Nice, that takes a lot of work.
Of course, having done the work, perhaps you'd like to share it..?
Since I used to, that's just a bit of cut-and-paste. Here's the worlds up to the above sample. The entire thing dates from a campaign during the Rebellion Era, and the internal date of this listing is 1125:
Adabicci (1824 A57189B-B N 801 Im K8 V M8 D)
-Spinward Main
-XBoat Link (Lunion-Biter)
-On Al Morai route (Lunion-Biter)
-Gravity: 0.7; Orbit 1 ('O'); Base Mean Temp: 310.3 K (37 C)
-Home to a Dynastic Theocracy with a recent penchant for bloody transitions of power from one generation to the next. The most recent event was in 1124, complete with riots, action between two factions of the military, and intervention by the Imperial Navy.
-The one major body of water is wide and shallow, and very salty. The native species of fish are all adapted to these conditions, and with one exception are all poisonous to humaniti. The one edible species has a long history of near-deification among the people of Adabicci, including an annual display of captured examples used in a ritual divination rite/fish-fry.
-A local legend tells of a "Wise Lizard" which, centuries ago, imparted the locals with their current belief system. Recent evidence suggests that this Wise Lizard may have been a wayward Ithklur.
-The atmospheric taint has largely to do with the blowing sands of this world, and the poisonous elements often found in those sands. Under certain weather conditions the deserts have been known to produce "killer fogs" that can, if blown across a settled area, kill hundreds.
-The hot equatorial zone is home to a heretical society (from the rulers point of view) that prefers to be left alone. Skirmishes between them and the planetary military are not uncommon, and the Heretics are increasingly better armed in recent years.
-The entire system is considered water-scarce, and the planet occupying the Primary's habitable zone (orbit 0) is no exception. At mean temperatures high enough to boil what water is present, the world attracts very little attention.
-The Naval presence in this system is largely limited to the one gas giant. The social structures on Adabicci do not lend themselves well to standard Naval shoreleave, so the Navy generally grants Leave in other systems. The Navy is present largely as a deterrant to the Sword Worlds, and for backing up the occupation of the Border Worlds by the Imperium.
-Adabicci's starport is largely orbital, with only basic ground facilities (ground facilities are equal only to a C-class port). The port offers all Imperial Standard services, but notably lacks any flavor imparted by the people or culture of Adabicci.
-Only a small portion of Adabicci's population is at all cosmopolitan with regards to the Imperial starfaring culture.
Bicornn (2331 E563576-2 Ni 210 Im M0 V)
-Aslan occupied
Capon (2324 B747748-A N Ag 601 Im G9 V)
<stellar change>
-Spinward Main
-XBoat Link (Resten-Carey)
-On Al Morai route (Resten-Carey)
-Gravity: 0.9; Orbit 2 (H); Base Mean Temp: 272.7 K (-0.3 C)
Carse (2224 C463325-9 Lo Ni 601 Im G8 V M6 V)
<stellar change>
-Spinward Main
-Imperiallines Office
Centry (2132 E222447-6 Ni Po 220 Im K3 V)
-Aslan occupied
Cogri (2419 CA6A643-9 Ni Ri Wa 432 Im M1 II)
-Spinward Main
-Imperiallines Office
-Gravity: 1.3; Orbit 10 (H); Base Mean Temp: 255.1 K (-17.9 C)
-Much of the population of Cogri is limited to one particularly large reef assembly. A large arcology structure sits atop the 8km long reef, and is home to more than half of the world's 4 million inhabitants.
-Two marine ecologies which rarely interact: smaller reef-dwellers and huge deep ocean fish, including the various varieties of worm-fish, some of which grow to several thousand feet long.
-Popular spot for Sword Worlders, Racoonids and Big Game fishermen.
-Popularly thought to be a "Democracy of Thieves," ruled equally by semi-legal millionaires from all over the sector. Cogri itself is quite clean.
-Starships not registered as "favored regulars" are restricted to the High Port. Even speculation trading is limited to those who the rulers trust (with sufficient background checks).
-The High Port is surprisingly small for a "tourist world."
D'Ganzio (1920 B120410-D N Ni Po De 312 Im M3 V M0 D)
-XBoat Link (Lanth-Ivendo)
-Navy presence is part of the line of 'listening posts' set up on the border with the Sword Worlds.
