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Lifers against Newbies, wheres the Compromise?



I have posted a few times, and read much, and one thing is obvious so far, and that is theat the T20 audience has attracted two groups of people.

The Lifers, those who have played traveller in all versions, since bygone days long since gone, who want it preserved, untouched, and left as is to preserve the "Feel", "uniqueness" and so on.

And The Short Termers or Newbies, who may have played one of the versions a few times, or never played it at all, and like most Roleplayers have been desperately hoping for a Science Fiction Roleplaying game, with a system and all the trimmings to boot that they can finally play, and want Traveller to lose some of the original unbending nostaliga and include a few new things and ideas, or at least make it a little bit more generic than fixed.

So Whose right.... well i imagine both are in thier own ways..

Personally i hated the system of the MegaTraveller New Era version, though spent many an evening reading the book, enjoying the content and other neat things included, like the system generation and subsector charts, the trading rules and so forth, and especially the character generation rules which unlike most games allowed you to build your characters history prior to play, and select skills, and benefits based on your tours of duty... it was great. And although i have never personally played the original Version, i have heard from many people that the original little black book Traveller was excellent.

But one thing for Traveller seems to have remained constant, and that is that the audience, has never been Huge like some game,s but does consist of many diehard and loyal players, but regardless of this each version has disappeared and failed to attract enough peoples interest.

why? it had a great and developed history, many interesting factions, established timelines and wars, shifts in borders, discovery of new factions, and the unravelling mass of plots and gritty theme, many Sci Fi authors only wish they could cram into a novel.

So wheres the problem, what didn;t appeal?

I rather suspect this question is different for every person.

For me it was system, and lack of artwork, i'm a bit of a stickler for artwork, if i'm using a laser pistol i don;t just want to read about it, i want to see it, if i'm flying a survey ship aagain i want to see it, if i meet Mr Handy the Maintenance droid again what does he look like, for me a description just doesn;t hit the spot, and not through any lack of imagination, but simply because pictures draw you in and keep you looking, a page of simple text does not.

for others i imagine it was Travellers tendency to not change anything, it was established, and things all had a proper place in the big Traveller scheme of things and shouldn;t be changed, for fear of losing some feel or stylew of the game.

this sort of opinion i have seen displayed here on some of the topics many times. And i can;t help wondering if it's a good or a bad thing

sure nothing changes everything remains the same, and then surely all you technically have is an old version of traveller with a new system, nothing new, nothing unique, no new selling points, just the same old same old.....nothing to draw new eyes in except the addition of a new system, and depending on how the conversion has gone that may be good or bad.

The Theme is preserved, there is no new tech, no new races, even the maps are the same style and layout and content, no new additions in the form of optional addtions like Mechs as suggested on one list, or anything else.

And again i ask myself is this a good thing... well i have put my group forward for playtesting and i hope i am given the chance to prove myself wrong.

But my intial reacctions, is dubious, yet hopeful at best, fearful that all a T20 will achieve is having the diehards pick up a copy for novelty value, to place with the other versions on thier shelf, and the new players to buy and conclude that it's just the same as all the other versions and put it away in thier cupboards never to look at again.

For me Traveller has always appealed, but the RPg market is and has always been finicky for lack of a better word, with people being very particular about what they are after, if the system isn;t good, then it's the Setting thats bad, if it's not the setting or system, then it's the character generation or lack of additional or relevant info etc...

Games have made it and gone bust on these and a lot less... i'm thinking of Fasa's Earthdawn system a fantastic system, which somehow managed to get perhaps the worst cover and lack of PR in the business and disappear into anonymity....

There is easily nothing as choosy as a Roleplayer.

So i keep asking myself, what new and un-presetned so far additions in the Traveller series will there be to draw us in to play T20, what new and appealing additions can we expect to look forward too?

Or are we simply talking Revamp? of the old with this new system, and a hope that people will see what they didn;t see before?

