Scott Martin
If you aren't within the field, do you raelly care where that matter ends up? *you're* not misjumping, the materials that you want to get rid of are.Originally posted by Ptah:
It sounds bad. How does that work, I thought if you misjumped you just never returned, or ended up far away.
In the case of (for example) a "superfund" toxic waste site (or a certain mountain in Arazona) it might perhaps be best to "skew" the misjump as far to the "destroyed" end of the spectrum as possible.
This leaves you with a spectrum of options ranging from "A foomp of inrushing air" to "an earth shattering kaboom" from the secondary effects of the jump drive, but either way, the material that *was* there is no longer there.
The ability to make matter "disappear" is a fairly potent weapon in its own right: if Jump drives produce a "dimensional tear" or other such fireworks, a deliberate "misjump field" may well be more effective than a nuke (or even an antimatter bomb).
Scott Martin