• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Long Running Online Game Seeks Extra Player


Mustered Out on Mertactor is a long-running online Traveller game which has been running for around 2.5 years in various incarnations.

The current version uses Mongoose rules and is played on Sundays using a combination of Skype and the free roll20.net virtual tabletop program.

The game plays at the following times:

UK: 17.00
East Coast: 12.00
West Coast: 09.00

There are currently five players in the game, but we are now open to a sixth player joining due to the fact that we are usually a player or two down per game due to family commitments and also due to the fact that the games move a lot faster since we went from text chatting to voice chatting over Skype.

All of the players are first generation Traveller players, which means that we are all in our late-forties now. Ideally we are looking for another ‘old timer’ in order to keep the group dynamic the same (i.e. playing to have fun rather than playing to ‘win’.)

In addition to the main campaign, we also break things up a bit with other games using the Mongoose Traveller rules – we’re playing Strontium Dogs for the next couple of weeks, for example – so we’re looking for someone who is a little flexible and open to new settings other than just the Third Imperium, which is the setting for the main game.

If you are interested in find out more about the game, check out the game’s site at:


And if you are still interested, either PM me here or email me at nick[at]pendrell[dot]me or Skype me at: npendrell