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Looking for traveller Utilities

minor update release

I've released a minor update to this (http://webpages.charter.net/coliver988/CargoSetup.msi)

Mostly the same, although I'm building a cargo code generator (after I finish that, the next step is to allow you to append that on to the cargo listing table you want to). It is as far as the container & items. I still need the hazard and handling codes.

A few behind the scenes stuff (as per earlier posts, I'm moving chunks of the logic to a class, and I'm looking into using namespace so I can separate out cargo logic from world logic classes). I've also added an optional GURPS WTN display (defaults to off since that is not CT, but I was thinking about figuring a way to show how busy a 'port is and that is as good as any; it uses 2 text files [not XML - flat tables]. Eventually I may move on in my starport thing, and that sector XML file will be able to have that in it w/o making any programming changes).

[Note: not sure if there is a problem with me using the BITS cargo stuff & GURPS WTN tables - they ARE pretty much direct copies from the books I do own. If there is a problem, I can & will remove those references (meaning I'll have to fork my project, so that it does not have those items)]

I still want to be able to process SEC files as input rather than my homegrown XML system, but I've not started that yet.

If you have any problems, post here, or PM me - not sure which would be preferable.
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