With the understanding that a lot of you guys won't touch ship's programming with missile probes at ten light seconds, I wondered if anyone who DOES monkey around with it might put forth some of the programs they'd cobbled together for it. There seems to be room for plenty, especially with special, MilSpec programming (that the PCs would seldom if ever see) but there might be other nifty stuff out there too.
Setting aside, please! any issues with copy-protect, machine tonnage, and medium.
There's two that I've got off the top of my head:
Dispersed Fire. Space 4, Cost ? (MilSpec) Allows a to fire its lasers in a broad pattern; multiple hits are sacrificed for the sake of achieving one. For every ten lasers committed to a target, add +1 to hit. There is one roll to hit; if the roll is successful, one laser hit is achieved. Target is also required; Predict, Multi-Target, Double-Fire and Return Fire may be used in conjunction with the program. Incompatible with Select and Gunner-Interact programs.
(Extends effective range of lasers)
Focused Fire. Space 4, Cost ? (MilSpec) Allows a to fire its lasers in an extremely tight pattern; Any number of the ship's laser turrets may be committed to a single target; all lasers from a given turret must be committed to that target. There is one roll to hit; if the roll is successful, all lasers do damage. Target is also required; Predict, Multi-Target, Double-Fire and Return Fire may be used in conjunction with the program. Incompatible with Select and Gunner-Interact programs.
(Can deliver killing blows in a laser duel; saves PCs and Ref from die-related carpal tunnel)
So what you got? Anything in particular for the civilian comps? Anything anyone's players have come up with?
Setting aside, please! any issues with copy-protect, machine tonnage, and medium.
There's two that I've got off the top of my head:
Dispersed Fire. Space 4, Cost ? (MilSpec) Allows a to fire its lasers in a broad pattern; multiple hits are sacrificed for the sake of achieving one. For every ten lasers committed to a target, add +1 to hit. There is one roll to hit; if the roll is successful, one laser hit is achieved. Target is also required; Predict, Multi-Target, Double-Fire and Return Fire may be used in conjunction with the program. Incompatible with Select and Gunner-Interact programs.
(Extends effective range of lasers)
Focused Fire. Space 4, Cost ? (MilSpec) Allows a to fire its lasers in an extremely tight pattern; Any number of the ship's laser turrets may be committed to a single target; all lasers from a given turret must be committed to that target. There is one roll to hit; if the roll is successful, all lasers do damage. Target is also required; Predict, Multi-Target, Double-Fire and Return Fire may be used in conjunction with the program. Incompatible with Select and Gunner-Interact programs.
(Can deliver killing blows in a laser duel; saves PCs and Ref from die-related carpal tunnel)
So what you got? Anything in particular for the civilian comps? Anything anyone's players have come up with?
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