Everyone?! You wound me, Bill. Here and I was afraid that people thought that those Vilani were all I ever talked about around here.
By "everyone", I was only referring to those who had posted in this prior to me.

It's still a major achievement, though, even with J2 at their disposal. It shouldn't be forgotten how much more challenging the astrography gets for low-jump ships once one gets rimward of Massila Sector.
It certainly would have been tough exploring and fighting with only jump2, but thankfully there were brown dwarfs in each and every one of those gaps...
... brown dwarfs in every single one of those hundreds of gaps EXCEPT the gap between Sirius and Sol.
Or so G:T tells us.

Defeat had already been seeping in from the core for a while before the Terrans made contact. The Vargr were capable of jump-3 for centuries prior to the ISW period...
Funny how everyone always forgets Gvuurdon's Story isn't it? Of course the OTU history we're reading in canon is mostly written by the political descendants on the Rule of Man.
... my best guess is that entire sectors of the core-spinward edge of the Ziru Sirka was swarming with them by the time the Terrans even knew there was such a thing as a 'jump drive'.
And then there's my belief that the Terrans didn't overthrow the Ziru Sirka as much as they provided the Ziru Sirka with it's last ruling dynasty.
You should have heard the squeals at the JTAS forum when I brought up that particular idea during the run-up to the GT:ISW play test. The old Terra Uber Alles schtick has a powerful romantic hold on many people.