Traveller has many redeeming qualities, but anyone who has heard of it, will be expecting something new, something different, surely somewhere a compromise can be found to keep the Lifer and the Newbie both happy.

For myself i'll buy traveller regardless, as i like it, and the D20 system.. but if all we are getting as mentioned before is an old game with a new system, and nothing else, then i can't help wondering if it will be worth the money in the scheme of things.


"Et semel emissum volat ireevocabile verbum".
Some of use _are_ lifers. I'll take that title willingly enough, though I'm a bigger MT fan than CT (apply all the errata and it really is what it promised to be...it's just that even T4 had less errata so it's possiblities were easier to see... )

OTOH, I've run more than a few newbies into the 3I - not Traveller per se, even though we used either CT or MT rules. No. They did not care in any way shape or form. They were learning what life was like in the Marches, in District 268 in 1110 or so. Falador anyone?

The Classic 3I is the key to Traveller, not the rules. I'll be happy to run T20. But it's gonna be a hard core bait and switch; pull 'em in with the d20 label and keep 'em by hooking them with the 3I - and the 3I is just like certain chemicals that have the first taste free too...

Also i would like to add that this is not in anyway a criticisim of T20 as such, just a hope that both groups and audiences can be catered for.

I am not in anyway against T20, in fact i am very much for it!

But i do think it should have a few "New" things besides the system.


"Et semel emissum volat ireevocabile verbum".

let me try and say this one more time...if you want mechs in T20, you can build them. The basic capabilities will be there. We will not be 'promoting' the fact you can build mechs any more than we would promote the fact you can build motorcycles, tanks, or other vehicles.

Cybertech, thats what electronics and computer skill are for right?

Biotech, you can get mechanical and biological enhancements in Traveller. Anagathics anyone? Uplifted species anyone?

Where's the 'new' stuff that isn't in Traveller? It is there, it just isn't the primary focus of the game.


[This message has been edited by hunter (edited 31 May 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:

Where's the 'new' stuff that isn't in Traveller?


Hi hunter

Fear not this wasn;t actually about mechs per se.. it was more of a broad based query... and a serious one too.. i have heard much about what has been kept and why on the various lists, but really have not seen much at all about what has been added, i've seen revised, reviewed, altered.. but not added.

I really wasn;t trying to make you reach for those asp[irin again honestly <g>..... just simply find out what "New" things exactly we can look forward to.

Uplifts have always been a neat idea, ever since i first read about them in that series of books, whose title now eludes me. age must be addling my brain <g>


"Et semel emissum volat ireevocabile verbum".
Hehe that wasn't so much directed as you as general exasperation today. I have literally spent most of the day on these boards responding to messages

I guess my point was that most of the 'new' stuff folks might want does exist in Traveller for the most part. They are just not 'in yer face' about it.

I have some folks who in one breath say they want a generic sci-fi setting, but the want detailed rules for everything in it, or so it seems. You can't have both in a single book.

The T20 core book is designed to give a Referee the basics to get started in the Traveller universe, what it's all about, and how to run it. That in itself is a lot to fit into a single 256 page book.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
>Hehe that wasn't so much directed as you as >general exasperation today. I have >literally spent most of the day on these >boards responding to messages

No Worries, take a break i think you've earnt it for the day <g>

>I guess my point was that most of the 'new' >stuff folks might want does exist in >Traveller for the most part. They are just >not 'in yer face' about it.

I kind of hoped that was the case, but as i say i had seen no mention practically at all, and so was beginning to wonder... but so long as some new things are there, consider me a happy chap.

>I have some folks who in one breath say >they want a generic sci-fi setting, but the >want detailed rules for everything in it, >or so it seems. You can't have both in a >single book.

Well as i've said before here and on other lists, i like Traveller i really do the universe is intriguing and appealing. But i have always been of the school of thought where something gets redone, or revised, something should be added. Hence my query <g> I would really hate for the T20 version to go the route of the others, as for one thing i want to play it! <g>

>The T20 core book is designed to give a >Referee the basics to get started in the >Traveller universe, what it's all about, >and how to run it. That in itself is a lot >to fit into a single 256 page book.

