Maybe I was asking this in the wrong forum. I got no responses in The Lone Star but I'm hoping given the description of this forum there will be more interest. (If there isn't I promise I won't whine about it this time.

More detailed information on any of the worlds on this run would be helpful even if you have to make it up from bare bones (aka. the wiki). Even if Jason Kemp chose not to develop this setting I think (with a bit of tweaking) it has some potential.I'm looking for as much canonical (or fanonical) information on the planet Turley (Empty Quarter 2523) as I can get. So far I only have the Imperial Encyclopedia article which like its companion pieces Deep Space Station and Saeghvung-Turley-Exile Run came from Jason Kemp's articles in Stellar Reaches 2. There are other references to the planet in later issues of the Stellar Reaches fanzine but nothing substantially different. What little I've seen looks intriguing and I would like to develop it further but not if it steps on anyone's toes. I've been making some assumptions due to its Class A starport and its central position in the Saexile Run but given its Ni trade code they might not be appropriate. Ultimately I want use GT: Starports to design both the highport and downport but I need more info on the planet itself to make it realistic. Does anyone know what the author's intentions (if any) were for this world?
Dalton “Please! I could really use some help here.” Spence