Where is Viscount?
I made up these rules before the viscount was introduced. You could change 'senior count' to 'count' and 'count' to 'viscount', if you like.
Where is Viscount?
Not Imperial vicounts. (And not British either; a British viscount is a noble ranked between a baron and an earl).Viscount would be on the same level as Marquess, but the Marquess has seniority.
a marquess is the lord of a frontier or undeveloped county, giving them less authority and standing but more autonomy than an Earl or Count.
a Viscount is a courteous title given to Government functionaries, also to the Deputies & Heirs of Earls/Counts and Marquess, or to those who hold diminished Counties or over grown Baronies
Viscount is to Count what Barrett is to Barron.
Earls are Counts, Earl is derived from the Norse Jarl, a Female Earl or the Earls Wife is styled Countess
The Danish title that is considered the equivalent of an earl (and translated into English as 'count') is 'greve'.
(What? We are posting trivia about nobles now, right?)
Archduke | Duke,Count,Marquis,Baron,Knight |
Baronet,Knight | — |
Viscount would be on the same level as Marquess, but the Marquess has seniority.
Which is the same distinction as between nobles and ignobles. Gentry is also referred to as 'untitled aristocracy' and is on the noble side of that divide.Traveller also makes only a weak Gentle/Peer/Noble/Royal distinction.
True. I was conflating gentry and nobility and royalty. Perhaps I should have used 'middle and lower class' and 'upper class' instead, since some gentlemen and esquires did sink into the middle class (being defined in part as the eldest sons of knights and younger sons of nobles in perpetuity). The whole issue is complicated by the definitions of squires and gentlemen changing over time.In proper heraldry...
Gentlemen and Knights are not Nobles. They're gentles.
In Denmark marriage between nobles and commoners were against the law at one point. I must confess I haven't been able to find out exactly where the dividing line ran.Grand Dukes, Archdukes, Princes, Kings, and Emperors are usually royals, as are their children, grandchildren, and occasionally great grandchildren. Their peerage is presumed; in most of the countries, only the gentry and nobles could marry the royals without the royal "degrading"... More than one paper title was given to allow a common to marry a lesser royal...
It's either a mistake or a deliberate "you're-not-on-historical-Earth-any-more" feature. I've always suspected thqat it was a mistake but thought that it worked nicely as such a feature.In the UK a Marquess ranks above an Earl (Count) and below a Duke. Same with in France & Spain. I don't know where Marc got his ideas for order of precedence in the the 3I peerage from.
It's either a mistake or a deliberate "you're-not-on-historical-Earth-any-more" feature.
I vote for [mistake]. Not enough of his original audience (in the USA) would ever know it was incorrect.
I vote for archaism. Originally, Margraf (border-graf) was a slur.
I vote for [mistake]. Not enough of his original audience (in the USA) would ever know it was incorrect.
I didn't know it was originally a slur. I'm familiar with the Dutch and German etymology of the word and never encountered that in any primary source. Interesting.
That's exactly what I envisaged back in the day. Here's an excerpt from my old article (it was rejected by JTAS Online, so i guess I won't lose anything by posting it here).However, I like the system Hans developed; looks like the kind of thing some Imperial College of Arms would work up so as to make sure all the proper forms were followed when entertaining non-Imperial nobility (not to mention making sure that TL1 chief understood where he ranked in the scheme of things). I believe I will adopt it. How are you calculating the modifiers?
[FONT="Courier New"]TABLES
Description Rung Old Terran Imperial Order
(May differ in some societies) Equivalent of knighthood
Appointed noble 11 Knight Officer
Rich and/or powerful non-noble 12 Magnate Commander
Hereditary noble, small or no base 13 Banneret Knight Cmdr.
Base of thousands 14 Baron Grand Cross
Base of tens of thousands 15 Viscount/Count Officer
Base of hundreds of thousands 16 Marquis/Duke Companion
Base of millions 17 Archduke/Prince Commander
Base of 10s of millions 18 King Knight Cmdr.
Base of 1-3 100s of millions 19 Emperor Grand Cross
Base of 4-9 100s of millions 20 No equivalent Companion
Base of 1-3 billions 21 No equivalent Commander
Base of 4-9 billions 22 No equivalent Knight Cmdr.
Base of 10-30 billions 23 No equivalent Grand Cross
Base of more than 30 billions 24 No equivalent [See below]
Pre-industrial society -4 TL 0 to 3 -4
Industrial society -2 TL 4 -3
Pre-stellar society -1 TL 5 and 6 -2
Early Stellar society 0 TL 7 and 8 -1
Average Stellar society +2 TL 9 and 10 0
High Stellar society +4 TL 11 +2
TL 12 +4
Sovereign ruler +1
Elected or appointed official -1
Heir to position -1
Younger child -2
Minor non-human race -1[/FONT]
I anxiously await Magnus's input...