Hi, I'm looking for a program that allows a Ref to manually place a system on a subsector hex map.
Is there anything like that out there?
Is there anything like that out there?
Campaign Cartographer is an excellent piece of software. There is a very steep learning curve. I think they have a trial for the software that I would recommend trying before buying. You would want to plan this over a weekend to go through the tutorials to see if you would want to do this.
Right now you could only use CC2 Pro and Cosmographer for the sector maps. You would want to make sure you can use CC2 Pro when you buy CC3 as CC3 is the only version available for sale. They have not updated Cosmographer or Fractal Terrains yet. They are close (don’t hold your breath) to finishing the update to Cosmographer. If you get Fractal Terrains you can output random world terrain maps split up in triangles (forgot what these maps are called) that can be merged in the Cosmographer template. They look good. The site is here.
Edit - Extra info if you try this out. http://forum.profantasy.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1707&page=1#Item_0
Interesting. I saw that. I also tried some of the other free bees on the net wit mixed results. I tried looking at one of the sectors provided here, and am thinking I should come up with my own format rather than trying to duplicate the "official" form that we've all gown to love over the last 30 years.
In which case, CC3 will do you just fine. Set up a hex-grid, and fill it in as you see fit.
You'll need to get or make your symbol sets for worlds, but it's an excellent, if CAD-style, program.
New question; has anybody used Campaign Cartographer 3 from these folks?
Again, I'm looking to publish some Traveller goodness here, and any input and/or experience would be appreciated.
That's great to hear. Is the out put something that's worthy of publishing? That's what I'm really looking for. I just want to be able to create the sector/sub-sector maps, maybe add my own unique flavor to the presentation, but eventually create something for e-publication.
AEG certainly thinks so; the Maps in 2nd Ed L5R and d20 Rokugan are done with stock symbols... it's a vector CAD with fills. And it can output PNG in any desired resolution*; you can also print to PDF with the right PDF printer, and get vector PDFs.
But, as with all CAD/CAM software, the learning curve is there. READ the manuals. They are important.
*subject to computer memory restrictions...