I can imagine it's a tought job, and i wouldn;t want the task of deciding what doesn;t go in, as i expect most people yourself included want everything to go in.




"Et semel emissum volat ireevocabile verbum".
I don't think there is a clear division between "Lifers" and "Newbies". There probably is a clearer division between those who can't or won't be convinced that there is anything better than 'their' version of Traveller (usually CT, but not always) and those who are willing (and wanting) to see a revision of the rules that actually works and gives some chance of Traveller becoming the popular and commonly-played system it should have always been.

The D20 system is an excellent system. So is the Fuzion system. The D20 system is likely to draw more players, and so has my vote as the system to go with, as well as for some reasons of suitability.

At the same time, it probably needs to be said that Traveller probably can't accomodate everyone's desires in terms of
contents. The game mechanics aside, the
Traveller setting has a certain "look and
feel", and a Traveller d20 rulebook has to
respect that.

So people shouldn't be too upset that they
aren't getting to use Traveller as a springboard for fighting giant robots. There are a number of game systems that accomodate that.

<sigh> This turned into a big fight on the Wizards boards for the Star Wars RPG as well. There were people determined to have the system be something suitable for playing Gundam Wing meets Han Solo. If they want to try to do that, fine, but it wasn't a failing of the game that it wasn't well suited to that. Anime-style fighting robots has nothing to do with Star Wars. The same may be said for Traveller's Imperium.
Off Topic:

Ahh, the District. Pity GDW never fully developed it, it was shaping up to be a wonderful campaign area, better than Regina, for instance. Pity William is over 500 klicks away, I'd enjoy playing with him, I think. And Hunter's over a thousand klicks out. Damn. Ah well.

On Topic:

My objection is not really with D20, it's keeping faith with the spirit of Traveller. It will be a tough act to pull off. Much of what made Traveller unique was the way in which the rules fostered a certain feel and play style. Bringing in new players while not causing old players to bail (T(n), where n>1) hasn't worked out all that well in the past. and there are lots and lots of entertainment alternatives available now that did not exist when Traveller was first published. For those who do not enjoy the "classic" traveller style of play, there have been many alternatives in the last few years. Getting them to select T^20 over, say, Blue Planet, will be a toughie.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkSplice:
Off Topic:

Ahh, the District. Pity GDW never fully developed it, it was shaping up to be a wonderful campaign area, better than Regina, for instance. Pity William is over 500 klicks away, I'd enjoy playing with him, I think. And Hunter's over a thousand klicks out. Damn. Ah well.

That's what GRIP: Traveller is for!

sigh> This turned into a big fight on the Wizards boards for the Star Wars RPG as well. There were people determined to have the system be something suitable for playing Gundam Wing meets Han Solo. If they want to try to do that, fine, but it wasn't a failing of the game that it wasn't well suited to that. Anime-style fighting robots has nothing to do with Star Wars. The same may be said for Traveller's Imperium.

I say again my initial post was not about Mechs.... Jeez you guys you, seriously, it was not speicifically about mechs, it was more concern over the fact i have heard little about what new things we can expect in T20, in comparison, say to all the comments about what was being kept, not changed, or altered, revised and reviewd as i mentioned before from previous versions. It was a query as to exactly what was being added that none of us had seen before.
In all the debates over additions and possibilities, and Mechs was just one subject guys <g>.... the Lifers seemed to be getting more consideration.

But Hunter has assured me new additions and material is there, and i am willing to give Far Future Enterprises the benefit of the doubt and go on faith a bit. As after alla t the end of the day any traveller in any format is better than no Traveller at all.


"Et semel emissum volat ireevocabile verbum".
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Neo:
But Hunter has assured me new additions and material is there, and i am willing to give Far Future Enterprises the benefit of the doubt and go on faith a bit. As after alla t the end of the day any traveller in any format is better than no Traveller at all.