Derchon (2024 C512799-8 S Na Ic 901 Im M0 V M7 D)
-Spinward Main
-Imperiallines Office
Dinom (1811 D100535-A Ni Va 201 Im A4 III)
-Spinward Main
-Gravity: 0.15; Orbit 8 (O); Base Mean Temp: 234.2 K (-38.8 C)
-Population concentrated in three large cities.
-Underwent an unsuccessful revolution in 1107. (CT Adv 3)
Dinomn (1912 B674632-9 S Ag Ni 204 Im K2 V)
<stellar change>
-Spinward Main
-XBoat Link (Regina-Ghandi)
-On Al Morai route (Regina-Ghandi)
-Gravity: 1.6; Orbit 2 (H); Base Mean Temp: 282.3 K (9.3 C)
-Atmo Taint: Low Oxygen
-Scout base administers the interdiction at Djinni.
Echiste (2313 C53A313-A Lo Ni Wa 720 Im G4 V)
-Spinward Main
-Imperiallines Office (in high port)
-High Port only. Mainworld possesses no interstellar-rated facilities.
-Highport has transient facilities for both general travelers ("Madison Carter" hotel chain) and LSP visitors. It is a popular R&R spot for LSP employees from Echiste, and has a fair shopping and entertainment industry.
-High Port is Imperium-owned and run, with LSP shuttle service to Echiste.
-X-boat facility (Risek-Yori) under construction. (Adv 3)
-Echiste Gravity: 0.6; Orbit 2 (H); Base Mean Temp: 329.1 K (56.1 C)
-Mainworld wholly owned by Ling Standard Products, which builds and tests deep-sea mining equipment here.
-All human settlement under water in large habitats.
Equus (2417 B55A858-B S Wa 202 Im F6 V M5 D)
-Spinward Main
-XBoat Link (Rhylanor-Ivendo)
-On Al Morai route (Rhylanor-Ivendo)
-Gravity: 1.2; Orbit 4 (H); Base Mean Temp: 251.8 K (-21.2 C)
-Ine Givar strike in 1107 (Fifth Frontier War)
Gileden (2514 C483103-6 Lo Ni 203 Im M9 V)
-Spinward Main
-Imperiallines Office
-Gravity: 0.35; Orbit 0 (O); Base Mean Temp: 138.3 K (-134.7 C)
-Main world is tidally locked to primary. Temp at center of sunward face is -50.3 C. This "hot spot" is home to Gileden's small population.
-The starport is in a state of decay. (CT Adv 3)
Gorram (2322 X554220-0 Lo Ni R 801 Im M8 V M6 V)
-Spinward Main
-Red Zone: Cultural interdiction to protect a budding sentient race. Administered by the Scout base at Resten. Red Zone applies only to the "mainworld". The very distant gas giant is the usual exit point for starships on the Main.
-Vast equatorial barrens shrouded in tall clouds. World looks belted.
-Stars are close companions
-Gravity: 0.6; Orbit 0 ('O'); Base Mean Temp: 338.4 K (65.4 C)
Grote (1731 A400404-B Ni Va 124 Im F8 V)
-Spinward Main
-On Imperial Border
-The world (and indeed, the whole system) is run by a dozen "Clans", each of which is a specialized professional guild of sorts. No one body speaks for the whole system, but the system isn't really "balkanized."
-Grote and many of the other bodies in the system are relatively rich in Lanthanum. As a result, the largest 'homegrown' industry is mining and refining exotic metals.
-Grote's population is entirely subterranean and rather claustrophilic.
-The planet, as the nearest Imperial world to a fair portion of District 268, deals extensively in extra-Imperial goods and services.
-Grote's Spinward Main connection is entirely extra-Imperial for two parsecs in any direction. It is also the only A-port for four parsecs in any direction (5 parsecs if Imperial worlds are ignored).
-While capable of building starships, Grote's port does very little of it. Any ship larger than a type-S would take up most of the industrial output of the planet's 12,000 people for a long period of time.
-Grote's miners and belters are all part of the Clan Dalhousie. The port is run by Clan Theoren, which also makes the distinctive "Singleships" seen throughout the system. Singleships are one- or two-man 25-ton vessels capable of high accelerations when unloaded, designed to carry strap-on tanks and cargo boxes. In various carrying configurations, Singleships are used by nearly every belter in the system.