SOC-14 1K
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The issue isn't Grav vs. ground. The issue is cubbage. You are looking at about 15 APC's, at roughly 10 tons each. Plus transport to get them and the troops to the ground in a single drop.Originally posted by Michael Brinkhues:
That Armor/Fighter combo sounds interesting. And if you want to go Grav instead of ground vehicle, that is also okay.
Whatever you wish.Originally posted by Mr TeK:
So, is this a full blown challange, or something more informal?
If you want to chase pirates you have to be faster than the Pirates.Originally posted by Michael Brinkhues:
That ship is one interesting concept. Quite fast in N-Space for self-defence/anti pirat duty and I like the missile bays, good for planetary and space duty. Never thought about using them on a non-fleet ship.
They tend to run 8-15 tons in HG, Striker, MT and T20. I was being generic. The G-Carrier is about 10 tons.I never realised that vehicles where that big in HighGuard, they come out much smaller storage-wise in TNE and GT.
Those are not modular cutters. They are 50 ton armed and armored planetary assault ships. Each designed to put a Platoon into a hot LZ in one trip. (If you have 10 ton APC's you can also strap the troops into their APC's and deploy 3 per cutter.) I will post stats on them later, as well as the fighter/CAS/Armor. They are definitely not modular cutters. (Which are slow and unarmored and generally not suited to the job of troop deployment. 30 ton boats will not be an adequate substitute for a Mech force.Some cargo space can be gained by substituting 30to Boats for the Cutters. IMHO modular cutters are only useful if you carry spare modules. 6-8 30tons should be enough for most cargo handling, giving you another 60-120to of cargo space.
There is nothing in the rules stating otherwise. If the fighter carrier isn't specifically a Broadsword, it could still be an 800 ton Mercenary Cruiser. (Technically it could also be a converted Sub-Liner.)=====================
Modified Broadswords:
Can you simply replace the cutter by fighters? I always thought those where custom fitted vehicle bays
The Javelin is a 600 ton Mercenary Cruiser from EA-6. So you are looking at 3800-4000 tons. The fire is more spread out and not as concentrated. Cost wise it is a little cheaper but not allot, especially since they are standard designs.Multiple smaller ships:
How do they come out in cost and operations costs? And if they are a bit more costly, is the difference worth it given the higher flexibility?
Maybe something along the lines of a 1500-2000to "Javelin"
Seems like I need to dig out HG or the T20 ship designs since GT works out to totally different numbers in this area.
Depends on the time and place. I can certainly see it in some versions. For some types of narrative feel as well.Originally by atpollard:
These ships seem to be designed to handle the situation, but is it practical?