I'm all for new material in Traveller and keeping it up to date with current hard science (Traveller may be space opera, but its always at least made a nod in the hard SF direction). And I really hope T20 allows those who want mechs, biotech, cybertech etc to have it. What concerns me a little (emphasis on the "little") is running into the DGP syndrome.

By the end of MT, DGP were making serious attempts to "jazz up" the setting in a major way. What they ended up with was exploding stars, yet another hyper-powerful race of mysterious ancients returning to run amuck, casually destroying one of the major players in the setting and an approaching stellar catastrophy that would leave the setting dominated by Jedi like psionic knights. Fortunately GDW pulled the plug.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andrewmv:
By the end of MT, DGP were making serious attempts to "jazz up" the setting in a major way. What they ended up with was exploding stars, yet another hyper-powerful race of mysterious ancients returning to run amuck, casually destroying one of the major players in the setting and an approaching stellar catastrophy that would leave the setting dominated by Jedi like psionic knights. Fortunately GDW pulled the plug.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I Think the Balance of the Game will be an issue, and not one that is particularly easy to pin down to specifics, especialy when the game covers not a single Tech Level, but many, making whats possible and impossible variable.

As for super powered ancients, well i imagine it's easy to go over the tope, but powerful ancient races, when done right can be fun, and if the odd established factions gets wiped out or fragmented, as part of the companies progressing storyline for thier setting, then there are dozens of factors to consider as to whether that was a good or a bad idea.

To use an example the Battletech Universe (and no guys this isn;t about Mechs <g> ) was all about power groups and shifting borders, political intrigue and war.. factions were born, established and lost over the course of many of thier supplements.

It's quite easy to fall into the mindset of i don;t want anything to happen to them, because they've always been thier but then it isn;t realistic to assume groups and factions always will.

So i hope the odd Ancient race (balanced i might add <g> ) will turn up in T20, and that the odd faction (for good reason) does get wiped out or fragemented.. if only to prevent the setting from becoming static and forever etched in stone.

A Campaign is about things happening, not always remaining the same.

I can't help but feel that Christmassy feeling in the pit of my stomach when i think of T20,when i think of the possibilities it can bring us, the stories and the evenings of total immerision in it..

Hunter Can we play yet <g>!


"Et semel emissum volat ireevocabile verbum".
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Neo:

Hunter Can we play yet <g>!


Yeah, can we?


[This message has been edited by Antares Administration (edited 01 June 2001).]
I must say that what Hunter has told us encourages me. Traveller has always encouraged realistic, as opposed to melodramatic gaming (film noir as opposed to Ivanhoe) and had technology that avoided the impossible. This made it a Science Fiction game, as opposed to Space Opera.
Science Fiction has stories that cannot be told except against a background of speculative science and technologies. SF avoids the impossible and exploits the gray areas. "Hard" SF has very little speculation and is usually written by a scientist in the field.
Space Opera has standard melodramatic story lines against a background of rayguns and spaceships. Most TV SF is really Space Opera, or think of the "Seven Samurai" story which has played as a Samurai movie, a Western, and at least two Space Operas.
Space Fantasy has rockets and rayguns, and cheerfully does the impossible for the sake of the story line. "Star Wars" is the classic example.

About T20, apparently it is felt that without a "comfortable" set of rules, new players will avoid Traveller. Well, when I picked up Traveller all I had seen were D&Ds three little books. I wonder that there are gamers out there so narrow minded that they reject a game on the shape of its dice. I don't know who they are, but I am not sure I want them in my game.

All said, I will likely by the T20 book and see where they're going with it.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Uncle Bob:

About T20, apparently it is felt that without a "comfortable" set of rules, new players will avoid Traveller. Well, when I picked up Traveller all I had seen were D&Ds three little books. I wonder that there are gamers out there so narrow minded that they reject a game on the shape of its dice. I don't know who they are, but I am not sure I want them in my game.
All said, I will likely by the T20 book and see where they're going with it.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As i mentioned before there are few things as picky as a roleplayer in my experience, i spent a few years working in a gaming shop selling them for a while (Great job <g> )and the reasons that some customers had for not hvaing one game over another ranged from the acceptable to the downright bizarre <g>

But like you i will buy T20 regardless and likely Traveller 5th too....


