Zonk: no need to correct it. I will, however, expand upon it...
Let's assume a typical company with 1 captain, 1st Lt XO, 3x 2d LT PltCO, that would be 5 officer shares among four officers... the XO then gets 12%, and each 2nd LT takes home 6% of the take.
Lets assume a Plt has 1 Plt Sgt (E7), 1 SSgt (E6), 1 "buck" Sgt (E5), 3 Cpl (E4), 3 LCpl (E3), 6 Pvts (2) and 9 Recruits (E1), and the staff is 1 1stSgt (E8), 1 SSgt (E6), 1 Sgt (E3), 2 Cpls (E4) and 3 LCpls (E3), that gives us 27xE1, 18xE2, 12x E3, 11xE4, 4xE5, 4xE6, 3xE7, 1xE8, and each man gets a share plus a share for each E#, we get 80+27+36+36+44+20+24+21+8= 296 Enlisted shares, so each enlisted share is about 0.101%, so the E8 is geting about 1% of the take. If we instead give shares solely on rank, it's 216 shares, or about 0.14%, giving the topkick about 1.1% share.
Note that infantry would probably up the enlisted chunk; most of my merc games in traveller and in Battletech are armor, where enlisted are about 2-3x the number of officers, rather than 5-10x... a better fit for the above described unit would be CO gets 5%, officers split 10%, and enlisted split 55%... I forgot to mention determining by unit type. Elite units of infantry would have higher officers:enlisted ratios (3-6x the oficers, rather than the 7-10x for "normal leg")
But also note: in a merc environment, many officers might be financing their troops with better than standard equipment out of their own pocket. Officers also may pay their troops a bonus out of their share....
After all, even if the boss provides uniforms, weapons, and ammo, the officers will likely want to rig the commo far better than the boss wants to... so they provide it for their units, but retain it as "Personal Equipment" and thus earn the better share, since, in effect, they are investing in the unit.