Yep, I'm well aware of my dimensions, and 0.3m works fine, for me. YThicknessMV for your rational, I'm just offering my reasons for mine. You know a wet wall in house construction is about double the standard and add to that space for built-ins, pocket doors, and such and 0.3m is about the least I can see working. It's also a good figure for bulkheads so I don't have to mess with multiple dimensions, just note the difference in function.
As for handrail intrusion, I won't argue cm except to say that even dm makes things easier (for me). And no I don't imagine anyone using a railing in zero-g in some awkward perpendicular manner just because it's mounted on a wall.
Gee, NASA requires 1.5m working space at a 1.0m hatch, what interesting dimensions (that's exactly what I get in my method

Yes long corridors can be a sign of poor design. Don't look at me, I just work with the customer's requirements. If they want a long slender streamlined space-ship you can't avoid long corridors and less than ideal distribution of spaces. But if one can arrange the corridor such that both sides of it are taken up by staterooms you've lost nothing. Even better if you can make your common space integral to the corridor you've actually gained space.
I'm not terribly concerned with losing gravity, but it's a possibility that needs to be addressed when designing space craft. Besides, hand rails in the usual arrangement are useful even with gravity, unlike the ones mounted on the ceiling. Check out cruise ship hallways, hotel hallways, even some office hallways, and I think even military ships. Many have railings, and they'll never lose gravity

You may also notice just how wide many of those hallways are. Granted some military corridors are turn sideways and inhale to pass but there are other issues that make that a poor comparison. Like corridors on space craft being more than just a way to move around the craft, they're also partly your "above deck" spaces so being able to lounge in a corridor without being in the way is handy.
Tail sitters are a different beast entirely but you'd still want hand holds since zero-g is zero-g.