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List your famous NPCs and Villains


SOC-14 1K
I wanted to start a thread where we can post and share ideas of our best-created NPC personalities and villains in our Trav campaigns. Please *only* post your NPCs, Patrons and Villains here. Do not post Player Characters, there is already a thread for that.

I will start with one of my favorites!


Commodore Tiberius Feng

Race: Solomani Human
Allegiance: Solomani Confederation

Navy Commodore 786BB(7) Age 52 8 Terms

Skills: Leadership-3, Administration-2, Ship Tactics-2, Fleet Tactics-1, Ships' Boat-1, Gunnery-1, Interrogation-1, Blade Combat-1 (Blade), Handgun-2, Vacc Suit-1, Pilot-1, Navigation-1, Engineering-1

Equipment: Blade, Snub Pistol, Reflec Armor

Commodore Feng is an unstable individual serving in the Solomani Confederation Navy. Although he commands a high rank within the Navy itself, Feng's own reputation has previously been tarnished due to past exploits.... mostly of his own doing. Feng's reputation preceeds him, as he has a reputation as a rabid pirate-hunter. In fact, the only reason the Confederation Navy has chosen to retain him in service is due to his efficiency and zeal in hunting down pirates and frontier bandits. It is his over-zealousness in chasing pirates that has gotten him in trouble in the past. On a few occasions, he has been known to chase corsairs all the way into the territory of Imperial or Aslan space. These events have nearly sparked border wars between the Confederation and its neighbors.

His social standing of 7 reflects his actual Solomani Party standing. Altho this standing is high as it is, his reputation is considered slightly tarnished within the Confederation military. His past exploits have cost him dearly within the Solomani social circles. His colleagues in the Navy are biding their time until Feng is expected to retire in a few years.

Commodore Feng's personal command ship is a Type SM 1000-ton Solomani Cruiser (see Alien Module 6 for details). The ship is fully armed on all of its 10 hardpoints. The Confederation Navy is hesitant to issue him a larger ship, afraid that Feng might use such a vessel to cause further trouble.

The Confederation Navy Cruiser Brandenburg has defeated almost every pirate corsair and pirate squadron it has ever engaged. The cruiser has a crew of around 22, including Feng and his bodyguards. Feng has rigged one of the ship's modular cutters to serve as an "escort fighter" in case of emergencies that require extra firepower. When the situation warrants it, Feng is able to summon additional ships (e.g. Solomani Close Escorts) as reinforcements, provided such vessels are available in the nearby system.

Feng's current assignment is overseeing and supervising border patrol and anti-piracy duties in the Solomani Rim and Magyar sectors.

NPC use: Feng is intended to be used as a Classic Traveller NPC/Villain in the Solomani regions. A good use for him would be as a villain or a "thorn on the side" for a Player Party adventuring in the sectors near the Solomani Rim. If Feng has reason to suspect that the Player Group has pirates, smugglers, or rogue elements among them... he will pursue and persecute the group with zeal.

However, Commodore Feng's judgement is easily clouded and his sense of ethics is questionable. An arrogant man who is always dressed meticulously in his dress uniform, he can sometimes be bribed or sweet-talked (the Player must have at least Bribery-3, Admin-3 or similar skill to even have a chance at negotiating with Feng).

Money is not all too important to Feng. He comes from a wealthy Solomani family of ethnic Chinese heritage; the Feng family is credited as the original Second Imperium settlers in the agricultural world of Zhongguo (Jardin/Solomani Rim). But anything that improves his political standing or reputation within the Confederation military will get his attention.
Jean Mandel

Mandel was born in 14th Century France, and is immortal. He devoted 400 years to the destruction of the French monarchy and then moved to Britain, and has been a civil servant ever since.

He is violently opposed to aristocracy and is one of the most influential republicans in the Imperium.

For the last century he has been active in the Marches, supporting a fleet uprising and move to secede from the Imperium as an independent republic.

His long-prepared plan depends on a single detail.....
Enneri Varrosool - weasel-like high port "fixer".

Had connections with major criminal elements.

His bodyguard is a hideously deformed giant of a man, called Gort by everyone - real name long since lost.
Reason for the hideous appearance?
Survived a fusion gun shot... while unarmoured.

I had a lot of fun with these two.
Albert Melks - Academic/Traveller lvl10. Professor, TAS, Adv Knowledge of Gravitics, Naval Architect, Gearhead, pseudo edetic memory...
Albert has sandy hair and brown eyes his completely certain he can build anything out of scraps and loves the challenge. Albert has no time for stupid people which consists of most everyone. He comes from a TL16 world, has a respectable knowledge of the ancients, and speaks/writes Vargr as well. Dr Melks' Lab Ship Icarus is of the CT variety. The good doctor is best known amongst crews as Dr. Gravity.

Duchess Anna Vakora Kaasu-Rehman (soc standing 27) Besides being the legal heir to Corridor Ductal she has a few other positive traits. A patron of the sciences and an IS/Robotics degree, avid hunter, noble presence, Natural born leader, Iron Will Carousing...blue-grey eyes, black hair athletic gorgeous. TAS Iridium membership...Properties include Rehman Holdings (57%), Vokora Dynamics (90%), General Products (1%), Naasirka (5%).

Baron Victor Issurgurii: 557ACB
5 foot 5 with thinning Blonde hair and grey eyes, he only stands out in a crowd because of his short stature and tall body guards (see their descriptions below).
A minor Noble of Vilani descent. Victor was always a sly bully while growing up. Highly intelligent, educated with a Masters degree in Business, Victor is lacking in social skills and he is used to getting his way. He is ruthless when he is thwarted in his scheming. His family has little to do with him but they do not antagonize him and they put up with his random, unannounced, visits (kind of like having a visit from Uncle Festus of the Adams Family. You never know what he will do next).
Victor is a business man and owns several large corporations on several worlds (which he uses to launder money from other businesses he owns). He enjoys going to large parties thrown by wealthy friends (well, actually, he has no “Real” friends, just acquaintances who do not want to get on his bad side). He has two body guards with him at all times (one of them always sleeps in his room at night (whether or not Victor has female company).
Several people who were the heads of companies in competition with Victor’s have disappeared over the years but no charges against Victor or his body guards have ever been brought up. The men and women involved seemed to just go out of system on an extended holiday and never returned.
Victor usually travels around in a covered air raft, driven by a chauffer. For traveling out of system, Victor has a Yacht stationed at the Starport. The crew for the yacht lives at the Starport and is ready to take off at a moments notice. The crew is rotated out every 30 days and replaced with another team of equally experienced personnel. Both crews are paid double due to their long terms of readiness.
Victor is a collector of Ancient torture devises and exceptional vintages of wine.

Body guard #1
Eneri: B8A985

6 foot 4 inches, 125 kilos, bald with no facial hair. Hulk wearing a three piece suit.
Former Imperial Marine who was dishonorably discharged for striking an officer. Normally quiet in public he seems more animated when alone with victor and Joey. Eneri usually is found squeezing an exercise ball in either hand, trying to improve his grip.

Body Guard #2
Joey: BABBB7

6 foot 5 inches. 130 kilos. Black Hair and Hazel Eye (wears an eye patch over other perfectly good Blue eye). A former police Captain. Allowed to retire after allegations of taking bribes could not be proved (all witnesses mysteriously died before he could be brought to trial). Joey only speaks when spoken to in public. He is efficient in all work assigned to him and is loyal only to Victor (who, it is alleged, arranged for the witnesses against Joey to die). Joey works out whenever he is not accompanying Victor in public.