SOC-14 1K
...just an observation here...
John "The Gun" Doe joins the marines and gets Gun Combat 0 as one of his basic training skills.
John takes Gun (Slug Pistol) 1 as his Rank 0 NCO skill.
John rolls a 5 on the Service skills table for his first term skill and starts to get pretty good moving up to Gun (Slug Pistol) 2.
John survives and rolls a 8 on the event table and decides to take another gun skill at Level 1 - Gun (Energy Rifle) 1.
John decides that becoming an officer is not his style. John succeeds in making Lance Corporal though and gains another gun skill - Gun (Shotgun) 1.
For his advancement skill John rolls and again gets a gun skill and decides to improve to Gun (Slug Pistol) 3
So, after one term John "The Gun" Doe has these skills:
Gun (Slug Pistol) 3, Gun (Shotgun) 1, Gun (Energy Rifle) 1 and approximately 7 level 0 skills from Background skills and Basic training. Again, just an observation that it's possible to get 5 gun skills in the first term...
I never said this guy was "Wow" or meant to imply it in any way. I just was observing that it was possible to get 5 gun skills in one term. As a GM you can always create a situation where the character is unprepared. I think some GMs go out of their way to do this! It seams to me that you are in that group since you are forcing this guy to fight with a blade....If you take a Marine and they get this as their "Term" then that was a great first term for a combat monster. But the first time I stick your combat monster in Zero-G and he only has the Blade he was alowed to keep with him, he will not seem so "Wow".
Just for you I would like to correct my term for John by adding:
When John musters out at the end of his one term he gets 2 benefits and rolls weapon twice.:devil:
I never mentioned stats and that can make a big difference in combat. I did mention several level 0 skills.
One of the Level 0 skills for a marine would be battle dress. Does that allow the ability to fight in Zero-G? How about a Vacc Suit skill? He could have picked that up as a Level 0 background educational benefit.
If those 2 skills don't apply, Zero-G skill could be obtained as a Home world skill.
Ok Mr. GM, what are you going to throw at my one termer next? The whole crew is killed and this character is all alone in a damaged ship that he somehow needs to repair and fly.