Two of my most favorite works, RUR and the Instrumentality stories by Cordwainer Smith, come to the same conclusion about achieving a 'utopia' of no work needed for sustenance or leisure.
Humanity dies spiritually as life has no meaning, followed by a precipitous drop in having children and the specter of actual extinction.
Couple that with the Traveller meme of higher population equals more restrictive governments equals more intrusive law enforcement and constant bribery just to function, and you have a huge faux underground economy happening just to satisfy basic human urges and governmental attempts at stifling them.
Besides criminal/LE shenanigans, people might have effectively useless leisure skills that are valued socially but will get one killed in the harsh reality of the frontier.
To go back to CT's Others, perhaps the missing 'service table'/second term skill would be a lot of Gambling, Carousing mixed with music and other entertainment skills, gamers in our meaning of the word by wargame/twitch shooter/RPG, ability to phrase commands to computers that don't end in ST:TNG holodeck horrors, etc.
So you have that economy referenced earlier in the RPG Freemarket, where people are valued/get resources by 'how neat' a set of ideas they come up with, and the primary export item is cultural widgets and new product memes. The Facebook economic culture slaved to superfabs.
Meawhile the frontier is out there for people who want to do something 'real', a lot of the nature of our Travellers is to NOT be mired in the artificial mental maze of those high tech high pop planets.