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Long-haul trade

Hello All:

Just something to add to the mix - Hard Times basically states that very few worlds were entirely self-sufficient. It was a state that was not encouraged, since it went against the interlocking nature of the Imperial Economy. This led to a number of worlds to begin 'failing' as the Rebellion progressed - not able to manufacture parts for air-filtration systems or the fusion generators or the anti-grav units in the platform shoes...
Originally posted by Fritz88:
Well 700,000 metric tons of wheat (not cracked) works out to 65,020 dTons (at 14m^3/dTon). Edit: How many Free Traders is that? end edit

How do I know that?! :eek: This webpage has densities for all kinds of bulk materials.

They have things like sandstone (2323 kg/m^3 solid or 1370-1450 kg/m^3 for broken), nitrogen (1.26 kg/m^3), malt (336 kg/m^3), wool (1314 kg/m^3 - so how much does "3 bags full" weigh?), ice ( :eek: 919 - solid), water (1000 if pure - oh yeah, we knew that one. :rolleyes: ), and even sewage (721 kg/m^3)! A new Traveller resource! :cool:
SNIP! Whirrrrrrrrrrr, bookmarked!

Thanks Fritz88!
65,020 dtons of bulk wheat and a
Marava-Class Far Trader (A2) with a 67dtn hold = 970.44776 loads.

Beowulf-class Free Trader (A1) with a 83dtn hold = 783.37349 loads.

Petty-class 400dtn Subsidized freighter (R) with a 213dtn hold = 291.1737 loads.

Trans ImperialLines 2kton Far Trader (TI) with a 829dtn hold = 78.431845 loads.

Tukera Lines 3kton freighter (TKL), with a 1.086 kton hold = 57.108655 loads.

Hercules 5kton Bulk freighter(AH1) (J1/1G) with a 2.627kton hold = 24.750666 loads.

Chauncey-Smith**-class 10 kton Bulk freighter (CS) (J1/1G) with a 5kton hold = 13.004 loads.

Imperial-class 20kton Bulk freighter with a 10.414kton hold = 6.2435183 loads.

**: Named for designer Chauncey B. Smith of TML who designed the oft illustrated, much discussed but never designed 10kay bulk freighters mentioned used by mercs in MT-COACC.
Now for some Wilds 1248: Ships:

65,020 dtons bulk wheat in a :

TL-11 Far Trader (A2) with a 62dtn hold = 1000.3225 loads. Smaller hold by 5dtons takes 29 more loads.

TL9 Morraine-class Free Trader (A1) with a 83dtn hold = 783.37349 loads, No Change

TL9 Subbie 'Fat Trader' 400dtn Subsidized freighter (R) with a 213dtn hold = 291.1737 loads. No Change

TL-11 Muleteer*-class 400dtn Jump tug (J2 (1)/1G) with 400dtns of capacity cargo containers (formerly used to shift 1x 400dtn Shukugan-class SDB as seen in CT-Traders & Gunboats)-or a poor pocket empire's freight tractor = 155.05 loads.

TL-12 Bastien-class 600dtn Subsidized Liner (M) converted, with a 152dtn hold = 408.02631 loads.

TL-11 Conestoga*-class 600dtn Jump tug (J2 (1)/1G)capable of moving a 1kton light monitor 1 parsec, as seen in MT-Operation: Vigilante, again as a poor empire's freight tractor in 1kton of cargo containers = 62.02 loads.

TL-13+ Purcell-class 1kton Bulk freighter (XT) (J1/1G) with a 623dtn cargo hold = 99.550561 loads.

* My names for these un-named vessels.


Now in figuring extra expense by roboject's fine analysis of trade, traffic, and starport cost,
shuttle craft will be needed for the two "poor-pocket empire's" freight tractor ships, as well as a converted to cargo carrier former Xboat tender.

Obviously in the above, the J-1 larger capacity vessels thrive on a Main. In light of the collapse, and that many Mains and clusters have dead worlds between those still habitable, the spur to re-establish refueling station colonies becomes prevalent to maintain these relic unstreamlined vessels. The smaller ships will wilderness refuel until such outposts can be erected, and then give way to larger surviving ships as time goes by.

Sorry, I'd forgotten to add this bit earlier folks!