Originally posted by Jeff M. Hopper:
ObTrav - The PCs are hauling a cargo of food and medical supplies to a world that has suffered a catastrophe (asteroid strike, massive solar flare, nuclear war, etc., just insert Irwin Allen movie here). Their ship is directed to an Azhanti High Lightning cruiser in orbit, instead of the local starport, which is acting as an interim starport for relief efforts.
Required Skills: none,
Required Equipment: starship
Player's Information:
The players land at a starport of a pop 8+, starport B+ world (where, within one jump, there is a world with pop 6-, starport C- world). As soon as they are on the ground, and Imperial Official walks up the boarding ramp and meets the PCs at their airlock. He tells the PCs that a nearby world has been hit with a great disaster (GM's choice), and that the Imperium is requisitioning ships to carry food and medical supplies and deliver disaster relief personnel to the world. (The supplies and personnel are mostly paid for through large charity concerns, many of which are funded by wealthy noble contributors; but the delivery and coordination is being provided by the Imperium and its officials.) The official will allow the PCs to chose, but will try to persuade them (even guilt them) into accepting. If the PC's accept, their cargo hold will be filled to capacity with Priority Cargo, and their staterooms will be filled with relief workers, all at Double Occupancy. The ship will be refueled free of charge immediately. A group of stevedores with loading equipment is standing by to offload current cargo and reload the ship immediately. Outbound relief workers can be here in one hour and be finished boarding less than twenty minutes later. It should be a profitable trip. The PCs should be leaving in under three hours.
Referee's Information:
Because of the disaster, there might not be enough cargo and passengers available on the disaster world to guarantee a profitable trip from there to wherever they go next (the GM should apply appropriate negative modifiers to the cargo and passenger generation tables). If the PCs think to ask, the Imperial Official will provide a "guaranteed profit voucher". This will pay the starship's bank the difference between their monthly mortgage and any shortfall at the end of the current payment period, but the ship's books for the current payment period must be submitted to local Treasury Ministry officials to determine the amount to be paid out.
1. All is as represented. The PCs will make rendezvous in the target system with a giant capital ship of the Imperial Navy, and will allow their passengers and cargo to be offloaded there. They are not allowed onto the planet (hopefully, they asked for the voucher noted above).
2-3. All is as represented. The PCs will deliver passengers and cargo directly to the planet's down starport. Everything is in mass chaos. Customs is non-existant, no one checks up on their ship when it lands. The starport has been swarmed externally with people seeking refuge, and the Imperial troops and personnel on hand (many are out and about providing security against looting and aiding relief efforts) aren't enough to always keep them outside the extrality line (more forces are coming in 1d6 weeks, but they aren't here yet). Some refugees occasionally climb the ordinary fence or even rip it down in order to get to starships in the hopes of getting off-world (even though crossing the extrality line is illegal and viewed dimly by Imperial authorities). It's up to the PCs to see to it that their passengers and cargo are offloaded safely. It's also going to be an adventure to try and acquire outbound cargo and passengers in the middle of the chaos.
4-5. The PCs arrive, and receive only a cursory message about a landing pad and beacon assignment from downport control. When they land, the starport is largely a no man's land of refugees and vastly outnumbered Imperial forces who have retreated to nearly invulnerable (to personal or vehicular weapons) defense bunkers protected by bonded superdense armor. They aren't interested in gunning down unarmed civilians in defense of the minimal C- port facilities. Again, it's up to the PCs to assure their cargo and passengers are offloaded safely (if they even want to help). The passengers will not wish to return to their origin, they're here to get a job done, and if the PCs don't help them, they'll go it alone . . . only some of them will be hurt or killed getting out of the starport if the PCs don't help. While this isn't techincally a crime, it will make the PC's names dirt in certain Imperial circles. If they did ask for and receive the voucher noted above, the PCs will find completion of payment mired in red tape.
6. The Imperial official is a fraud trying to get a hot cargo and largish team of criminals and friends off planet as soon as possible. Starport news feeds have been hacked, and will report everything the fraud has said as true. The stevedores are actually part of the criminal crew, and as they finish up, they'll swap clothes and suddently "appear" as relief workers ready to get on board. If the PCs get off their ship and check any of the fraud's statements out, they'll find out the truth. The fraud and his crew will do everything in their power to prevent this from happening, from innocously finding minor defects in the ship's hull or systems which will require the PC's attention, to hijacking the ship, if necessary. If the PCs do not detect the fraud, they will get to the destination world, and there will be no disaster. The fraud will offer to check out what's going on, and he will leave to "talk to the portmaster immediately". The passengers will volunteer to offload everything (and will bowl over any objections about there being no disaster or having arrived in the wrong place). In two to four hours, they'll all be gone, having disappeared into the local criminal underground. A major investigative effort will be required to locate any of them.