I'm reluctant to crit this. It's a really nice mesh and beutifully lit and I know that you've made it clear that it's a WiP with a long way to go. Fair enough.
That said, I too must voice some concerns about the submarine doors. Next to the otherwise subtle and elegant room (I love those wall panels, btw) they seem very bulky and very old tech. I'm not expecting Star Trek sliding doors, I know the 3I is traditionally harder than that but something a bit more NASA-like would feel more appropriate, even if you just get rid of those wheels.
I'm concerned that it's very very sterile and lacks any kind of atmosphere, but that might either be a specific art decision or just that you haven't started in on the surfacing yet, so fair's fair.
Anyway, all of this is nit-picking. I'm looking forward to seeing later itterations.