have more GDW stuff to sell him on a preferential basis if I could get word to him.

Lotta ifs there.
Yup, Onlooker1 is Marc. Not only have I dealt with directly and used eBay but if you need further proof go to the CofI eBay section used the limiter Search Auctions by Marc W. Miller and there you go...