A usual fitting in lifeboats is the shared coldsleep berth, where four people all go into hibernation together and share the same survival roll. If you have a lifeboat with such equipment you don't need any other hibernation drugs like "Fast drug." I've always assumed low berths used "Fast drug" as part of what made them work.
And all lifeboats would have an emergency beacon and communicator to let searchers know where to look.
The hostile environment kit included 30 days of nutritional supplements, and 8 cans of water. I can't imagine what a "hydration" pill would be. I would think that water purification gear/tablets would be in such a kit, although they aren't mentioned.
There's lot of other neat stuff in the hostile environment kit: a filter/respirator combo mask, a commlink, lightsticks, a folding rifle with ammo, climbing stuff, a sheltersuit with a heatpump that protects the wearer from extreme heat or cold, a liferaft, a survival manual on microfilm, and many other useful items.
GT updated the hostile environment kit in the FAR TRADER supplement. Look there for some more good ideas.