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Late 2003/2004 releases?

There will be a referee's book eventually., Homecoming is looking like the biggest priority...
Originally posted by MJD:
My own next project will be one of:

Under the Sunburst: The 3rd Imperium Sourcebook (Everything about the Imperium in 1 volume)
As long as you don't have a Bwap Attack?

Encyclopedia Imperialis in 32 DVD-Roms...

... for the Index.
Originally posted by Ben W Bell:
I think a good sized Third Imperium sourcebook is required, not simply a nice to have. Many of us here have the benefits of owning a lot of the Traveller back catalog that has been read over the years, but new players do not have this option.
Well, at least there are reprints and the Web. but I agree with you, I'm a newbie and only have access to what's in print *Right Now*.

It is always handy to have all the material in one place anyway instead of trying to remember which adventure or book the information you vaguely remember is in.
THAT would be a Killer IMHO. As long as searching through it isn't more painfull than searching through every single supplements

If a massive book was produced with sector and subsector maps (no real detail just the UWPs and maps),
Hum... better post that on the web or do a small supplement with only those UWP, better not take up space that could be better used for what you say below:

as full a history as possible, the organisation of the Imperial government and bureaucracy, Emperors, Nobles,
Just don't describe them too much. I don't really care about the Imperial Civil Engineering Starport Number Painting Sub-Comittee.

lots of information on everyday life (tricky I know) and how things work (such as x-boats, passenger transport),
Please, take a look at DreamPod 9's Heavy Gear Life on Terra Nova sourcebook. It has MANY things that are so often not mentioned in RPG books. It has some descriptions of food, fashion, sports, entertainment, etc.. No need to go into the deep details for every planet, just highlighting some basic currents would be enough to jumpstarts many.

How dows banking works? Is there trans-sector megacorp fast-food chain? Imperial wide wallmart?

small overview of the military services,
And keep a deeper description for another supplement. There's already GT:Groundforces and the upcomming GT:Starship that can be used, no need to re-create everything and cramm it into the book. A T20 "Imperial Military" sourcebook could be done to satistfy the newbie gun-bunnies after that...

bit of detail on the core worlds,
Or at least the sector/sub-sector capitals

dispersal of alien races and races of humaniti
That'd be GREAT. Would help Refs make a more interesting/real/consistent populations.