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Making Others more fun



The Others are, kinda by definition, the throw away service of the original six, and when the game gets expanded with some additional rulebooks, adding in cool services like pirates and nobles, they are seldom seen again.

However, this seems to ignore their potential. Several editions of Traveller have hinted that the Others are connected to the underworld in some way. Still, this would make them just another sort of rogue, unless they were an organization of some sort.

I "upped" them, by turning them into a nefarious, loosely organized shadow government /crime syndicate, who's true goals and leaders are not even known to the membership. They may even have access to strange aliens or forbidden technologies, no one really knows.

What's more, no one ever truly "retires" from being an Other. The Others can always call on you for a small favor now and then... Failure to answer favorably can have unfortunate consequences.

Similarly, any Other will have a contact that will allow him to call on the organization for help. This is similar to membership in the Traveller's Aid Society, except that it takes the following form:

Once per month, any Other who has not betrayed the organization (best not to think about the consequences of that) can petition the Others, informally, for a "favor". This takes the form of a single bonus of 1D-2 skill levels to a single roll of Bribery, Forgery, or Streetwise skill made by the character. Note that if the 1d2-2 roll ends up as 0 or -1, this simply means that the organization would not or could not help in this particular situation, it does not penalize the character's chances.

Obviously, this is not something that can be pulled out "on the fly" or in the middle of a firefight, but must be set up in a manner that the Ref agrees is reasonable under the circumstances, based on the PC contacting the Others. For example, an Other PC could not simply decide that he was going to use this roll to add to his Streetwise skill to question a thug he just met in an alley. However, if he knew that he was going to need information on a recent rash of warehouse burglaries, and wanted to use bribery on a local official for this purpose, he could use the roll to set up a little "pressure" on the bureaucrat for this purpose, though it might take a few days or even weeks to accomplish, as the ref's discretion.

My idea for this came from Gordon Dickson's Dorsai novels, in which the nefarious Others have become the most insidious threat to humanity. Also think the Orion Syndicate and Jabba the Hut. Though they are by no means omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, the thought of angering the Others organization as a whole is enough to given even the nobles of the Imperium a moment's pause.
LBB1 said:
"The Other service covers some trades, ne'er-do-wells, and the shady realm of the underworld."

I always assumed that Other covers the ever-hungry, destitute, itinerant Travellers mentioned in Tubb's Dumarest books, including the protagonist.
I always thought that "Others" were the truck-drivers, short-order cooks, dockworkers and lawn-mower men of the working class -- those poor souls who, for whatever reason, didn't even have the luck to get drafted when they needed a job.

Then again, I did this little write-up on The Syndicate, which I am rather proud of. It expands on those Rogues -- "Criminal elements familiar with the rougher or more illegal methods of accomplishing tasks” -- that were mentioned in CT Supplement 04, “Citizens of the Imperium”:

The Syndicate

An excerpt from the introduction:

The Meeting

What can I say? It was in a sleepy diner on some nameless street in a town that could have been anywhere. The man seated across from me we’ll call Joey. Maybe it’s his real name and maybe it isn’t. The point is he was my Syndicate contact. I haven’t seen him since then, and I don’t quite remember what he looks like. Know what I mean?

Anyway, he starts talking in a low voice…

The Others are [...] a nefarious, loosely organized shadow government /crime syndicate, who's true goals and leaders are not even known to the membership.
I really like this idea, especially if you're using Supplement 4 which details a lot of what the RAW Others actually are. "The Others" are a pretty good alternative to the usual names for criminal organisations.
Here is a list of articles on additional careers in Traveller... many of which fit right into the "other" field.

Additional character generation articles
For Classic Traveller

Pre-enlistment skills in TRAVELLER®
The Space Gamer #79, March/April 1985

I’m a Doctor, Not a… (expansion of Medical skill)
The Space Gamer #47, January 1982

Poltroonery, Courts Martial, and the ICMJ (alternate system for failed survival in military careers)
JTAS #10

b=basic system (LBB 1-3 style), e=expanded system (LBB 4-7 style)

e Competitive Citizens Expanded Character Generation for Traveller’s Citizens of the Imperium
The Space Gamer #70, July/August 1984

e Terrorists in TRAVELLER Creating terrorist characters for Traveller
The Space Gamer #46, December 1981

b The Stellar Diocese The Clergy in the TRAVELLER® universe
Dragon magazine #101, September 1985

e Swords and Stars The expanded Barbarian career in TRAVELLER® game.
Ares, Winter 1983

e Star Cops!
Dragon magazine #113, September 1986
Also published as Cops! A TRAVELLER Police Character Generation System in
Different Worlds magazine #46, May/June 1987

e Space Age Espionage (spies, of course)
Dragon magazine #120, April 1987

b Dead or Alive The Bounty Hunter as a Career in Traveller
White Dwarf magazine #70, October 1985

b The Underworld Some Shadier Interstellar Services
Different Worlds magazine #33, March/April 1984

e Rogues of the Galaxy An expanded TRAVELLER® character class
Dragon magazine #97, May 1985

b Journalist Character Generation
Traveller’s Digest vol. 1-no. 2, 1985

b More Careers Six new clases for Traveller (cavalry, artillery, technician, engineer, reporter, civilian)
Different Worlds magazine #15, October 1981

e Skyport Authority (port operations career)
JTAS #19

e The Imperial Academy of Science and Medicine (university education for characters)
JTAS #22

b The Irklan (religious sect character career, far-future Thuggees)
JTAS #23

b The Sword Worlders (humanati culture & career generation)
JTAS #18

b Character Generation System Creation (making your own career & generation tables)
JTAS #15

ones I don’t have:
White Dwarf Magazine:
19) Criminals: an additional livelihood for Travellers
22) Robe and Blaster: Upgrading Aristocracy in Traveller
25) The Self-Made Traveller: Optional Skill Acquisition
27) The Imperial Secret Service
31) Prior Service in Traveller: alternative character generation
59) CORE: Consulary Office of Reconnaissance and Exploration
63) Imperial Trooper: new characters
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I really like this idea, especially if you're using Supplement 4 which details a lot of what the RAW Others actually are. "The Others" are a pretty good alternative to the usual names for criminal organisations.

Glad you liked it. Also, try reading Dickson, especially his later stuff. Bleys is a very effective villain, nicely combining cult leader and crime lord.
Hmm. Just thought of something. What if the Others were ultimately run by...

...Space Dracula!!!
Another good one is Relief for the Traveller Nobility, Dragon #73.

Which I have... both the issue and a photocopy of the article in my Traveller drawer in the filing cabinet.

I didn't include it because it is more a "how to play a..." article, and not really a character career generation article (lack of skill/job/survival/etc tables and the like).