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Mac Software For Classic Traveller

Known Kinks list - the cutlass rule is only for marines, and it is an 8+ throw or lose receipt if 1st blade skill isn't cutlass.
Thanks for the encouragement now fixed:

additional benefits of gun or blade now taken as skill in a weapon of the type previously taken.

Supplement Marine:
Whenever a marine rolls a blade skill, it must be taken as Cutlass unless the character successfully makes a saving throw against marine tradition. Throw 9+, DM - 3 if already cutlass-1; DM -6 if already cutlass-2 or higher

Marine commando trainees are not required to make a saving throw against marine tradition t o avoid
Specialist School the onus of taking Blade skill in Cutlass expertise.

Supplement Navy:
Vehicle: The individual is a trained vehicle operator.
Characters who obtain vehicle skill must immediately choose one of the ten vehicle types listed below. The skill then applies to all vehicles in the category selected. Each category lists the tech level range of the vehicle; a character may not select that vehicle category if the navy in which he or she serves is not within that tech level range. In addition, other conditions apply as noted in each category.

Wheeled (tech level 5 - 15): This skill is the equivalent of ATV skill. Not available in a planetary navy with a homeworld having a hydrographics level of 100%.

Tracked (tech level 6 - 9): This skill is primarily used in military situations, such as Mercenary, Book 4. Not available in a planetary navy with a homeworld having a hydrographics percentage of 100%.

Grav (tech level 8 - 15): This skill is the equivalent of AirRaft skill.

Propellerdriven Fixed Wing Aircraft (tech level 4 - 9): Not available in a planetary navy with a homeworld having an atmosphere factor of less than 6.

Jet-propelled Fixed Wing Aircraft (tech level 5 - 9). Not available in a planetary navy having a homeworld with an atmosphere factor of less than 4.

Helicopter (tech level 6 - 9): Not available in a planetary navy with a homeworld atmosphere of less than 6.

Hovercraft (tech level 7 -9): Not available in a planetary navy having a homeworld atmosphere factor of less than 4.

Small Water Craft (tech level 1 - 8): This category includes submersibles; not available in a planetary navy with a homeworld hydrographics percentage of less than 30%.

Lighter-than-Air Craft (tech level 3 - 9): Not available in a planetary navy having a homeworld with an atmosphere factor of less than 6.

Ship's Boat (tech level 7 - 15): Available only to planetary navies of worlds having a size factor of less than 3 and an atmosphere factor of 0. The individual may elect to choose vacc suit instead.