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Lasers & Energy Weapons (hand-held)

Maybe the problem is in the definition of beam versus pulse? The game describes both the rifle and carbine as firing "bolts". In Striker pulse lasers are more efficient at producing damage than beams since a beam laser output is it's input divided by 4, while a pulse laser is divided only by the number of lenses. So not only would a single lens pulse laser have more penetration (and damage), it would also be lighter since the energy throughput is more efficient than a beam.

I would argue that given all that, the man portable lasers are going to be pulse lasers. Beams might work better for long range support weapons because they can always engage 2 targets at +2, while only multiple lens pulse lasers can engage multiple targets - with a corresponding drop off in damage vs energy input.
----------------The military lasers are silent except for the humming of all the power generators needed to fire them and the noises that are made when they hit something and it starts to fry, breaks apart or just simply explodes (usually due to trapped moisture being superheated in fractions of a second). It depends on the material that is hit though. The "Strahlung" (beam/pulse) themselves make no noise.

Is this a IMTU observation or based on RL? If RL, I'd find a link or two interesting.

Is this a IMTU observation or based on RL? If RL, I'd find a link or two interesting.


Well, in this old film you can see that the beam cannot actually be seen except where it is hitting the target:

As for the sound, well it is just observation from the lasers that I worked with. Sure, you'll have a humming from the energy source and the vacuum pump, but you wouldn't be able hear it over any appreciable distance. The enemy won't hear it. Certainly not by the time they reach tech 13 anyway. ; - )


Here you can make your own and try it out: