So, what a "Liberty" ship would be in Traveller I think in part depends on who's building it. The Imperium, or anyone else, would have to go with what could be mass produced cheaply by most builders not what necessarily is optimal. I'd also think there'd be a whole range of different vessels would be standardized. The US program had these types (not all inclusive) included:
C1, C2, C3, C4 cargo ships. These were ocean going designs. That is, larger cargo ships.
EC 1 and 2 Emergency cargo ships. Quick and cheap to build. Not intended to last and not optimal.
T1, 2, 3 tankers. Varying in size mostly.
R1 Refrigerated cargo ship
N1, 2, 3 coastal freighters. Smaller cargo ships for coastal waters.
P1, 2 troop transports / passenger liners.
V4 tug
The idea here would be any reasonably large space fairing "nation" would likely have some similar system in place where a yard could enter the "national" program and build one or more standard types for the government. Most of these ships would end up being turned over to civilian owners once the war / emergency was over.
In peacetime, I could see the same "nations" having requirements for civilian merchant shipping to meet certain standards so that they could be used in wartime... Particularly larger ships. These would almost certainly be capable of rapidly being turned into merchant cruisers and armed escorts.
What I don't see is just a single outlier design being in production. Militaries are more thorough than that.