what do people on high-tech worlds do all day?
besides that.
Watch Aslan and Vargr trigifs.
besides that.
Watch Aslan and Vargr trigifs.
what do people on high-tech worlds do all day?
engaging in sporting pastimes
pretty sure 90%+ of "schooling" can be accomplished with automated trainers at 9+ tech levels. might still need teachers to provide a little direction.
The fact most physical work is performed by robots does not mean there's no work to be done. True AI does not exist, so most intelectual work still needs people to perform it, as robot supervision, schooling, and most interpersonal tasks. Also, art, ressearch, politics and phylosophy (all out of robots' capabilities) may well be quite valued on those worlds.
That assumes that you're an autodidact that learns by reading and experimenting.Everything can be googled or youtubed, if your robo-butler is undergoing annual maintenance.
What do you consider within the realm of robot capabilities?
(I am not an industrial engineer, however), is there anything within the realm of manufacturing that a robot could not do? Create product idea, perhaps not, but how much robot AI can be used in the actual design of the product, from standards compliance, material selection, component design. We already have "Computer Aided Design", so I imagine non-sentient AI can make that even better.
Planning the production floor? the assembly line? I don't think that's outside of the realm of non-sentient AI. Human over site, of course.
I imagine an AI can design an assembly building quite readily, and see no reason why robots can not build one.
Can robots mine ore? Bulk mining, i.e. a strip mine, that's seems straight forward. Can they follow a vein of ore? Maybe, following pre-determined tunnel guidelines for expansion.
And all of this with an out, where the AI is also sophisticated enough to know "it doesn't know" and call for help.
Consider more and more sophisticated "tech support" systems (like your cable modem is broken, and having to call the cable company). The fundamental issue there is language recognition. After understanding the problem, the diagnostic portion is pretty rote.
The same can be said for mainstream medicine. Once a robot can have the deft touch to be able to take a blood sample, without creeping out the child patient, skies the limit. And that's a "simple" control function.
What do you consider within the realm of robot capabilities?
So, anyway, just curious what your vision of robot limitation is. Are we talking basically creativity (art, music, writing)?
(as this is the only field you talk about where I have some idea, forgive me if it's the only one I specifically answer)The same can be said for mainstream medicine. Once a robot can have the deft touch to be able to take a blood sample, without creeping out the child patient, skies the limit. And that's a "simple" control function.
Given the nature of the Traveller universe, I'd think as much as half or more of the population on a high tech world would be largely useless. Not everybody can be an artist or design new architecture. The bell curve on intelligence just gets in the way.
I'd think the solution would be to cull the herd periodically by offering those who are in that situation training for lower technology jobs and then sending them off with a minimum set of resources to establish a new lower tech world on the edge of known space. By constantly finding new habitable worlds and colonizing them with low tech populations you avoid population pressure on developed high tech worlds. The low tech worlds would know high tech ones exist and could then strive to develop themselves into one. They fail... meh. There's more where they came from. They succeed? Great!
It gives those unable to really be productive in a high tech world a chance to thrive in a low tech one.
They'd participate in forum-based discussions focused on their favorite pastimes.
Aaaaaaaaaand I'm joking. But not really.
Giving it a more serious pass - my experience here ( on real-life Earth ) with various cultures of differing TL seems to suggest that some things are universal - people work and play. At higher levels of tech, the work isn’t for subsistence; there’s more freedom associated with it, and the playtime can be longer. Let’s extrapolate a little for higher-than-I’ve-experienced TLs…
I’d have a lot of choice in my kind of work - if I were inclined to be artsy or creative, that’s cool. If I wanted over to research and contribute to revealing scientific truths, I could do that as well. Serious changes in work focus would be accommodated by culture and educational systems, as others have described. It seems like the more developed a society gets ( broadly speaking ), the more ability to port over to a different vocation I have. If I’m at all entrepreneurial-minded, there’s serious opportunity.
There’s also religion, sports ( as others have mentioned ) outdoor recreation, learning for pleasure ( book or research groups ), and if the culture is so inclined there’s no end to passive consumption of entertainment - movies, vidgames, social media.
In a higher TL world, I think reputation and social dynamics play a bigger role, a result of the more-free-time and choosing your own work this week kind of thing. Clubs or organizations exploring interests and self-development are common.
The tools to do all of the above are more advanced, which is to say they might be able to encourage learning and sharing. Solving local problems would still be a thing, and people would probably engage in that. “Let’s introduce a new style of food production, let’s redo this system, let’s experiment with this form of local government over here for a while. Research what we need to start, and the present it to us for discussion.”
One common view of higher-tech culture is the Wall*E type, with overweight people sipping slurps in grab chairs while watching movies by the pool all day. But in Higher-tech societies that we can see here ( Tokyo or Singapore for example ) there still seems to be a serious amount of active, worthwhile work being done.
In RL, this kind of prediction has been prevalent since the turn of the 20th century, at least. However, the opposite has happened.
Economic control of people, whether through outright slavery, employment terms and conditions, or subsistence dole, is a form of power. The powerful do not surrender power easily; historically it has been taken away from them only by force or the credible threat of force. And the power thus taken eventually winds up in the hands of a similar percentage, just comprised of different membership.
The core essence of SOC.Economic control of people, whether through outright slavery, employment terms and conditions, or subsistence dole