"Et semel emissum volat ireevocabile verbum".
I agree with Neo's observation about the two factions.

Here are my thoughts, I am not sure which camp I should be standing in.

A new edition must be a new perspective, a fresh interpretation. Otherwise why bother, if T20 doesn't stray from the gospel and add something of its own then there will have been little justification for the work.

Hey D20's sure look pretty but they are not worth the investment that is clearly being put in.

Generic is the way...

I recall being very excited about getting the FASA Star Trek role playing game, I wrote material for the game feverishly until I actually purchased the game and many many sourcebooks. The more gospel I read, the more restrictions were placed on my imagination.

I ended up giving up because I in my foolish youth I always thought that it was terribly important to stick to canon.

How much more fun I had with Dark Conspiracy and TNE when I pumped up the high tech and played down the degeneration...I made them my own.

In short- Every traveller GM plays in his or her own universe, there really are no absolutes. Mechs in traveller are OK so long as your not dumb enough to make then the focus the entire game universe -sorry Mechwarrior fans ;). Traveller should allow freedom to imagine, not shackle GM's to a game where the theme or background drives the story. Something which has been all to common in SF RPG's

Mark Lucas
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lucasdigital:

In short- Every traveller GM plays in his or her own universe, there really are no absolutes. Mechs in traveller are OK so long as your not dumb enough to make then the focus the entire game universe -sorry Mechwarrior fans ;). Traveller should allow freedom to imagine, not shackle GM's to a game where the theme or background drives the story. Something which has been all to common in SF RPG's

Well as i said before this topic was never about Mechs, that was just a small part of what i was referring to. I can see how small gear style robot suits could fit into the traveller sci fi campaign i have planned and so long as the Vehicle creation rules allow for them as Hunter says they will then i'm happy, i can always add lib the rest myself.

But anyway enough mechs <g>.... as for sticking to everything as gospel, i have never done that not in any game, i have always seen establsihed setting and histories as what has gone before, not as what is to come... and if we limit oursleves to only playing within the boundaries of what is laid out, then you end up with boundaries of what you can attempt, and i like to think Roleplay is about trying anything..not necessarily garunteed to succeed, but by all means make the attempt, to strive to reach to exceed and all that <g>

I read a history and a setting i use what i like i change or remove what i don;t and i make the rest up as i go..

I think if people are playing a Roleplaying game for it's realism factor, then IMO somewhere along the line they have misread the message.... people don;t roleplay to do things they can already do.

Kind of reminds me of a cartoon i once saw, witha bunch of monsters sat around playing Stocks and Skyscrapers the Game of Modern Finance RPG...

the point being people play to be, and do something different, something which stretches the imagination..

Generic is good! <g>


"Et semel emissum volat ireevocabile verbum".
OK, I was one of the people muttering about T20 include things that contravened canon, but some people seem to have mis interpreted my point. SO I'll re-state it (and try and make a better job this time

What gets published in T20 and or T5 is the _baseline_, the common reference point for Traveller games all over the world and wheneever a bunch of games pickup that book and decide to play that game. So what's in those books ought to be consistant with MWM's foundational description of the Traveller Universe (i.e. the setting they both ostensibly share) and what has been previously established to a reasonable (note, _not_ exhaustive) degree.

What individual designers put in the supplements they produce should also fit within those broad constraints, with the additional point that supplements are exactly the place to visit e.g pocket empires where wierd variant technologies have arisen etc.

It would just seem very odd to have the Millenium Falcon get into a dog fight with the Enterprise in the outer reaches of the Regina system... in the core rulebook!! In your own game, go for it! One day I still intend to convince some players were playing a straight Star Trek game and have them run into a Special Circumstance Drone from Iain Banks' Culture books... he he he