I am much better at dealing with forces on a static object than motion, so I need a check on my basic physics before I take a shot at reconciling the Book 2 and High Guard design systems.
If we assume that average mass and density are interchangeable in Classic Traveller (a 100 ton-volume ship masses about 100 metric tons, a 200 ton-volume ship masses about 200 metric tons, etc.) then:
If a 1000 dTon ship has an engine that produces enough thrust to accelerate that ship at 1G (9.8 meters per second), then installing two of these engines will generate enough thrust to accelerate the ship at 2G (19.6 mps) and six of these engines will generate enough thrust to accelerate the ship at 6G (58.8 mps.).
Are there any reasons in PHYSICS why this relationship would not hold true?
Is there any data in Traveller cannon (from other versions) that explains the strange Maneuver Drive progression in Book 5?
I have no objection to attempting to explain or rationalize the Book 5 formula and Book 2 tables, I just wanted to make sure I understood the basic real-world physics before I attempted it.
Thank you for your support.
If we assume that average mass and density are interchangeable in Classic Traveller (a 100 ton-volume ship masses about 100 metric tons, a 200 ton-volume ship masses about 200 metric tons, etc.) then:
If a 1000 dTon ship has an engine that produces enough thrust to accelerate that ship at 1G (9.8 meters per second), then installing two of these engines will generate enough thrust to accelerate the ship at 2G (19.6 mps) and six of these engines will generate enough thrust to accelerate the ship at 6G (58.8 mps.).
Are there any reasons in PHYSICS why this relationship would not hold true?
Is there any data in Traveller cannon (from other versions) that explains the strange Maneuver Drive progression in Book 5?
I have no objection to attempting to explain or rationalize the Book 5 formula and Book 2 tables, I just wanted to make sure I understood the basic real-world physics before I attempted it.
Thank you for your support.