• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Looking for players for an online Traveller Game


We are looking for a few more players for a Classic Traveller online game.

The game is played via chat on sunday 8.30 PM Greenwich Time, which would be sometimes in the afternoon in the US.

Logs of past sessions can be found at http://www.chantry.de/traveller/

We are seeking at least one or two additional players, as we are currently only two players, one of whom cannot always play.

If you are interested and like cliffhangers (the gamemaster loves them) you can contact either me or the gamemaster directly (Richard Tongue,

I hope I can find a few additional players this way.

See you online (hopefully)

Daya (Andrea Wille)
Too bad I can't join y'all... sounds like a lot of fun; the campaign logs are neat to read.