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Launch Tubes

The thing about missiles, and presumably torpedoes, is that they can change direction from the launch angle.

It's one reason I'm more inclined to have them as mounted fixtures.

I'm ambiguous about canisters.
One of the reasons to use an e.m., gravitic, or even chemical propelled launch tube is so that you can use the energy from the firing ship to change the vector of the missile from that of the firing ship - I haven't seen these rules anywhere in Traveller but I did dabble with my own.
I thought it was a given, except when used in the point defence role, where the narrow time window would force a more directional approach.
Ordnance launched from a ship has the vector of the firing ship rules as written - a powered launcher would allow you to adjust the ordnance vector on launch without it using its own precious (magic) maneuvering reserves.

Not however you will need an enormous acceleration since the launch window is so short.