CharGen Updated to 1.5
And it still runs on Tiger
Added Merchant Prince and Other and Supplements panels so it now has a BB and a Supplement for each of the main types.
Note: Other may re-enlist if they haven't served 5 terms. This makes some very interesting characters.
Added College Honors increasing Educ to 10 optional addition to college ed for HG and IISS, contained in MP.
Added Draft Only Option, this will generate a random list of characters. Great for generating crowds. If using supplements then only the post enlist options will apply.
Removed Black Book Panel, those options now available to all types on Pre-Enlistment Panel
Failed Survival Musters out option now on Pre-Enlist Panel
All Services now allow muster out if injured
Draft and Enlistment into Merc's works with selected Preferred Service, but can override in Supplements Panel.
Added Limited Search Panel
Merc now acts like 2 different services for draft and enlistment.
If a Stat = 0 then sick and 8+ to live +1 and must muster out
Fixed ageing, it now has greater effect.
Fixed Bug where Tranfering to New Branch, and the character had been in all other branches would % 0 the Dice.
Fixed Memory Leak in TVCharacter
Added Service, Branch, Rank (Dead) and Age to the display Table
Known Issues
I think there's a rule about needing to take a Cutlas for the first Blade Skill, maybe HG, but it's not implemented.
No Tech limits check to Track Wheel Skill Allocation
When mustering out and receives a Weapon, it is random if they take a Weapon or Skill. They don't up skill in owned weapons.
Side effect: Merc toggles randomly depending on last draft.